Re-read what she said. She didn't say "we" are shitty. She said that the situation is shitty...So once a girl gets popular, unless we see her, we are shitty.
Imagine if you had a business. You work hard to supply the best possible widget to your customers. Your customers are happy, and they spread the word on "widget review boards", so new customers rush to your door. Now your customers need to plan ahead a bit to get their order filled on time, because you are booked solid in your factory. It doesn't mean that the quality of your widget declines... It just means that there's a bit of a backlog.
Inevitably, some customers who always order at the last minute will be disappointed and they go elsewhere. Such is life. But you are a real pro... the quality of your widget stays high, so you remain booked solid.
Just because a lady is really good at her job is a bad reason to stay away. If she misses appointments or the service drops, then fair enough...