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Wynne Win


Supporting Member
Aug 17, 2001
west end
I think IMHO it was more a vote to keep Hudak out! Hence the majority. If his plan wasn't to axe all those jobs he may gave had a good chance
Think it was that Hudak is not likable, he does not look or speak in a way that makes people feel comfortable with him or want to follow him. The substance of what he had to say was not presented well either. I don't blame this on Hudak, but on the PC party that held him in the leaders position.

is the Moody's downgrading set in stone?

Gotta love the desperation of fearmongering.
We'll see soon enough. Except for some nations, Ontario’s debt is higher than any other region on the planet. We’re # 1


Registered User
Oct 23, 2002
here and there
I'm curious to see how Wynne will balance the budget and reduce the 300 billion debt. A 2 cent tax on smokes and raising income tax on people making over 150K certainly isn't going to do it. All the unions who supported her will be looking for payback now that she has a majority. Sounds like strikes or more debt, but only time will tell.
I'm not sure she knows how to balance the budget. Time will tell but her campaign was one of fear, not one of solid ideas so I guess when she figures it out the rest of us will take it in the ass.


Well-known member
Jun 28, 2013
I'm not sure she knows how to balance the budget. Time will tell but her campaign was one of fear, not one of solid ideas so I guess when she figures it out the rest of us will take it in the ass.
They were ALL campaigns of fear without solid ideas.

Tories = Fear Liberals wasting more money and destroying the economy
Grits = Fear Conservatives reducing valuable services and destroying the economy
NDP = Fear Tories for the same reasons as Grits, but then fear that Grits won't be able to beat them


Mar 21, 2011
I'm not sure she knows how to balance the budget. Time will tell but her campaign was one of fear, not one of solid ideas so I guess when she figures it out the rest of us will take it in the ass.
Its time to take on Harper and fix the equalization payments so Ontario isn't funding the rest of the country any more.
Then raise taxes on upper income earners and the corporations that didn't invest after years of tax breaks here, replaced by specific programs for companies that do invest.

That would clear up the deficit without too much sweat.

We'll see what she does now that she can pass what she likes.


Registered User
Oct 23, 2002
here and there
Its time to take on Harper and fix the equalization payments so Ontario isn't funding the rest of the country any more.
Then raise taxes on upper income earners and the corporations that didn't invest after years of tax breaks here, replaced by specific programs for companies that do invest.

That would clear up the deficit without too much sweat.

We'll see what she does now that she can pass what she likes.
Transfer payments to Ontario have increased by 8.3 billion since 2006. That doesn't even cover the annual interest on the debt...perhaps it's time to tone down the spending a tad? Can't wait to see what happens when Moody's decides to downgrade us again...


Registered User
Oct 23, 2002
here and there
Didn't work conservatives didn't win this time. People are starting learn what liars the conservatives are.
Hudak lost the election by not lying and giving way too much information about his plans in advance of the election. That policy decision made it easy for Wynne to go after him...which she did.


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
Didn't work conservatives didn't win this time. People are starting learn what liars the conservatives are.
Jeeeeze, what would you call the Liberals based on what they've done in the past 10 years? :rolleyes:


Well-known member
Nov 25, 2005
Yeah I was listening to A.M.640 too. He kept telling his listeners that Ontarians proved tonight that they're too dumb to vote. Butthurt Conservatives kept calling in to whine about how dumb Ontarians are and blah blah blah. One guy said he was campaigning without pay as a volunteer all day, going door to door. Another man actually started weeping on air LOL. I couldn't stop laughing.
That's right assholes! That's payback for bill C-36. Harper, we're coming for you next motherfucker!
Funny thing is, I never cared to vote before this. Now I'm gonna be voting Liberal in the federal elections, and I don't even know/care what their platform is lol. It's just revenge for C-36. I've already convinced some friends and colleagues to do the same.

You just proved how dumb the average voter is.


