Do you stay away when the SP is toooo popular?

Dougal Short

Exposed Member
May 20, 2009
So once a girl gets popular, unless we see her, we are shitty.
Re-read what she said. She didn't say "we" are shitty. She said that the situation is shitty...

Imagine if you had a business. You work hard to supply the best possible widget to your customers. Your customers are happy, and they spread the word on "widget review boards", so new customers rush to your door. Now your customers need to plan ahead a bit to get their order filled on time, because you are booked solid in your factory. It doesn't mean that the quality of your widget declines... It just means that there's a bit of a backlog.

Inevitably, some customers who always order at the last minute will be disappointed and they go elsewhere. Such is life. But you are a real pro... the quality of your widget stays high, so you remain booked solid.

Just because a lady is really good at her job is a bad reason to stay away. If she misses appointments or the service drops, then fair enough...

Dougal Short

Exposed Member
May 20, 2009
Case and point
Huh? I think you are trying to make the point that her being busy is a valid reason to not see her. Fair enough... I just plan ahead some and problem solved. The alternative is that I go to an unknown girl and may or may not have a good session. I LOVE seeing this girl, so booking ahead is a small price to pay. Plus the anticipation makes it even better since we typically chat on PM/Twitter leading up the appointment.

I guess it depends what you want. I agree that there is fun in discovering a new gem. Sometimes, I like my comfort food.

BTW, the expression is "Case IN point"... ;)


The CEO's of MPA-ing
May 9, 2009
MUSE Toronto • MUSE Vaughan
Ok I have no clue what flavor of the month girls are....but a lady that is consistantly booked, well reviewed endlessly has earned her busy-ness. Ive never heard of legendary girls suddenly dropping quality. She wouldnt be a legend then. If you mean girls that get a wave of popularity because of 1 over hyped review....ok, i get it. But consistancy is what gets a girl to the point she can guaruntee herself a daily/weekly/monthly living! You guys need to understand that this business is fierce & in no way reliable for income.......UNLESS YOU HIT THAT QUALITY MARK!

If you guys want the best, see the best. And here on Terb, its easy to find who those ladies are. They are booked well in advance because people are clammering to see her because she is amazing! If you choose to not see those girls, dont go complaining that ur searching endlessly for the best.

The best girls I ever worked with were booked up weeks in advance, never missed a shift, never let a client leave unhappy. If service declined their #s would reflect that. Dont confuse consistancy with a fad.


Oct 21, 2011
All I am reading here is assumptions. If you go into an appointment with the preconceived notion that the popularity must have gone to the SPs head or whatever you think the ramifications to her popularity may be, then of course you're going to have a self-fulfilling prophecy effect.

Not all girls let the popularity go to their head or begin to run their sessions like an assembly line. I'm sure it does and has happened but it isn't always the case and the correlation may not be with their popularity status.

I have always been sincerely grateful whenever I have been booked. It isn't cheap and I'm flattered that someone has chosen to spend their hard earned bucks on me, therefore it is my job to do the best I can as an SP in return. Popularity, getting it over with, etc has never been on my mind during an appointment.


Active member
Dec 2, 2004
I don't understand nor agree with this assembly line thinking either. Busy providers are busy because they're good.

And the thinking of finding a "gem" and "I'm keeping it to myself" is even more stupid. So you honestly think you're the only one and nobody found her nor visit her? Get real.
Jan 7, 2014
Some girls become successful, this dude feels a need to knock them down a bit to show that guys still run the show.
Pretty fucked up if you ask me.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2012
So it is recommended we stay away from the very popular Ivana & (until recently) Ayla because if I follow the theory many have suggested in this thread - I will be disappointed ?

One of the reasons I follow the reviews here is to save myself time & money. If the service of a popular girl does drop off - it is more likely to reported in Terb very quickly. I am more likely to visit a highly recommended service provider than risk time & money on an unknown.


Active member
Jun 7, 2012
So it is recommended we stay away from the very popular Ivana & (until recently) Ayla because if I follow the theory many have suggested in this thread - I will be disappointed ?

One of the reasons I follow the reviews here is to save myself time & money. If the service of a popular girl does drop off - it is more likely to reported in Terb very quickly. I am more likely to visit a highly recommended service provider than risk time & money on an unknown.
I totally agreed with the above post. I have used Terb to research before visiting any sp. I have never been disappointed with seeing someone who was highly recommended by people on this board. I have seen such popular girls such as Effie White, Sinful Sophia, Sweet Heather (now retired) and Malika and I received nothing but top-notched service from all of them. There is a reason these girls are popular and successful. They consistently provide great service.


Yes he's back, back again
Feb 15, 2013
One of the reasons I follow the reviews here is to save myself time & money. If the service of a popular girl does drop off - it is more likely to reported in Terb very quickly.
Not necessarily. Some of us are happy to pass along positive reviews and recommendations, but less willing to say negative things about a SP if it's simply a matter of personal preference or chemistry, or somebody having a bad day. I'm more than willing to warn other Terbites off of providers that are conducting themselves in an objectively shady way (e.g., bait & switch, no-shows, poor hygiene, showing up too intoxicated to work, bailing on the session halfway through), but I'm less willing to run down a girl just because things didn't click between us for whatever reason.

That goes double for a girl that I've already given a good review, but over time starts to demonstrate some less savoury personal qualities and diminished service as her head swells. It comes off as speaking out of bitterness or personal grudge rather than an objective assessment of her ongoing quality, even if it's true.

So it is recommended we stay away from the very popular Ivana & (until recently) Ayla because if I follow the theory many have suggested in this thread - I will be disappointed ?

