30% tax cut for corporations - yeee haaaaa


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
Cowboy Hudak is at it again. Since the 30% federal tax cut created soooooooo many jobs he is gonna pile on with another tax cut. Oh wait.. there were no jobs really created by the fed tax cut :frown: Frankly I think subsidizing energy costs for large users is a much better policy to attract manufacturing jobs.


Active member
Jan 17, 2004
Subsidizing energy costs for large users = Attracting Manufacturing Jobs

China was built on subsidized energy. Closer to home, Stelco, Dofasco, and Alcan are also big energy users, and are attracted by cheap energy. Even Google wants to locate computer datacenters near big dams in an effort to find cheap reliable energy.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Criticize all you like, what's your alternative? Good luck voting Granny Goodness back in. As usual, this election comes down to holding your nose and voting for the least repulsive candidate/party leader.
Agreed, but Tea Party Tim is just too fucking far to the right for me.

And Granny Goodness is too far left.

I wish the liberals had elected the other woman (forget her name) who was running for the leadership. She was more of a centrist. Wynne should almost be running for the NDP because that's where her heart is.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
Criticize all you like, what's your alternative? Good luck voting Granny Goodness back in. As usual, this election comes down to holding your nose and voting for the least repulsive candidate/party leader.
Her agenda has had to be ultra left wing to try and appease the NDP since she had a minority. I think give the chance she will move more to the right.


Court Jester
Oct 17, 2011
Her agenda has had to be ultra left wing to try and appease the NDP since she had a minority. I think give the chance she will move more to the right.
Nah. She is who she is.

Minority government had nothing to do with it. She never expected her most recent budget, which is remarkably left-wing, to be supported by the NDP. It reflects the agenda Wynne wanted to run on.

Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory
I watched Hudak's town hall video and as much as I'd like to vote for the Conservatives I just can't. Not with this nutbar running things. He kept talking in this almost hushed whisper, like he was try to use some sven gali force over the audience. Just made him look creepy and sound like a charlatan.

Then he said he'd cut 100,000 public sector jobs. Okay, I get where's he's coming from and what he's trying to elicit, but if someone told you they were going to throw 100,000 middle class workers into unemployment so they can draw on EI, does that sound like someone you'd want to vote for?

Then he says he'll gladly give up 100,000 public sector jobs in order to create 1,000,000. Really. 1,000,000. At least he could have put his pinky to his lip and said it like Dr. Evil. I really want to know how he's going to magically create 1,000,000 jobs out of thin air. Hell, if it were that simply we'd all be doing it. Of course, they may be McJobs but hey, why quibble? Sure, let's give up 100,000 jobs that are real and exist today for a promise (yes, a promise... from a politician... riiiight...) to maybe, possibly, somehow, lord knows how, create 10x that many.

Someone should have opened a window to clear out the bullshit in the air.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Then he said he'd cut 100,000 public sector jobs. Okay, I get where's he's coming from and what he's trying to elicit, but if someone told you they were going to throw 100,000 middle class workers into unemployment so they can draw on EI, does that sound like someone you'd want to vote for?

Lets see
100,000 new public hires in 8 years, with no noticeable change in Service
An additional $153 B in debt in the same time period

The salary & benefits of these 100,000 average say 60-75K K (probably a lot more) = $7.5 B per year
EI costs for 100,000 is approx. $1.5 B one time cost + say $2B for severance + retraining
That's $4 B ,one third of way to eliminating Wynnes projected deficit
Cut some of her ill conceived spending programs & then we can start to pay down this monsterous debt
$7.5 B in savings the next year

A 100,000 people out of work will be a hit to the economy, no question, however this needs to be done
If not 200,000 will need to be cut in 4 years time.

\it is a mathematical certainty


Committee Member
Oct 29, 2002
Lets see
100,000 new public hires in 8 years, with no noticeable change in Service
An additional $153 B in debt in the same time period

The salary & benefits of these 100,000 average say 60-75K K (probably a lot more) = $7.5 B per year
EI costs for 100,000 is approx. $1.5 B one time cost + say $2B for severance + retraining
That's $4 B ,one third of way to eliminating Wynnes projected deficit
Cut some of her ill conceived spending programs & then we can start to pay down this monsterous debt
$7.5 B in savings the next year

A 100,000 people out of work will be a hit to the economy, no question, however this needs to be done
If not 200,000 will need to be cut in 4 years time.

\it is a mathematical certainty
Include attrition over the next few years, which will eliminate the severance and EI factor.

He should also look at outsourcing, this will eliminate overpaid jobs and substitute them with market rate wage positions administered by private companies. Outsourcing does have a cost, but the infrastructure and support required to maintain services would also be eliminated.

Another area would be too eliminate the needless layers of middle management and the fiefdoms that have been allowed to grow over the past ten years.

Bottom line is that government needs to be more efficient and accountable to the taxpayer. The past decade of liberal rule has forgotten this simple fact.


Mar 12, 2004
Loonies strange economics

Include attrition over the next few years, which will eliminate the severance and EI factor.

He should also look at outsourcing, this will eliminate overpaid jobs and substitute them with market rate wage positions administered by private companies. Outsourcing does have a cost, but the infrastructure and support required to maintain services would also be eliminated.

Another area would be too eliminate the needless layers of middle management and the fiefdoms that have been allowed to grow over the past ten years.

