Wynne Win


Son of the First Nation
Sep 13, 2008
Well the Liberals are in with a majority.

It has been suggested that Ontario sent a message to PC feds ... 'start packing your bags'.
I think it was, at least in part, the single mindedness the other two major parties seemed have. All I ever heard from them is "gas plant, gas plant" or "billion dollars"
Some of those adds the PCs ran were stupid "Dear Kathleen .... " did you misplace money or my husband lost his job it is your fault ... sarcasm or whining, but they always seemed to get the 'gas plant or billion' jab in there.

As far as the other two, as people, Horwath did not instill any confidence, for me at least and 'toad face' Hudak well he just looks too funny and/or weird.
The fed PCs did not help with the timing ... bill C 36.

I did not follow the campaign trail of any of the three, nor did I even care to.

Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory
I want Harper out. But I also realize he's FAR more intelligent (and cunning) than Hudak and trying to compare the two is apples and oranges.

I would agree, however, that this election is a clear shot across the bow to the federal Conservatives that Ontario isn't leaning right so a right wing agenda ain't gunna fly here. I expect Harper and his boys will adjust accordingly.


Well-known member
Jun 20, 2013
Will this and Rob Ford's personal demons cause him to lose the upcoming election?

Rob Ford is clearly right wing. If Rob Ford wins the upcoming election it would be legendary.


Well-known member
Aug 19, 2001
Tranquility Base, La Luna
I don't think Harpo gives two shits about Ontario, his fan base is the redneck cowpokes flush with oil money.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Harper only cares about Western Canada and Alberta in particular.

If it's not goo dug out of the ground in Alberta it is not on Harpers radar.

Harper does not care about Ontario but he's going to hear from Ontario.


May 13, 2011
Hudak has brought shame to the PCs and created some serious damage to the party. They now need damage control as they lost so many seats. I still can not believe how stupid he thinks people are. I never had this much ill feeling and hate for a party member until he got involved making this all about him and what he can do and less about the PCs. This guy reminds me of a sleazy cars sales man and that's all he would be good at, maybe even then people would not buy his drivel. I don't know how this guy can wake up every day. You don't attack our own skilled and educated like that and try to uproot a society that's been established like this. What a fing arrogant prick. I also can't believe how some media defended this prick like am640, almost to the point of treating all their listeners like they are stupid like Hudak believes. F.you Hudak, f.you f.you!!!

I apologise to the decent PC supporters out here. It is not fair to you what this prick has done to your party and this is not how I see the rest of the conservatives.

Just needed to get this out as it would have been extremely unethical what he intended on doing. Not it terms of his beliefs but overall net impact to our society.

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
Harper better pay attention, Ontario has returned.

The Canadian economy cannot continue to prosper long term driven by commodities. Wynne's victory and President Obama's carbon initiative is making our PM sit like a man with hemorrhoids. Since getting a majority he's let his ideology guide his agenda. Bill C-36 among others is his repudiation of Trudeau's civil rights legislation of 1966:

"Government has no business in the bedroom of Canadians".

Pay attention Stevie or else yer next.


james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Well the Liberals are in with a majority.

It has been suggested that Ontario sent a message to PC feds ... 'start packing your bags'.
I think it was, at least in part, the single mindedness the other two major parties seemed have. All I ever heard from them is "gas plant, gas plant" or "billion dollars"
Some of those adds the PCs ran were stupid "Dear Kathleen .... " did you misplace money or my husband lost his job it is your fault ... sarcasm or whining, but they always seemed to get the 'gas plant or billion' jab in there.

As far as the other two, as people, Horwath did not instill any confidence, for me at least and 'toad face' Hudak well he just looks too funny and/or weird.
The fed PCs did not help with the timing ... bill C 36.

I did not follow the campaign trail of any of the three, nor did I even care to.
Hudak never stopped braying away about the fucking gas plants. Yes, it was an unmitigated disaster, we know that.

I think he was taking a play out of Harper's play-book on that one actually. Harper and MacKay got into power by flogging Ad-scam to death. (And then when they got elected, they promptly forgot all about it.)

