Pickering Angels

Should a Protestant work in the Catholic school board?


New member
Mar 28, 2004
As I understand, there are some Western provinces that never had publically funded "separate/ Catholic" school system.

This in itself, should prove the quoted to be correct.

The ONLY reason that it exists to-day in Ont., is lack of political will, which translates into guts.
If the Tories thought they would be elected as a majority, with elimination being part of the parties proposals,...it would be gone in a flash,...one can only hope.

Anyone who justifies its existence,...is looking at this in purely religious eyes, and not the rights of people of Ont.

Same things apply to official bilingualism. Same. Good luck with that.


Mar 12, 2004
Apples and oranges

Same things apply to official bilingualism. Same. Good luck with that.
But there is a precedent, and a already used mechanism, for NOT having publicly funded religious/catholic school systems in other prov.s.

Besides, I don't think religion carries the same weight as language, even though both were originally instituted for the same reason(s).

For the simple reason, that religion has no place in governing Canada, other than allowing people to practise their religion.
Also, its becoming more so every day, that religion is being removed from government,... XMAS !!!

Shit, you can't even say Merry Christmas in public schools anymore, without offending some one, or being tackled by the POLITICALLY CORRECT POLICE.

BUT yet we fund a religious based school system.

As already stated, its relatively simple to legally implement shutting it down,... but politically much more difficult to find a political party that would take the chance.
Especially considering the finances and semi legal media hype that the teachers union, and probably even most of the civil servant unions would throw against such a move.

Its not really a question of could it be done,...but who the hell would be willing to partake.



New member
Mar 28, 2004
But there is a precedent, and a already used mechanism, for NOT having publicly funded religious/catholic school systems in other prov.s.

Besides, I don't think religion carries the same weight as language, even though both were originally instituted for the same reason(s).

For the simple reason, that religion has no place in governing Canada, other than allowing people to practise their religion.
Also, its becoming more so every day, that religion is being removed from government,... XMAS !!!

Shit, you can't even say Merry Christmas in public schools anymore, without offending some one, or being tackled by the POLITICALLY CORRECT POLICE.

BUT yet we fund a religious based school system.

As already stated, its relatively simple to legally implement shutting it down,... but politically much more difficult to find a political party that would take the chance.
Especially considering the finances and semi legal media hype that the teachers union, and probably even most of the civil servant unions would throw against such a move.

Its not really a question of could it be done,...but who the hell would be willing to partake.

YOU may not equate the two, but constitutionally-protected Catholic-education supporters do. They do not CHOOSE to be Catholic; their parents raise them as such from a very young age and it becomes part of who they are. Hey, if French Canadian parents would only stop teaching their kids French, all that bullshit would go away too.

Just because an issue is not significant to you, does not mean its not a significant issue. Personally, I'd say let's open the constitution and remove both Separate School funding AND official bilingualism. But to pick on the country's major religious group but not its other language group, just because its politically easier, is wrong.


Jan 31, 2005
The why is it that funding for high school only started in the 80's? Did they forget to read that part for 100+ years?
100 years ago many people didn't stay in school beyond grade 10. Section 93 provides that changing circumstances would require adjustments to ensure that the protected rights of minority continue to be guaranteed.

Arguably, the funding should have been put in place when the public school system moved to providing everyone with thirteen years of public education. The SCC agreed with that view when it upheld Bill 30: "It would be strange, indeed, if the system of separate schools in existence at Confederation were intended to be frozen in an 1867 mold."


Jan 31, 2005
Clearly there is a formula for amending the constitution. Given that we are now discussing amending the constitution, we have now answered the question as to whether the constitution requires it.


Sep 25, 2013
I disapprove of funding the catholic schools but I don't lose sleep over it. In time religion will die out. The priests are doing a great job of killing it off.


Jan 31, 2005
I disapprove of funding the catholic schools but I don't lose sleep over it. In time religion will die out. The priests are doing a great job of killing it off.
That was a new left prediction from last century. It fell flat. We have more fundamentalist religions now than ever in the past, and religion is returning with a vengeance to formerly communist countries.

Your statement is true only in the sense that in time humanity will die out.


Jun 6, 2009
I disapprove of funding the catholic schools but I don't lose sleep over it. In time religion will die out. The priests are doing a great job of killing it off.
In time most life on earth will die out, nothing like sticking your neck out on this one.


Jan 31, 2005
Hey LH, since you claim to be a lefty political consultant, why not advise Chow to base her mayoral campaign on cracking down on religion?


