In the new legal landscape when LE can setup a bait escort (cause selling sex is legal and buying is not) I wouldn't want to see someone who is new and never reviewed because she might be an undercover cop. This means we need reviews more than ever. We need to develope some new acronyms for things like "suspected police bait" spb or she "threatens to call police" tcp or she "provides promised services" pps or it's "dangerous to text" her "dth" cause she can hand it over to LE. Please don't stop reviewing because you end up with either few you have already seen hundreds of time or you would be trying new ones while risking of having a criminal record. Please try to remember the above acronyms, they don't prove that you were indulged in any illegal activity but gives an idea about the girl and her services. Please add more acronyms that tells more about the girls and less about what you did with her without talking about actual sex activity. Like if you say on your review bbbj, it implies that your time with her was sexual nature, means you paid for sex and hence become a criminal, instead saying pps means she provided all the promised services gives an idea without confessing a crime. Please feel free to add more acronyms to this thread.
Here are few that I came up with:
Stt ---- safe to text
Stc ---- safe to call
Pps ---- provides promised services either promised on phone or text or ad.
Dpps --- doesn't provide promised services.
Dtt ----- dangerous to text
Leb ----- law enforcer's bait
Tcp ----- threatens to call police
Ler ----- law enforcer!s reviewer (fake reviewer might be by police)
Pms ---- safe to do private messaging
Dpms ---- don't do private messaging
Anything starting with "d" is a bad thing.
Here are few that I came up with:
Stt ---- safe to text
Stc ---- safe to call
Pps ---- provides promised services either promised on phone or text or ad.
Dpps --- doesn't provide promised services.
Dtt ----- dangerous to text
Leb ----- law enforcer's bait
Tcp ----- threatens to call police
Ler ----- law enforcer!s reviewer (fake reviewer might be by police)
Pms ---- safe to do private messaging
Dpms ---- don't do private messaging
Anything starting with "d" is a bad thing.
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