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New lingo needed for reviews without actually confessing a criminal activity


May 26, 2011
In the new legal landscape when LE can setup a bait escort (cause selling sex is legal and buying is not) I wouldn't want to see someone who is new and never reviewed because she might be an undercover cop. This means we need reviews more than ever. We need to develope some new acronyms for things like "suspected police bait" spb or she "threatens to call police" tcp or she "provides promised services" pps or it's "dangerous to text" her "dth" cause she can hand it over to LE. Please don't stop reviewing because you end up with either few you have already seen hundreds of time or you would be trying new ones while risking of having a criminal record. Please try to remember the above acronyms, they don't prove that you were indulged in any illegal activity but gives an idea about the girl and her services. Please add more acronyms that tells more about the girls and less about what you did with her without talking about actual sex activity. Like if you say on your review bbbj, it implies that your time with her was sexual nature, means you paid for sex and hence become a criminal, instead saying pps means she provided all the promised services gives an idea without confessing a crime. Please feel free to add more acronyms to this thread.

Here are few that I came up with:
Stt ---- safe to text
Stc ---- safe to call
Pps ---- provides promised services either promised on phone or text or ad.
Dpps --- doesn't provide promised services.
Dtt ----- dangerous to text
Leb ----- law enforcer's bait
Tcp ----- threatens to call police
Ler ----- law enforcer!s reviewer (fake reviewer might be by police)
Pms ---- safe to do private messaging
Dpms ---- don't do private messaging

Anything starting with "d" is a bad thing.
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Well-known member
Jan 6, 2011
In the new legal landscape when LE can setup a bait escort (cause selling sex is legal and buying is not) I wouldn't want to see someone who is new and never reviewed because she might be an undercover cop. This means we need reviews more than ever. We need to develope some code words for things like "suspected police bait" spb or she "threatens to call police" tcp or she "provides promised services" pps or it's "dangerous to text" her "dth" cause she can hand it over to LE. Please don't stop reviewing because you end up with either few you have already seen hundreds of time or you would be trying new ones while risking of having a criminal record. Please try to remember the above acronyms, they don't prove that you were indulged in any illegal activity but gives an idea about the girl and her services. Please add more acronyms that tells more about the girls and less about what you did with her without talking about actual sex activity. Like if you say on your review bbbj, it implies that your time with her was sexual nature, means you paid for sex and hence become a criminal, instead saying pps means she provided all the promised services gives an idea without confessing a crime. Please feel free to add more acronyms to this thread.
I echo your take on this. I think also what would be crucial is to "tell it like a story", "a fantasy" or "something of a dream or wish" rather than what "actually" transpired. There are lots of blogs and sites for erotic fantasy writing which can be creative and lurid in terms of details but are understood as purely fiction or fantasy. This would put it outside the realm of criminal activity.


May 26, 2011
She BMB or "buttered my bread".

I SHP or "sliced her pizza".

These two are not safe cause you are again confessing of a sexual activity, as soon as the meanings of your acronyms are established you are again in the same problem, they are not different than daty or bbbj cause still pointing to a sexual activity, the examples I gave above are not implying that you were involved in a sexual activity at all.


May 26, 2011
Another idea to be safe is when you are texting to confirm the services use one phone number and when make appointment use second phone, this way if it turns out to be a LEB (law enforcers bait) you can say I am here just to spend time and your texting record of the phone you used to make appointment would be clean (because you didn't ask for what services she provides on the second phone). You cannot be charged just for booking to spend an hour and showed up at the hotel room as long as they cannot prove that you were there for sex. You can buy soft phones or 20$ phones just to keep yourself safe.


Active member
Sep 20, 2004
An interesting thread. But do you guys think this is really necessary? Unless the activity is in public or complaints are made and no human trafficing is involved the cops have traditionally taken the position of out of sight, out of mind and leave you alone. Even the agencies in Ottawa, Toronto etc have not been busted, that I know of anyway. Johns have always been targeted along with the provider and in a practical sense I do not see much of a change, although I have not read the proposed legislation. Any of you guys found it?