Bottom line is that government needs to be more efficient and accountable to the taxpayer. The past decade of liberal rule has forgotten this simple fact.
CORRECT,...problem is,...the loonies think that the government should create jobs by inventing them, and allowing them to grow like a cancer,...

That is NOT how economies work,...the Only thing a government can do is maintain an enviroment that attracts job creating,...NOT creating them directly,...well not in a free country anyway.



Mar 21, 2011
CORRECT,...problem is,...the loonies think that the government should create jobs by inventing them, and allowing them to grow like a cancer,...

That is NOT how economies work,...the Only thing a government can do is maintain an enviroment that attracts job creating,...NOT creating them directly,...well not in a free country anyway.

Now that the loony right wing (or the suckers that do the plutocracy's dirty work) has given us free trade most manufacturing has either departed for places where they can pay slave wage or consolidated into single massive plants for the continent. The only way to lure them back seems to be with government money. Subsidies, tax breaks or breaking the unions for the corporations being the main choices. Tax breaks don't work, as shown by the Harper governments miserable failure growing jobs despite dropping corporate tax rates. Making people earn less (Fast and larue favourites) is a stupid move as it erodes your tax base on behalf of corporations who'll take those profits offshore. If you do the subsidy and grant plan, like Wynne, you can at least target which companies you want to stay and where they go, as well as keeping the jobs well enough paying to get some of that money back from the better paid workers salaries.

But they all require bribing corporations in some manner.

As the corporations and the 1% like it.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Now that the loony right wing (or the suckers that do the plutocracy's dirty work) has given us free trade most manufacturing has either departed for places where they can pay slave wage or consolidated into single massive plants for the continent. The only way to lure them back seems to be with government money. Subsidies, tax breaks or breaking the unions for the corporations being the main choices. Tax breaks don't work, as shown by the Harper governments miserable failure growing jobs despite dropping corporate tax rates. Making people earn less (Fast and larue favourites) is a stupid move as it erodes your tax base on behalf of corporations who'll take those profits offshore. If you do the subsidy and grant plan, like Wynne, you can at least target which companies you want to stay and where they go, as well as keeping the jobs well enough paying to get some of that money back from the better paid workers salaries.

But they all require bribing corporations in some manner.

As the corporations and the 1% like it.
Your belief that you can plan and control an economy is your basic fundamental flaw

An economy is extremely complex with millions of individual business decisions being made every day.
The deciding factors are usually
1. What is in the best interest of our customers
2. What is in the best interest of our firm / organization
3. Can we make a profit ?
This is not going to change

Where as your abomination of a planned economy uses deciding factors with criteria such as:
1. What is best for Special Interest groups
2. What is politically correct
3. Cost considerations are secondary

Those two sets of criteria work against each other & thus it will not work


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2009
Subsidizing energy costs for large users = Attracting Manufacturing Jobs

China was built on subsidized energy. Closer to home, Stelco, Dofasco, and Alcan are also big energy users, and are attracted by cheap energy. Even Google wants to locate computer datacenters near big dams in an effort to find cheap reliable energy.
Cheap energy? I work at Dofasco and our energy certainly isn't cheap. It's Dofascos biggest cost and they spend millions on hydro. Stelco? Have you been by there lately? They've got about 600 people working the entire steel making division has been mothballed, most of their operations are shut down and will never restart. Hydro isn't cheap in Ontario despite what some on this board claim, and the Liberals have made it clear our hydro rates will skyrocket over the next several years.

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
I just want someone who will get the province's finances sorted, set conditions to attract good high paying jobs and to treat our tax dollars with respect. Personal tax rates in this province are too high. I'm ok with the corporate tax rate - I don't believe it should be reduced. But for anyone making $136K+ a 46.4% marginal rate is criminal.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
I just want someone who will get the province's finances sorted, set conditions to attract good high paying jobs and to treat our tax dollars with respect. Personal tax rates in this province are too high. I'm ok with the corporate tax rate - I don't believe it should be reduced. But for anyone making $136K+ a 46.4% marginal rate is criminal.
The loonie left think they can put half of your money to better economic use than you can
And they feel they have a right to it as well


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
The loonie left think they can put half of your money to better economic use than you can
And they feel they have a right to it as well
Only 16% of that is provincial, the rest is Federal which has been run by the loony right for quite a while....


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Only 16% of that is provincial, the rest is Federal which has been run by the loony right for quite a while....
It is a lot closer than that once you take into account transfer payments to the provinces
Besides the Feds grab has been trending downward, the govt of Ont is addicted to spending and they have been trending upwards to a bigger grab of your wallet


Mar 21, 2011
Cheap energy? I work at Dofasco and our energy certainly isn't cheap. It's Dofascos biggest cost and they spend millions on hydro. Stelco? Have you been by there lately? They've got about 600 people working the entire steel making division has been mothballed, most of their operations are shut down and will never restart. Hydro isn't cheap in Ontario despite what some on this board claim, and the Liberals have made it clear our hydro rates will skyrocket over the next several years.
Not much can be done about cheap hydro now.
We coasted on power from the falls and nukes for a long time, but we've tapped out the easy hydro and everyone is getting shy about nuclear after Japan.

Natural gas is cheapish now, as is coal, but both have issues that make it questionable to depend on them.

What could the cons do differently that would make hydro cheap?
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