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
You just proved how dumb the average voter is.
I was thinking the exact same thing and why there's no point in forcing the 50% who don't vote to go to the polls. They'd likely just choose a candidate with a nice sounding name or hairdo. :rolleyes:


Active member
Sep 20, 2004
Its time to take on Harper and fix the equalization payments so Ontario isn't funding the rest of the country any more.
Then raise taxes on upper income earners and the corporations that didn't invest after years of tax breaks here, replaced by specific programs for companies that do invest.

That would clear up the deficit without too much sweat.

We'll see what she does now that she can pass what she likes.
Where have you been? Ontario is a HAVE NOT province and has been for some time. WE are the takers, not the givers.


Mar 12, 2004
What goes around,...comes around

Its time to take on Harper and fix the equalization payments so Ontario isn't funding the rest of the country any more.
We'll see what she does now that she can pass what she likes.
Let me explain something for you,...1st,...Ontario isn't funding the rest of Canada any more,...thanks to the unions, Fiberals and the Dippers.

Now lets go back to the Harris era,...when the Fiberals were in Ottawa,...guess what happened,...the Fiberals cut transfer payments to Ontario,...even though Ontario then was the engine of Canada,...WHY,...because we voted the Conservatives in,...

So now what the hell do you think the Conservatives in Ottawa are thinking,...screw you,...idiots.



Mar 12, 2004

Didn't work conservatives didn't win this time. People are starting learn what liars the conservatives are.
You got to be kidding,...teach,...what ever their faults,...they do not lie,...unlike the Fiberals you just voted for.



Nov 5, 2005
Let me explain something for you,...1st,...Ontario isn't funding the rest of Canada any more,...thanks to the unions, Fiberals and the Dippers.

Now lets go back to the Harris era,...when the Fiberals were in Ottawa,...guess what happened,...the Fiberals cut transfer payments to Ontario,...even though Ontario then was the engine of Canada,...WHY,...because we voted the Conservatives in,...

So now what the hell do you think the Conservatives in Ottawa are thinking,...screw you,...idiots.

Ontario is still the largest net contributor to equalization to the tune of about $11 billion. Ontario is suffering because of the decline of manufacturing in North America, coupled with a federal government that is only interested in exporting muck out of the ground rather than do anything for Ontario's manufacturing sector. Anyway you look at it Ontario gets the shaft from the cons thanks to people like you.


Sep 25, 2013
The messenger was poor but the message is outside the frame as well. Ontarians find his message unacceptable. He lost the election the day he said he would fire 100 000 people. Dead man walking since then.


Mar 12, 2004
Ontario is still the largest net contributor to equalization to the tune of about $11 billion. Ontario is suffering because of the decline of manufacturing in North America, coupled with a federal government that is only interested in exporting muck out of the ground rather than do anything for Ontario's manufacturing sector. Anyway you look at it Ontario gets the shaft from the cons thanks to people like you.
You seem to need help,...so I'll try,...

All a government can do to assist manufacturing,...is to make the it attractive to manufactures,...NOT create an enviomnet that currently is the highest cost to manufacture in the whole fricken world.

The Dippers and unions don't understand economics in a free country,...they and now the Fiberals are responsible for this condition.

If you listen to the Unifools and Sid the skid mark Ryan,...the STILL don't get it.

If it wasn't for shipping muck out of the ground,...things would be even worst.

I, and others like me, are the ones who vote Conservative which gives the country a fighting chance at maintain a good standard of living,...and make no mistake,...contrary to the unionists, socialists and commies,...it is a war, and there are NO boarders.

You need to get your head out of the sand and face reality.



Mar 12, 2004
What goes up,...

The messenger was poor but the message is outside the frame as well. Ontarians find his message unacceptable. He lost the election the day he said he would fire 100 000 people. Dead man walking since then.
And still,...you perpetuate the lie,...

But you, and the civil servant unions day will come,...and it won't be pretty,...the Fiberals will have no interference Dippers this time to do what is necessary.

I actually talked to a young teacher today,...and she actually though she was going to be fired if Hudak got in,...indicates two things,...all that "schooling" doesn't guarantee intelligence,...and lies work in politics.

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