May 26, 2011
Here is a backgrounder. Nasty comments aside:
Thanks! Mable for posting backgrounder. Here is the part that worries hobbyists and reviewers:

"Purchasing sexual services -
This new offence would prohibit the purchase of sexual services and communicating in any place for that purpose."

Basically once the law is enforced and if you still write reviews the old fashioned way you would be practically writing a confession statement of purchasing sex, nothing left to prove that you committed a crime. So once it is enforced you got to write reviews smartly that it doesn't automatically become a confession of crime. I hope I am clear enough to explain it right.


Active member
Sep 20, 2004
You are right. The are a host of potential problems, not the least of which relates to Terb. and advertizing, never mind writing confessions! But that is still quite obtuse and the legal issues surrounding confessions after the fact are numerous, to say the least. However, if the state wants to make a full time job out of enforcing the new proposed laws it will be a minefield for all of us.


Active member
Oct 27, 2002
Building off vs_81 (regardless of other opinions expressed after his)
I would suggest "-PPS" be the opposite/negative of "PPS" instead of "DPPS", and similar for others so we only have to remember the one acronym
e.g. STC and -STC, STT and -STT instead of DTT
Also, that the acronym used represents a positive attribute (so we wouldn't adopt "DTT" and "-DTT")
Does that help?


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
Guys, leaving a record of this code system on Terb is utterly stupid and a waste of time.

It is recommended that you privately set up a communication protocol and codes with your existing and trusted regular provider.

Edit: I give the OP & others credit for their suggestions but no code will work if you leave it on a website for a lurking LE to learn.


May 26, 2011
Building off vs_81 (regardless of other opinions expressed after his)
I would suggest "-PPS" be the opposite/negative of "PPS" instead of "DPPS", and similar for others so we only have to remember the one acronym
e.g. STC and -STC, STT and -STT instead of DTT
Also, that the acronym used represents a positive attribute (so we wouldn't adopt "DTT" and "-DTT")
Does that help?
I like your idea, basically everything with a minus sign is the exact opposite of the original. So "stt" means safe to text and "-stt" means not safe to text. I think lingo will evolve with time too.


May 26, 2011
Guys, leaving a record of this code system on Terb is utterly stupid and a waste of time.

It is recommended that you privately set up a communication protocol and codes with your existing and trusted regular provider.

Edit: I give the OP & others credit for their suggestions but no code will work if you leave it on a website for a lurking LE to learn.
We will remove this thread once we all become familiar because we still have window of time before the law gets passed. Another thing is none of the acronyms are depiction if any sexual activity so it's ok even if we leave this thread on. It's not like saying bbbj or daty instead if you say pps (provides promised services) doesn't imply that you partook in a sexual activity. It's just telling a fact that she does what she promises.

Think of them more like some acronyms instead of secret codes. They are less graphic acronyms to avoid unintended crime confession and warning others from potential sting operations.


New member
Nov 7, 2008
If this bill passes I will only see providers who communicate via phone or via Wickr which is an encrypted texting app for Android and IOS. LE can't snoop on it and messages auto-destruct after a period of time of your choosing. It's messages are never stored on servers where they can be subpoenaed by LE.

Email, SMS and PM's will be out as they are both unencrypted and persist on servers.

Whatever advertising and review boards continue to exist I will not use any hosted in Canada or countries likely to flip to Canadian LE. If any like TERB do move offshore I'll still be cancelling my existing user account as they are likely server access logs in place containing my home IP address. Any new account I create will only be accessed via a VPN server. If I'm posting through an anonymous handle via a VPN I'd have no issue writing a real review freely discussing the exact type of sexual services for which I paid.

For the first year or so I'll see only providers I've already seen and trust. Eventually new advertising and provider verification systems will pop-up and the things will settle into a new normal.


serial onanist
Feb 1, 2012
Here are my proposed new acronyms:

WORK - Wild Orgy Requiring KY
BOSS - Beautiful Oiled Sexy Seductress
TIRED - Totally Incapable of Regaining Erection for Days

"Sorry honey, but the gawdammed BOSS is giving me a hardon - I mean, being hard on me. Yeah. I gotta stay late for WORK. Don't wait up, I'll probably be really TIRED when I get home."
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