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Global Warming. Fact or grossly exaggerated??

Whats your opinion on global warming?

  • Its too late! We're all gonne bake, frie and die in a few years

    Votes: 44 30.1%
  • Its not as bad as scientists say. We got at least 100 to 200 years before shit hits the fan

    Votes: 33 22.6%
  • Its not real at all. Its a carbon credit money making scam

    Votes: 45 30.8%
  • Its all a big conspiracy MAN!!!

    Votes: 9 6.2%
  • Its way too cold in Canada, I wish it were real. Start up the SUV's

    Votes: 15 10.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Jun 6, 2009
There is no empirical evidence to support the premise of "global warming" as the warmists define it. Computer model projections are not evidence.

But if you are asking whether we have a better theory that explains changes in the climate, you may want to take a look at all of the changes that occurred in the climate prior to the industrial revolution.
Please look at the black line in the graph you offered up, pre 1995, it's plain to see for those with open eyes. Of course if you do;t believe the science, anf clearly you don't nothing will make you see believe differently. The future is just that and no one can know or predict with absolute certainty, for reasons offered up numerous time in various threads . Your position is show me with certainty or don't show me. The good news is that most wiser people than you know better.


Court Jester
Oct 17, 2011
Please look at the black line in the graph you offered up, pre 1995, it's plain to see for those with open eyes.
Correlation is not evidence of causation. Post-2005, the black line goes in a completely different direction than the red line prediction based on the CO2 premise.


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2005
The good news is that most wiser people than you know better.
Where does that leave you black rock??? Still sitting under your dunce cap as usual of course. The definitive perspective on this for terbites by way of the accompanying poll suggests the winner is............Carbon credit scam. Go take your debate to your retired security guard bulletin board forums


Mar 21, 2011
What do you think the word "expert" means, groggy?? This is gonna be fun.

And you never answered my previous question, why do you think APS has suddenly appointed 3 climate skeptics to their panel?? Do you think they just did that for the heck of it, so they can have a brief discussion??
And what do you think 'workshop' means?
I know you have memory problems, but I did already post the links to the APS climate change committee, and none of their names were on it. They were there for a half day workshop, there representing the 'deniers' on arguments about climate change. The full discussion is there also on the web site, I linked to that earlier as well.

The billion dollar oil funded lobby has tried to subvert six other scientific associations and failed miserably each time. Even when they got a poll through the APS membership they got less then .5% supporting them. So while your lobbyist friends are all touting this as a big success, the chance that this will fool the 45,000 APS members is about as high as you understanding an IPCC report.


Mar 21, 2011
It's funny how you no longer provide the sources for your charts. However, here's the chart that you provided earlier, which clearly shows the dramatic difference between the IPCC's actual predictions (the line without the "adjustments") and the actual results.
That shows a five year running mean ending in 2010, in other words its a rough chart that's not current. Even in this chart it barely dips below their predictions, when the latest temperature records are added in a full chart, like the one I posted (from skeptical science which means that you can find the data that its based on for yourself if you were smart enough, each post has links to the original papers there, unlike your lobbyist crap).

And again, to underline how your argument is based off of cherry picking, here's a gif that shows your claim vs the long term trends:

Finally, we go to the IPCC itself, which said the following (Page 15):
There are, however, differences between simulated and observed trends over periods as short as 10 to 15 years (e.g., 1998 to 2012).
Of course there are. As noted by the IPCC itself their projections are long term. Short term predictions, a decade for instance, are noisy, their predictions are more reliable in the half century time frame. Its in that footnote of death I linked to you, as a matter of fact, but you couldn't understand that either. Take a look at the graph of surface temperature, for instance. Its not a straight line, even though its trending up, its squiggly. It goes up for a year, down a bit, then up some more and then down a bit. Just like the daily weather, cold today, warmer tomorrow, cold again....
That's the way reality works. So they make the prediction that the trend will be to go up in full knowledge that it will generally trend up but be squiggly.

Try really hard to understand that point.

That gif above sums a couple of points.

You can see temperature going up generally, but not in a straight line.
You can see how if you start at a high bump and then aim for the lowest bump and draw a line you can make it look like its going down. That's cherry picking.

Can you understand that?

The IPCC says there are "differences" between what was predicted and what was actually observed. I don't see why you need me to confirm that for you.

Furthermore, the IPCC is completely at odds with whoever produced your un-sourced chart.[/QUOTE]


Court Jester
Oct 17, 2011
63 the one I posted (from skeptical science...
So, unlike the charts and information that I have cited from the IPCC's reports, your chart comes from a propaganda website. As expected.

