Not very Christmas-like at all...


May 25, 2008
Just about 2 miles past appropriate
Was enjoying a squishy post-coitus cuddle with a lovely SP last night at a local hotel when a couple of Ottawa's finest knocked on the door and asked us to leave because hotel management did not appreciate the young lady offering her services at the hotel. They reiterated that no laws were broken and the room was not in my name so I'm still an unknown quantity. They ran the SP through the ringer a bit asked her a lot of personal questions with me right there before they sent me off on my own. I felt bad for her and followed up with her afterwards and she was ok.

Since my SO is out of the loop this is just a funny story now that won't cost me 50% of my toys. What is interesting to note is that the hotel appeared to be willing to toss us both out on our asses even if the room was in my name. That raises some interesting questions, better suited for a lawyer to answer. It's a legal service, the cops said it several times and that they weren't there to judge (to be fair they were pretty cool about the whole thing), so I wonder if they would have tossed me if I was say...meeting my accountant. Essentially the hotel at this point is making a moral judgement.

Something to keep in mind.


Jan 31, 2006
Yikes...not very Christmas like at all! Glad you are both ok. I don't think it is fair to ask for the SP name...but I think the hotel should be is good for us hobbiests to know which hotels are not SP friendly.

As for any legal issues...I think technically you could have been charged with found in a bawdy house, since any incall location technically is considered a bawdy house (does not need to be a brothel)...but the cops know better than trying to make that stick (which is good). The hotel must have had complaints from other guests I suppose and took action. I doubt anyone would have complained if you were meeting your accountant!

Thanks for the heads up
Was enjoying a squishy post-coitus cuddle with a lovely SP last night at a local hotel when a couple of Ottawa's finest knocked on the door and asked us to leave because hotel management did not appreciate the young lady offering her services at the hotel. They reiterated that no laws were broken and the room was not in my name so I'm still an unknown quantity. They ran the SP through the ringer a bit asked her a lot of personal questions with me right there before they sent me off on my own. I felt bad for her and followed up with her afterwards and she was ok.

Since my SO is out of the loop this is just a funny story now that won't cost me 50% of my toys. What is interesting to note is that the hotel appeared to be willing to toss us both out on our asses even if the room was in my name. That raises some interesting questions, better suited for a lawyer to answer. It's a legal service, the cops said it several times and that they weren't there to judge (to be fair they were pretty cool about the whole thing), so I wonder if they would have tossed me if I was say...meeting my accountant. Essentially the hotel at this point is making a moral judgement.

Something to keep in mind.


New member
May 7, 2012
You'd think they'd handle something like that internally vs a knee jerk reaction like calling the cops.....wondering if earlier warnings to her from the management went unheeded?


Active member
Sep 20, 2004
Eddie401: I do not think it is a moral issue, rather a business one. If a hotel gets wind of providers in their rooms, they will call the cops and have them removed. It is bad for business overall for the hotel. And do not forget, if it is ever later determined that the hotel knew of the activity and did nothing, then they are aiding and abetting the activity which is another whole different can of worms. The hotel simply can not afford to let it go, whether acting on information or complaints. As to if the room was in your name, unless you are superstud and have a string of women coming in all night the management will never know what is going on.


May 25, 2008
Just about 2 miles past appropriate
Eddie401: I do not think it is a moral issue, rather a business one. If a hotel gets wind of providers in their rooms, they will call the cops and have them removed. It is bad for business overall for the hotel. And do not forget, if it is ever later determined that the hotel knew of the activity and did nothing, then they are aiding and abetting the activity which is another whole different can of worms. The hotel simply can not afford to let it go, whether acting on information or complaints. As to if the room was in your name, unless you are superstud and have a string of women coming in all night the management will never know what is going on.
Agreed. However, I'm sure the uniformed cops wandering the halls of the hotel and the 3 cruisers parked out front probably left more of a negative impression on hotel guests than two people trying to fuck anonymously and discretely in a hotel room in a large hotel. It looked like a hostage taking haha. A quiet knock on the door from a clerk and a request for us to leave would have worked just as well without the bad optics for the hotel. At the very least I would have been unable to complete my mission after that haha.

Generally when things are handled in such an overboard fashion it's because someone has take offense and business considerations have gone by the wayside. If I was playing the TV too loud and generating guest complaints do you think they would have called the police? Of course not, they would have handled it themselves.

As for your suggestion that the hotel is "aiding and abetting"...aiding and abetting what...fucking? Prostitution is legal.

Yes, I'm being intentionally obtuse - but I'm not trying to provoke argument just thoughtful discussion :)


Jan 31, 2006
As for your suggestion that the hotel is "aiding and abetting"...aiding and abetting what...fucking? Prostitution is legal.

