I had great times with you and maybe you right but sometimes we have to talk about the problems. I knew when I posted that, and I knew maybe I created a 10 page thread against me but come on.1. You're gorgeous and I had such an awesome time with you
2. I see where you're coming from but I would maybe have kept that opinion to myself....
Just because we don't talk about this problem and just sweep under the rug it doesn't mean its not true. I'm not against Indian clients. If I am I won't take them. I just wrote this because maybe it's helpful to change their style. My time is not less important then theirs. The attitude what must be changeable and their mind what they thinking about us. " Oh you are just a fucking hooker so who care your time?" I got this or a similar comment not once but a few times in the past years and trust me I have several years experience in this business. You except to respect your time so we just ask the same. Our job is not less important then anyone else's job. We keep out every day 10 thousand blue balled, depressed guys from the streets of Toronto. I think this is very nice result of our job so we deserve a little more respect.