As noted by the IPCC itself their projections are long term.
The IPCC's 2007 AR4 report predicted increases of 0.2 degrees Celsius per decade. It is perfectly legitimate to hold the IPCC accountable for its predictions.

And it's funny how the IPCC never recommends a long-term, wait-and-see approach when it comes to policy measures to respond to its alarming predictions.


Mar 21, 2011
So, unlike the charts and information that I have cited from the IPCC's reports, your chart comes from a propaganda website. As expected.
That 'propaganda' website is not funded by lobbyists and gives links to all their data, including the NASA GISS, NOAA NCDC and hadCRUT4 where the data from the chart came from. I challenge you to find one problem with that chart.

And if you want to compare it to the IPCC, here's a link to the preliminary summary of the latest report:

The IPCC's 2007 AR4 report predicted increases of 0.2 degrees Celsius per decade. It is perfectly legitimate to hold the IPCC accountable for its predictions.
The skeptical science chart is very similar to the one on page three, the same one that notes that we are experiencing decadal increases of 0.2C, which I believe was the bet you wagered against earlier. I'd say you should check the chart except you've failed twice at reading charts already. In any case, the 2013 report confirms we are indeed experiencing decadal increases of 0.2 C.

So lets just add this to you other fails with charts:
1) couldn't spot a high school level difference in an IPCC chart and a lobbyist doctored one you used for your own argument.
2) couldn't read a chart you supplied - you were challenged three times and failed.
3) can't understand a third chart you supplied

No wonder you keep falling for the climate denial industry's tricks.


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2005
99942 Apophis is on a collision course with earth April 24 2029. I have this from credible but wishing to remain anonymous scientific sources, (for obvious reasons) This could result in the total annihilation of mankind so dont let the gw issues get under your skin. Your years are numbered. Enjoy. And don't believe NASA. On this one


Armed to the tits
Mar 6, 2009
In the 6
And what do you think 'workshop' means?
I know you have memory problems, but I did already post the links to the APS climate change committee, and none of their names were on it. They were there for a half day workshop, there representing the 'deniers' on arguments about climate change. The full discussion is there also on the web site, I linked to that earlier as well
And why do you think APS would invite them to a workshop if they thought the science was settled already??


Jun 6, 2009
Where does that leave you black rock??? Still sitting under your dunce cap as usual of course. The definitive perspective on this for terbites by way of the accompanying poll suggests the winner is............Carbon credit scam. Go take your debate to your retired security guard bulletin board forums
Far higher up the ladder than you bug.

Of course TERB is just chuck full of climatologist and earth scientist, so the poll is a reflect of the truth.


Mar 21, 2011
And why do you think APS would invite them to a workshop if they thought the science was settled already??
At least you are now admitting that you were wrong when you said they were 'permanent panel' members.
You really should be looking at the stuff you're picking up from the ex-tobacco lobby a bit closer.
You and moviefan have shown yourselves so easy to fool.

Read this article that shows that the sites you get your 'scientific' info from are part of a billion dollar a year lobby campaign.
Conservative groups spend up to $1bn a year to fight action on climate change

The tobacco industry spent a lot of money, but the oil industry has way, way more cash on hand.

And you should check to see if there are links from any of these conservative/oil funds who are supplying you with disinformation, this from the union of concerned scientists:

Or you could read one New Zealand scientists story of how he had to deal with lobbyist attacks on his work.

Those are the sorts of people you're backing.
The type of people who hire hackers to attack universities to try to make up scandals.
Ex-tobacco lobbyists.


Jun 6, 2009
Correlation is not evidence of causation. Post-2005, the black line goes in a completely different direction than the red line prediction based on the CO2 premise.
The correct quotation is, 'correlation does not 'necessarily' mean causation'. It's 'not' an absolute. Another mistake from an amateur.

To take it further;

Correlation is a valuable type of scientific evidence in fields such as medicine, psychology, and sociology. But first correlations must be confirmed as real, and then every possible causative relationship must be systematically explored. In the end correlation can be used as powerful evidence for a cause-and-effect relationship between a treatment and benefit, a risk factor and a disease, or a social or economic factor and various outcomes. But it is also one of the most abused types of evidence, because it is easy and even tempting to come to premature conclusions based upon the preliminary appearance of a correlation.