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
is the Moody's downgrading set in stone?

Gotta love the desperation of fearmongering.


Oct 19, 2012
Yeah I was listening to A.M.640 too. He kept telling his listeners that Ontarians proved tonight that they're too dumb to vote. Butthurt Conservatives kept calling in to whine about how dumb Ontarians are and blah blah blah. One guy said he was campaigning without pay as a volunteer all day, going door to door. Another man actually started weeping on air LOL. I couldn't stop laughing.
That's right assholes! That's payback for bill C-36. Harper, we're coming for you next motherfucker!
Funny thing is, I never cared to vote before this. Now I'm gonna be voting Liberal in the federal elections, and I don't even know/care what their platform is lol. It's just revenge for C-36. I've already convinced some friends and colleagues to do the same.


Active member
Jan 17, 2004
is the Moody's downgrading set in stone?

Gotta love the desperation of fearmongering.
Pretty much. The bond people want a plan to keep the budget balanced. Kathleen will be hit with the realities of the financial situation quickly enough. She will introduce the budget, pass it, and then tack right so fast it will make our heads spin.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
is the Moody's downgrading set in stone?

Gotta love the desperation of fearmongering.
Pretty much its going to Happen. This isn't fear mongering. The credit agengies don't have to play politics. And it will result in 100's of milions of dollars in interest.

Just watch. Not only are austerity measures coming, but new payroll taxes to pay for the pension plan. An expected 40% increase to hydro rates.

And a whole lot of people will be crying betrayal. And not be able to do anything about it.

High School teachers are up in August. That should be fun......


Active member
Sep 20, 2004
Pretty much its going to Happen. This isn't fear mongering. The credit agengies don't have to play politics. And it will result in 100's of milions of dollars in interest.

Just watch. Not only are austerity measures coming, but new payroll taxes to pay for the pension plan. An expected 40% increase to hydro rates.

And a whole lot of people will be crying betrayal. And not be able to do anything about it.

High School teachers are up in August. That should be fun......
And it will be interesting to see how she plans to deal with the Ontario deficit; it is larger than in all other provinces combined. Do not think that is fearmongering. But it is scary. And Ontario is in a desperate situation, at least financially and it is only going to get worse.


Son of the First Nation
Sep 13, 2008
I don't think Harpo gives two shits about Ontario, his fan base is the redneck cowpokes flush with oil money.
Harper only cares about Western Canada and Alberta in particular.

If it's not goo dug out of the ground in Alberta it is not on Harpers radar.

Harper does not care about Ontario but he's going to hear from Ontario.
I would love the above to be true and also become public knowledge, even if only unofficial, in the next fed election.

Population in millions

Ontario 12.8+

Alberta 3.6+
BC, Alb, Sask and Man combined 10+


Mar 12, 2004
Apparently blatant lies and attack advertising really do work.
YEP,...that and employing far too many civil servants.



serial onanist
Feb 1, 2012
Pretty much. The bond people want a plan to keep the budget balanced. Kathleen will be hit with the realities of the financial situation quickly enough. She will introduce the budget, pass it, and then tack right so fast it will make our heads spin.
I worry about this. It's the reason I would have preferred a lib minority - the knee dippers would have kept their feet to the fire. But she may realise that the reason she won wasn't because everyone thought she was hot shit, but because everyone was scared of tea party lite across the aisle and his Orwellian un-math. That realisation might be enough to keep her from swinging too far from centre.


Well-known member
Dec 7, 2008
I think IMHO it was more a vote to keep Hudak out! Hence the majority. If his plan wasn't to axe all those jobs he may gave had a good chance


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
And it will be interesting to see how she plans to deal with the Ontario deficit; it is larger than in all other provinces combined. Do not think that is fearmongering. But it is scary. And Ontario is in a desperate situation, at least financially and it is only going to get worse.
I'm curious to see how Wynne will balance the budget and reduce the 300 billion debt. A 2 cent tax on smokes and raising income tax on people making over 150K certainly isn't going to do it. All the unions who supported her will be looking for payback now that she has a majority. Sounds like strikes or more debt, but only time will tell.
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts