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Global warming data FAKED by government to fit climate change fictions


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario (formerly Newstarget) is an anti-science conspiracy website founded by Mike Adams which promotes assorted woo.[1] The site particularly specializes in vaccine denialism,[2] AIDS/HIV denial,[3] quack cancer medicine[4] and conspiracy theories about modern medicine.[5]
NaturalNews promotes quantum woo, specifically to do with many worlds and quantum consciousness.[6] The site also advances a hard green position and promotes conspiracy theories about Obama and gun control. Even other quacks think it's a quack site.[7]
If you cite NaturalNews on any matter whatsoever, you are almost certainly wrong

Mike "the Health Ranger" Adams is a flat-out opponent[8] of modern medicine and opposes any medication[9] or doctor visits.[10][11] Adams calls himself a "holistic nutritionist"[12] and is a raw food proponent[13] who opposes food that contains sugar,[14] food that was cooked[15] or made to last,[16] "red" meat,[17] sweeteners,[18] glutamate,[19] homogenized milk,[20] bread/gluten,[21] "white" flour,[22] genetically modified food,[23] washing powder,[24] deodorants,[25] shampoo[26] and fluoride.[27]
A recurring theme is the contrast between the site's exacting criticism of evidence-based medicine and its unquestioning acceptance of the appeal to nature, New Age and alternative medicine.[28] This often involves rejection of the scientific method's application to medicine as "inherently flawed,"[29] repudiating the entire philosophy of modern medicine post-Pasteur.[30] Adams is a firm germ theory denialist.[31][32][33] Adams also conflates evidence-based medicine in general, the failings of Big Pharma, and the US health insurance system: to him, it's all a monolithic entity called "mainstream medicine."[34] The site blames the pharmaceutical industry for all vaguely drug-linked celebrity deaths rather than looking at any surrounding factors.[35][36][37][38]
The response to any alternative medicine claim, however, is blind acceptance, whether the topic at hand is homeopathy,[39] chiropractic,[40] dental woo,[41] aspartame scares,[42] vitamin woo,[43] anti-vaccination panic[44][45] or detox diets.[46]


serial onanist
Feb 1, 2012
I just don't know. I mean, on the one hand, that website and its ilk are little more than rehashes of the same old bogus anti-science nonsense vomited forth by the confused, wilfully ignorant, and snake oil salesmen. But on the other hand, buddy used the word "sheeple" in his post, and nothing says gravitas and credibility like the word "sheeple"*. I'm torn, I tells ya!

*it also says "hey, lookit me, I'm an iconoclast who would never unthinkingly jump on a bandwagon, like, for instance, using some moronic catchphrase regularly shat out of the mouths of lying sacks of fuck like Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh."


New member
Dec 3, 2010
I just don't know. I mean, on the one hand, that website and its ilk are little more than rehashes of the same old bogus anti-science nonsense vomited forth by the confused, wilfully ignorant, and snake oil salesmen. But on the other hand, buddy used the word "sheeple" in his post, and nothing says gravitas and credibility like the word "sheeple"*. I'm torn, I tells ya!

*it also says "hey, lookit me, I'm an iconoclast who would never unthinkingly jump on a bandwagon, like, for instance, using some moronic catchphrase regularly shat out of the mouths of lying sacks of fuck like Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh."
Hey, now we know where the Conservatives are getting their "data" from. We've tapped in to their secret government website.


Sep 1, 2012
You can always safely return to TERB no matter how many years have passed and no matter how many ice sheets have melted you'll still get idiots who deny climate change.

NaturalNews is a bullshit site, but that don't change the fact that it's gettin' hot in here no matter what you deny. Cheers!


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
If seven billion humans driving cars, starting industries, raising billions of domestic animals, farming, mining and drilling for oil while pumping out toxic waste is not affecting the environment you must be a moron.

It is an unsustainable lifestyle.

Yoga Face

New member
Jun 30, 2009
George Bush does not believe so it must be true



Well-known member
Jul 5, 2012
This whole sham is just another tax on the sheeple.
It's hard to sift through those piles of scientific papers to find one lone individual happy to buck overwhelming proof to gain notoriety among those who prefer the status quo. I thought I could help.

Evolution is bogus:
There was no moon landing:
There was no holocaust:
Sandy Hook was a government plot to attack the US constitution (aka- take our guns):
Elvis Presley is still alive:


New member
Jan 28, 2014

Does this really need to come up over and over and over and over again? There's obviously an overwhelming consensus in the scientific community. Sure, it's not unanimous, but we aren't talking about the dark ages where a group of people getting all their information from a book are telling one or two people who actually look at evidence that they're wrong, we're talking about scientists debating the issue with each other, where initially a handful of scientists felt one way, more research and papers were done over the years, and now 98% of scientists in the fields of atmosphere, meteorology and Earth sciences are of the same opinion.

It's the "smoking causes lung cancer" debate all over again, and even big tobacco has admitted there's a link there. How much longer are people going to stick their head in the sand and ignore this, spouting bullshit about how it's a hoax and continuing to pollute the environment?

Germany provides for 50% of it's energy needs via solar. They're on their way to 100%, and we could be too. There's no need for oil, coal and natural gas anymore, we don't have to debate fracking because we don't need it. All these industries do is line greedy pockets. "But what about the jobs?!?!?" When people aren't buying gas, they'll have more disposable income. Queue new industries moving in. The world will march on. Grab a book on economics if that's your only concern. I'm getting really tired of seeing this. Didn't the poll recently conducted here show that most people on Terb were highly educated? You don't sound educated when you deny global warming, you sound ignorant as fuck.


Mar 12, 2004
Easy for them

If seven billion humans driving cars, starting industries, raising billions of domestic animals, farming, mining and drilling for oil while pumping out toxic waste is not affecting the environment you must be a moron.

It is an unsustainable lifestyle.
Sounds good if you are a civil servant,...!!!



Well-known member
Jan 4, 2005
Directly above the center of the earth
Any time you come across a situation that leaves you thinking something smells a little fishy*, do what I do and ask yourself the following two questions, which is really one question expressed in two ways.

Cui Bono. This is latin. It means 'who profits or benefits from this'
The other is much more vernacular- Follow the money.

Who is behind this article? this website? etc...

Getting the answer to those questions almost always clears things up.

*Spare me the obvious jokes. It's not funny if you can see it a mile away.


Active member
Jan 19, 2004
The global warming issue has become political, and is then subject to political bias on both sides.

The UK Met Office is one such organisation where its leader was hell bent on applying the theory of global warming to actual climatological forecasts. This has resulted in a laughing stock, such as when they predicted a very dry and hot summer in the UK in 2012. It actually rained like cats and dogs during that time and the summer was somewhat cool. The head of the UK Met Office was actually pressuring his climatologists to apply the concept of global warming in their actual predictions.

Another issue concerns the validity of temperature measurements regularly made over the course of 160 years, and this was the basis for claiming that the earth was warming up. There has been a steady rise of a few degrees throughout that time, leading some to conclude to global warming. However, the effect of microclimates was either ignored or overlooked; over 160 years, there was urban sprawl around these observing sites, as well as increased heat release as a result of industrialisation, electrification and the dramatic increase in fossil fuel burning vehicles. Weather observing satellites have been in use for over 50 years, and during that time, it is reported that they had not reported any increase in average global temperatures during that time.

The primary factor in global warming is still the sun. There are various solar cycles, one as short as 11 years coinciding with the sunspot cycle, and some as long as 1000 years or even 20,000 years. That explains the various ice ages, as well as the very warm periods such as during the few centuries around the year 700, that allowed the Vikings to explore and populate Greenland and Labrador because the seas were ice free.

Reality is probably situated in between both extremes.


Feb 3, 2012
HAARP, GMO, and GOOGLE, are slowly taking over the world, if not already have


A car, not a girl.
Sep 22, 2004
Reality is probably situated in between both extremes.
My opinion (not that it counts for anything) is CO2 emissions are not the sole cause for global warming. There is more to it that just that.

I don't think anyone questions that the climate is changing. Its changed before. It will change again.
What I don't understand is why there are those that claim it is exclusively caused by only one thing. There are so many variables involved it is ludicrous to think only one thing is causing changes.

To those that throw back the scientific community is all in agreement as to the cause… once upon a time the scientific community was convinced the world was flat too. Just because everyone thinks they are correct doesn't make them correct. Who knows, a few centuries from now CO2 may be laughed at just like we laugh at those who thought the world was flat.

Just yesterday it was reported that the earths magnetic field is changing and weakening over North America.

Earth’s magnetic field is in a permanent state of flux. Magnetic north wanders, and every few hundred thousand years the polarity flips so that a compass would point south instead of north. Moreover, the strength of the magnetic field constantly changes – and it is currently showing signs of significant weakening.
Something like the changing of the earth's magnetic field could have a huge impact on the environment. Not just on how solar energy is absorbed but how the earth's core behaves and transfers heat to the surface. The climate is far, far, more complex than a simpleton carbon tax.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2012
50% because the other half of the day is nighttime when solar cells work really well?
They have that covered - they turn on electric lights for the solar cells at night. Voila ... 100%. :D


Jan 31, 2005
50% because the other half of the day is nighttime when solar cells work really well?
In reality they have a goal of 35 percent renewable power by 2050, which is still pretty impressive.

Solar has a nice feature that it tends to generate maximum output at peak load on the peak usage day of the year. Namely, it cranks out the most power at exactly the moment every German woman says "Hans, crank ze AC, it is fucking hot. Danke."


Court Jester
Oct 17, 2011
Germany has reduced its use of nuclear by increasing its reliance on coal-fired plants and increasing its man-made CO2 emissions.

I'm not sure that's what the Al Gore crowd had in mind.


New member
Jan 28, 2014
My opinion (not that it counts for anything) is CO2 emissions are not the sole cause for global warming. There is more to it that just that.

I don't think anyone questions that the climate is changing. Its changed before. It will change again.
What I don't understand is why there are those that claim it is exclusively caused by only one thing. There are so many variables involved it is ludicrous to think only one thing is causing changes.

To those that throw back the scientific community is all in agreement as to the cause… once upon a time the scientific community was convinced the world was flat too. Just because everyone thinks they are correct doesn't make them correct. Who knows, a few centuries from now CO2 may be laughed at just like we laugh at those who thought the world was flat.

Just yesterday it was reported that the earths magnetic field is changing and weakening over North America.

Something like the changing of the earth's magnetic field could have a huge impact on the environment. Not just on how solar energy is absorbed but how the earth's core behaves and transfers heat to the surface. The climate is far, far, more complex than a simpleton carbon tax.
I have never heard a single scientist say it was caused by 1 thing. I think you're inventing things now.
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