One of the reasons I follow the reviews here is to save myself time & money. If the service of a popular girl does drop off - it is more likely to reported in Terb very quickly. I am more likely to visit a highly recommended service provider than risk time & money on an unknown.
Exactly! Those 2 have earned their status. As have a good dozen in the biz currently. Consistency.

Not necessarily. Some of us are happy to pass along positive reviews and recommendations, but less willing to say negative things about a SP if it's simply a matter of personal preference or chemistry, or somebody having a bad day. I'm more than willing to warn other Terbites off of providers that are conducting themselves in an objectively shady way (e.g., bait & switch, no-shows, poor hygiene, showing up too intoxicated to work, bailing on the session halfway through), but I'm less willing to run down a girl just because things didn't click between us for whatever reason.

That goes double for a girl that I've already given a good review, but over time starts to demonstrate some less savoury personal qualities and diminished service as her head swells. It comes off as speaking out of bitterness or personal grudge rather than an objective assessment of her ongoing quality, even if it's true.
Ok but the girl ur describing above wouldn't have consistently great reviews from a variety of people. It takes time to become so good that ur reviews are close to 100% positive. Mixed reviews, sure. A girl with a few good reviews in a month & then never spoken of, sure. But a girl who has long-standing records of excellent work &needs to be booked in advance is tops! Ur missing out if u don't see them.

Do u know how many guys say to me I wish i'd seen u when u worked? They tell me they didn't believe the reviews, etc. Ummmm, I worked for 8yrs! What were u waiting for?

Snooze you lose boys. The best girls are the best for excellent reasons!


Yes he's back, back again
Feb 15, 2013
Ok but the girl ur describing above wouldn't have consistently great reviews from a variety of people. It takes time to become so good that ur reviews are close to 100% positive. Mixed reviews, sure. A girl with a few good reviews in a month & then never spoken of, sure. But a girl who has long-standing records of excellent work &needs to be booked in advance is tops! Ur missing out if u don't see them.
The girl in question has gotten a number of good reviews, not a single bad word that I'm aware of (except anonymous ones like this), and is still strongly recommended whenever someone asks about a SP from her demographic.

EDIT: In fairness, I've encountered a number of SPs with what I'd consider shitty attitudes... but you're right, all of them except one have had mixed reviews (at best) on Terb. So mostly, the system works. Mostly.


Active member
Jul 15, 2013
Her place
I dont subscribe to that assembly line BS.....analogy..
Think about it....
A hidden gem is written...her phone starts to ring more on a regular she can pace herself....instead of seeing 5-6-7 a day because she doesnt know when the dry spell will come...she can limit her clients to 2 maybe 3 a day...knowing she will have a full schedule...
Maybe its tougher to book her cus she dropped the # of clients she entertains on a daily basis...which means she has more energy and puts everything she has into those few clients she sees every day
Assuming there's no pimp

Also, in this scenario, if the SP in question is limiting the number of clients she sees, while being in high demand...rates have now increased.

That said, to me popular is a good thing. If the consensus if that an SP is stellar, I'm more inclined to see for myself
Last edited:


Sep 25, 2013
I have seen many many very popular girls and many that are not very popular at all. Not that much difference IMHO. Also once you go over $250 the Law of Diminishing Returns clicks in.

In other words a $300 girl is not $50 better than a 250 girl. A 400 girl is virtually the same as a 300. The higher up you go the less added value there is. Some of my best visits in my life have been 140/200 girls.


Active member
Jul 15, 2013
Her place
I have seen many many very popular girls and many that are not very popular at all. Not that much difference IMHO. Also once you go over $250 the Law of Diminishing Returns clicks in.

In other words a $300 girl is not $50 better than a 250 girl. A 400 girl is virtually the same as a 300. The higher up you go the less added value there is. Some of my best visits in my life have been 140/200 girls.
+1 Completely agree with everything stated
Jan 7, 2014
I have seen many many very popular girls and many that are not very popular at all. Not that much difference IMHO. Also once you go over $250 the Law of Diminishing Returns clicks in.

In other words a $300 girl is not $50 better than a 250 girl. A 400 girl is virtually the same as a 300. The higher up you go the less added value there is. Some of my best visits in my life have been 140/200 girls.
True, but that's a different thread. In the original post I sense you want to take the popular girl down a notch simply to show in a small way that you have the upper hand.
But maybe I'm reading between the lines and misunderstanding your intent. :)


Sep 25, 2013
Not really, I believe every cracker finds its cheese. 95% of girls seemed priced very accurately. There are a few who float around trying to get more per session only to find out the # of sessions goes down and the daily total is less. Some are cool with that, some are not.

What I am saying is the busy girl turns me off. Not her fault really. "Agents" telling you to wait past your time, cancellations as a higher roller outbids the donation, girl sometimes in a fluster juggling all.... just not worth it to me when there are plenty of great girls that are not THAT busy. The Asian agency girls tell me busy day = 10, so so day 8 slow day 6-7. I usually don't want to compete. I will actually phone Steve, Andy, Mark, Jackie and ask "who is doing slow biz" rather than "who is the hottest"
Jan 7, 2014
Not really, I believe every cracker finds its cheese. 95% of girls seemed priced very accurately. There are a few who float around trying to get more per session only to find out the # of sessions goes down and the daily total is less. Some are cool with that, some are not.

What I am saying is the busy girl turns me off. Not her fault really. "Agents" telling you to wait past your time, cancellations as a higher roller outbids the donation, girl sometimes in a fluster juggling all.... just not worth it to me when there are plenty of great girls that are not THAT busy. The Asian agency girls tell me busy day = 10, so so day 8 slow day 6-7. I usually don't want to compete. I will actually phone Steve, Andy, Mark, Jackie and ask "who is doing slow biz" rather than "who is the hottest"
Didn't realize I stumbled into an exploitive assembly line discussion. :Eek:

I'm slowly backing out.
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