Yes, I'm being intentionally obtuse - but I'm not trying to provoke argument just thoughtful discussion :)
Incalls remain a grey area because bawdy house laws are still in effect. one would get charged with that, especially after the recent SCC decision, but the hotel may not get the finer point on that.

Also totally agree that having 3 cruisers and 2 uniformed cops walking a hall are far worse for a hotel image!

Vanessa Vale

New member
Jul 6, 2010
Yikes...not very Christmas like at all! Glad you are both ok. I don't think it is fair to ask for the SP name...but I think the hotel should be is good for us hobbiests to know which hotels are not SP friendly.
I very much agree.

My apologies in advance to the OP if I come off as rude, but I find these informative threads to be quite useless when one chooses to leave out the main component of the warning. Please inform of us of which hotel this was, otherwise what was the point.


Just a bit to the right
Dec 28, 2005
Sounds like either the OP or the SP was less than discreet at some point, and drew attention not only to themselves but to the nature of the activity taking place.


Mar 11, 2012
Well, any regular guest could be a screamer too.

I think it will be very beneficial that both ladies and hobbyists know which hotel it is, so we could all avoid it.


May 25, 2008
Just about 2 miles past appropriate
Sounds like either the OP or the SP was less than discreet at some point, and drew attention not only to themselves but to the nature of the activity taking place.
Not me. Middle aged guy wearing a suit and carrying a laptop bag couldn't be much more invisible.


May 25, 2008
Just about 2 miles past appropriate
I very much agree.

My apologies in advance to the OP if I come off as rude, but I find these informative threads to be quite useless when one chooses to leave out the main component of the warning. Please inform of us of which hotel this was, otherwise what was the point.
Actually with 24 posts to your credit you come off as an asswipe. Contribute then criticize.

For the record it was the Lord Elgin. You can go back to lurking now.


New member
Jul 25, 2013
Lord Elgin, hmm I'm surprised. I would have thought Minto Suites or Albert at Bay, both of which I'm going to report here have given us at GP less than pleasant experiences, ESPECIALLY THE FRONT DESK STAFF AT ALBERT AT BAY. This one brunette who came to tell us we weren't welcome (loudly, as we were checking in, in front of many other guests) due to the fact we had been "kicked out of Minto" (a fact which is not true, we decided to leave based on their equally rude manner towards us having "non-registered guests" in our room). These two hotels, and the Monterrey Inn on Prince of Wales I would recommend avoiding. Just not worth the trouble.


May 25, 2008
Just about 2 miles past appropriate
Lord Elgin, hmm I'm surprised. I would have thought Minto Suites or Albert at Bay, both of which I'm going to report here have given us at GP less than pleasant experiences, ESPECIALLY THE FRONT DESK STAFF AT ALBERT AT BAY. This one brunette who came to tell us we weren't welcome (loudly, as we were checking in, in front of many other guests) due to the fact we had been "kicked out of Minto" (a fact which is not true, we decided to leave based on their equally rude manner towards us having "non-registered guests" in our room). These two hotels, and the Monterrey Inn on Prince of Wales I would recommend avoiding. Just not worth the trouble.
Yep. Keeps coming back to subjective decisions rather than the law.

As a business owner myself I can grudgingly respect a hotel's desire to "tune" their guest list. Calling the cops was so over the top. I think I was in shock. Now that I've had a chance to think about it, it was a bizarre overreaction on the hotel's part. If they had asked us to leave and we had refused that would have been different but they went straight to the cops. To be honest, I didn't believe it was cops at the door and thought it was either a practical joke or that I was about to be robbed. The SP I was with was incredibly sweet and a really nice girl and they treated her like crap. One minute we were talking about what she was buying her mum for Christmas and the next she was sitting on the floor half naked getting the 3rd degree. Now I know her real name, address, parent's names etc. All none of my damn business and I wish I hadn't been there. I'm not stupid enough to challenge the cops on anything, but if it wasn't for my discretionary needs I certainly would want to have a chat with the hotel. As it is I chose to slink away with as little noise as possible :)

Will be interesting how this all plays out in light of recent SCC ruling.

Malika Fantasy

Well-known member
Oct 24, 2009
Ottawa base.
I am actually surprise to hear about both the Lord Elgin (thought I have heard that past 9-10pm they may be more vigilant). I never have had a problems entertaining there during the day.

Same with Albert at's always been really great for me there..thought I am from out of town and don't pay cash.
They do however have a card key access front door past 10pm


This makes me want to fuck as many SP at the Lord elgin as I possibly can. Never been there and see no reason to go there now except spite. Fuck em, not gonna throw any cash their way ...... that must have been quite the unnerving experience Eddie. At least it was post coitus so you weren't out in the cold unnerved and horny!
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