Armed to the tits
Mar 6, 2009
In the 6
At least you are now admitting that you were wrong when you said they were 'permanent panel' members.
You really should be looking at the stuff you're picking up from the ex-tobacco lobby a bit closer.
You and moviefan have shown yourselves so easy to fool.

Read this article that shows that the sites you get your 'scientific' info from are part of a billion dollar a year lobby campaign.

The tobacco industry spent a lot of money, but the oil industry has way, way more cash on hand.

And you should check to see if there are links from any of these conservative/oil funds who are supplying you with disinformation, this from the union of concerned scientists:

Or you could read one New Zealand scientists story of how he had to deal with lobbyist attacks on his work.

Those are the sorts of people you're backing.
The type of people who hire hackers to attack universities to try to make up scandals.
Ex-tobacco lobbyists.
You didnt answer my question. You should change your handle from groggy to dodgy.

Try again, why do you think APS would invite them to a workshop if they thought the science was settled already?? I know why you dont wanna answer it, its because cracks are appearing in the whole global warming scam, and you dont like it because you think the science is rock solid, which it isnt.

The APS is beginning to see this now as well, if they thought the science was settled they wouldnt waste their time inviting not 1, but 3 global warming skeptics


Jun 6, 2009
You didnt answer my question. You should change your handle from groggy to dodgy.

Try again, why do you think APS would invite them to a workshop if they thought the science was settled already?? I know why you dont wanna answer it, its because cracks are appearing in the whole global warming scam, and you dont like it because you think the science is rock solid, which it isnt.

The APS beginning to see this now as well, if they thought the science was settled they wouldnt waste their time inviting not 1, but 3 global warming skeptics
It's already been answered, you just didn't like the answer.


Mar 21, 2011
You didnt answer my question. You should change your handle from groggy to dodgy.

Try again, why do you think APS would invite them to a workshop if they thought the science was settled already??
Because of lobbying by some of your 'think tanks', I would expect.
But just because they were invited to speak as guest experts at a workshop of a sub-committee you shouldn't get too excited.
Any real change in policy would have to go through a period where all 50,000 APS members can review and add input.
And considering their last statement read:
The evidence is incontrovertible: Global warming is occurring.
If no mitigating actions are taken, significant disruptions in the Earth’s physical and ecological systems, social systems, security and human health are likely to occur. We must reduce emissions of greenhouse gases beginning now.
Considering that, your lobbyists are probably pushing this invitation to a workshop of a sub-committee as a big success because they know that is as far as they can get.

Here, check out a map of the Arctic today.
This may be hard for you but:
choose northern hemisphere
click on temperature anomalies
click on 180 and then click on play.

Note that we are experiencing temperatures that are 20ºC colder then the average and that the air over the Arctic is experiencing 20ºC warmer then average.
Now, go take that to Lindzen and get him to tell you why that's happening.


Mar 21, 2011
Did I ask you dumb-as-a-rock?? Let dodgy answer
Did you manage to spot the difference yet in your oil funded graph vs the original yet?
Until you can do that, calling anyone else dumb is just laugh in your face pathetic.
Its a high school level manipulation that really makes you look easy to fool.

And while we are on the subject of scientists and associations, I'll up your three deniers on a workshop of a sub-committee and give you a slam dunk statement from an association representing
400,000 scientists.
Their statement:
The planet's temperature is rising. The trend is clear and unmistakable.

Every one of the past 37 years has been warmer than the 20th century average. The 12 warmest years on record have all occurred since 1998. 2012 was the hottest year ever recorded for the contiguous United States.

Globally, the average surface temperature has increased more than one degree Fahrenheit since the late 1800s. Most of that increase has occurred over just the past three decades.

We are the cause.
We are overloading our atmosphere with carbon dioxide, which traps heat and steadily drives up the planet’s temperature. Where does all this carbon come from? The fossil fuels we burn for energy — coal, natural gas, and oil — plus the loss of forests due to deforestation, especially in the tropics.

The scientific evidence is clear.
Within the scientific community, there is no debate: An overwhelming majority of climate scientists agree that global warming is happening and that human activity is the primary cause.

This broad consensus — and the extensive scientific evidence that supports it — is often downplayed or distorted by a small but vocal minority of special interests that have a vested interest in delaying action on climate change.
That's 400 fucking thousand scientists agreeing on that statement vs your 3 shady characters who were given their half hour to try to convince 50,000 physicists.
If you had any notion of the science of the matter or the money the fossil fuel industry doesn't want to lose and so spends $1 billion a year on disinformation, you'd realize how you've been played for a sucker.
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