Be careful what you wish for guys.
Harper has led the Country forward and not cost anyone a lot of money. You want to put Liberals in Ottawa??? Look what they did to Ontario. Ontario is on the verge of bankruptcy.
The only thing forsure Liberals or NDP in Ottawa would do is to borrow Billions and raise your taxes sky high. That is a fact.
As I said....Be careful what you wish for.
I guess it all depends on what you mean by a lot of money and cost. All those cuts to research, the military, search and rescue and safety inspections, doesn't look like much until down the road, someone dies, jobs lost, contract expired. Oh wait, all those things have already happened.
It's not always how much, but often on what. Remember the gazebos and washrooms in the middle of nowhere, the artificial indoor lake, The SAR helicopter ride to the local fishing lodge,
How about $750,000 dollar sent to fight veterans on pension benefits. Veterans that they claim they support.
How about the money spent on advertising job programs that don't exist, or on a 24/7 television channel that less than a 100 people have ever watched at any one time?
How much money was wasted on fighters, military trucks, LAV's, and new supply ships the navy?