New member
Oct 12, 2010
Absolutely!!! If the catholic schools are willing and eager to accept full PUBLIC funding it, then they can't pick and choose who attends or teaches in the system. If the accept money from Protestants, Jews or Agnostics they should also accept them in their ranks.
Really? So if our tax money goes to support a women's shelter, men should be able to go too?


New member
Oct 12, 2010
I disapprove of funding the catholic schools but I don't lose sleep over it. In time religion will die out. The priests are doing a great job of killing it off.
Your problem is that math does not support this conclusion.

The growth in the non-religious in NA and Europe has almost ground to a halt the last few years.

The retention rate of the non-religious to that worldview is lower than almost any religion.

The birth rate of the non-religious is far lower than that of the religious.

If you believe in statistics and demographics, the growth amongst the non-religious we have seen for about 30 some odd years now looks like a statistical blip.

For certain reasons, we should be very concerned about this.

And on the issue of how hard it would be legally to get rid or RCC schools in Ontario...the simple answer is FAST is wrong. As usual.


Mar 12, 2004
A defunct religious mind

Your problem is that math does not support this conclusion.
The real problem is,...you don't UNDERSTAND basic math.
There is a distinct difference between growth and percentage.
All of the polls for North America and Northern Europe show that while religion may see growth in total,...its percentage of population is decreasing,...this means only one thing,...religion is decreasing, NOT increasing in these regions.
Let me help you out a bit more,...if the percentage is 50% in one poll and 47% in the next poll,...what the hell does that mean,...if you need more help,...let me know.

If you believe in statistics and demographics, the growth amongst the non-religious we have seen for about 30 some odd years now looks like a statistical blip.
What is with you and your,... If you believe

And your back with that ridiculous bit of spin,...how the hell can a trend of 30 years, some how be nullified in one year,...and I'm really going to believe something that is prefaced with,... now looks like,...sounds very scientific to me !!!

Last edited:


Mar 12, 2004

YOU may not equate the two, but constitutionally-protected Catholic-education supporters do. They do not CHOOSE to be Catholic; their parents raise them as such from a very young age and it becomes part of who they are. Hey, if French Canadian parents would only stop teaching their kids French, all that bullshit would go away too..
They do not CHOOSE to be Catholic,...so,...if I'm reading you right,...a relatively small portion of the population is indoctrinated into a specific religion,...therefore all sense of right and logic goes out the window,...I know that is a big part of religion,...but must NOT be a big part of how Canada should be run.

Just because an issue is not significant to you, does not mean its not a significant issue. Personally, I'd say let's open the constitution and remove both Separate School funding AND official bilingualism. But to pick on the country's major religious group but not its other language group, just because its politically easier, is wrong.
Can't agree with your stand on the connection between Catholics and the French language,...there is a big block of Catholics who are not French Canadian, the SO is one.
And nobody is "picking" on ONE of Canada's religious groups,...but the system that is allowing preferential treatment, that has no place in Canada today.



Feb 26, 2003
In the Wolf's den
To answer the original question of the thread - Should a Protestant work in a Catholic school? The answer is yes if they will hire you. The question of whether or not there should be Catholic schools was not the issue. I am a Catholic teacher - I know of a number of non-Catholic teachers and students. But they have to respect the Catholic issue in the school - whether its the curriculum, retreats, masses, etc. But really, its no different than any other company - you get hired to a company - you respect their rules. If your personal views conflict with company guidelines...you have two choices - shut your mouth....or quit....


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
100 years ago many people didn't stay in school beyond grade 10. Section 93 provides that changing circumstances would require adjustments to ensure that the protected rights of minority continue to be guaranteed.
So you are saying that it is that easy to modify the letter of the constitution?

If the circumstances of the modern world make sense to change funding to grade 10 plus, couldn't you also say that the circumstance of Catholic minority no longer being a minority require an adjustment?

(yes I know that the constitution has requirements about Catholic education but the argument for funding high school as a constitutional requirement because of changing situations is flawed)


Jan 31, 2005
So you are saying that it is that easy to modify the letter of the constitution?
Try reading it, section 93 itself, in the text of the constitution, discusses the need to adapt to changing circumstances. We don't need to debate that this means maintaining the protection of minority education rights because helpfully the SCC has already decided that.

See in particular paragraph 4:


And the SCC affirming that funding highscool is the sort of thing anticipated by that clause:

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