How are you so stupid!?!?'s been resource extraction that has kept our GDP where it is not to mention help prop up the some ontario manufactures during a time when the Ontario liberals have been doing everything they can to destroy what's left of the manufacturing sector.Forward?
He's pushed the economy farther back into resource extraction and less into manufacturing, cut services, cut sciences and is working to actively erode our democracy.
He's helped institute more spying, put more people in jail for longer needlessly and created the most secretive partisan government in our history.
Forward to 1984.
And you would rather have the Nordic model?....if you are unhappy with Harper, next time around vote for that neophyte laden poor excuse for a political party that is rife with the stench of spending scandals at every level government. Any place you've seen the liberal name attached to a government you find some degree of corruption.
What difference does it really make? For me this is a distraction, much like golfing, boating, fishing or hunting. I have a real life and other things in my life other than hobbying. I guess for a lot if the basement dwelling trolls on here whose life revolves around this it might be a catastrophe, for me it won't change anything.And you would rather have the Nordic model?
Really now.How are you so stupid!?!?'s been resource extraction that has kept our GDP where it is not to mention help prop up the some ontario manufactures during a time when the Ontario liberals have been doing everything they can to destroy what's left of the manufacturing sector.
For starters the Green Energy Act, and the soaring cost of electricity, it's a wee difficult to run a plant without affordable power. Then there's the tax overburden that the liberals brought in, like the health tax, increased WSIB rates, the misguided plan of adding yet another tax burden on both business and workers with a provincial pension plan. One that is not replacing CPP, but rather in addition to.Really now.
In what way have the provincial liberals been trying to destroy our manufacturing sector?
Name one policy that did as much damage as the willful raising of our dollar as a petro dollar by Harper?
Almost everyone here has a real life, and your response seems like a pollyanna apology. When you are facing a criminal record I wonder if you will look back and decide otherwise.What difference does it really make? For me this is a distraction, much like golfing, boating, fishing or hunting. I have a real life and other things in my life other than hobbying. I guess for a lot if the basement dwelling trolls on here whose life revolves around this it might be a catastrophe, for me it won't change anything.
The did not cut the corp tax rate as they promised they would.Really now.
In what way have the provincial liberals been trying to destroy our manufacturing sector?
Name one policy that did as much damage as the willful raising of our dollar as a petro dollar by Harper?
Almost no relationship.The did not cut the corp tax rate as they promised they would.
That alone no doubt cost thousands of jobs
Perhaps, appropriate tax incentives would provide the real solution? Such tax incentives would result in tax savings in a more directed manner. Although not perfect, programs such as SR&ED and ORDTC come to mind.Tax Cuts. First, why are tax cuts not the answer? Small businesses are the Job Creators, and the Bush tax cuts did not go to small businesses. If the top two marginal tax rates went back to pre-2001 levels, only 2.5% of small business owners would be affected, according to the Treasury Department.
The real Job Creators are not just small businesses, but young businesses – start-ups. Yes, it’s the entrepreneurs who create the jobs. That’s the conclusion of a recent NBER study. Start-ups typically lose money at the start, when they are hiring up. And since businesses pay taxes on profits, not revenue, start-ups already pay no taxes during their early loss-making and job-creating stage.
Most important, entrepreneurs aren’t motivated by changes in marginal tax rates. We are motivated by a desire to build something new, and perhaps to put our mark on the world. In my twenty years in Silicon Valley, I’ve started numerous companies, and my friends have started many more. And in all the discussions I’ve ever had about starting, funding and growing a new business, I have never once heard the issue of tax rates come up as an important consideration.
If you think a change in marginal tax rates is going to change the mind of an entrepreneur, you simply don’t understand the mind of an entrepreneur. We are driven by far more elemental desires.
CEOs take tax breaks, but don’t create jobs
Canada must not continue with the folly of tax giveaways to big corporations who are hoarding cash and not keeping their end of the bargain.
Here's a brief economic history of the last quarter-century in taxes and growth.
In 1990, President George H. W. Bush raised taxes, and GDP growth increased over the next five years. In 1993, President Bill Clinton raised the top marginal tax rate, and GDP growth increased over the next five years. In 2001 and 2003, President Bush cut taxes, and we faced a disappointing expansion followed by a Great Recession.
Does this story prove that raising taxes helps GDP? No. Does it prove that cutting taxes hurts GDP? No.
But it does suggest that there is a lot more to an economy than taxes, and that slashing taxes is not a guaranteed way to accelerate economic growth.
Still haven't learned that single solutions don't work well in the real world, have you?If across the board corporate tax cuts actually worked we would have 0 unemployment by now. They don't work.