Except that flies in the face of his argument. The constitution stated that Catholics needed schools to protect themselves from the Protestant majority. Fuji says that the statement in it allows for changes based on modern circumstances as justification for extending this minority protection to funding Catholic high schools yet the modern circumstances are that Catholics no longer need protection from Protestants since the Catholics are a far bigger group.I rarely agree with Fuji,...but he is correct,...the ONLY logical way to look at this is, as a % of the total population of Ont., which Catholics are ONLY 31%.
Protestants don't have a publicly funded school system !!!
and as a p.s. the public school system is the Protestant school system discussed in the constitution. There was still Protestant prayer when I was in Elementary school. In the past century we have eliminated the religious basis of it to make it an inclusive environment for all Ontarians just like we should eliminate the religious basis for the Catholic system if it wants to continue public funding.