I have more than enough to eat at home


New member
Jul 14, 2009
Such hostility.... Using personal insults shows the weakness of your assertion. Please review Post #'s: 44 and 46 . Review as required. Take as much time as you need..... If you can, please let us know if there was a poll that correlated pollee's education levels to support of Mayor Rob Ford? Good luck. Sincerely, Jon .
On average, Smitherman Village is wealthier and more educated than Ford Nation, contains more tenants and fewer homeowners, and contains more professionals. Home values are higher and fewer people commute by car. Ford Nation also contains more first-generation immigrants and visible minorities.
A more detailed statistical analysis suggests that, neighbourhood by neighbourhood, the propensity to commute by automobile is the greatest predictor of Ford support, while higher levels of educational attainment and visible minorities as a proportion of the population are the strongest correlates of Smitherman support.


How can one expect people who invested time and money into their education to support Rob Ford who is less educated than an average drug dealer?


Active member
Dec 14, 2005
Just North of the GTA
So, what or who is Metapolis.ca? According to their mission statement they provide: 'Descriptions of and links to published and unpublished research projects' ; 'Data Driven Mussings', such as occasional short communications on the analysis and visualization of data' and 'Shouts and murmurs- Hopefully evidence based opinions about urban affairs, local govenment and planning'. The site looks and sounds all very nice. Thank you for your help with fuji's assertion. I'm certain that he is most grateful. Sincerely, Jon .


New member
Jul 14, 2009
Because politics is all about ideologies. Sincerely, Jon .
Toronto city politics seems to be all about dumb as fuck voters.


Cockasian Brother
Aug 3, 2010
Toronto city politics seems to be all about dumb as fuck voters.
Ford has been great at getting the dumb fucks out to vote. That's half the battle. So many of the armchair critics who are supposedly so smart stay in their damned armchairs.


Call me anti-fascist
Nov 13, 2011
I get around.
Because politics is all about ideologies. Sincerely, Jon .
To Ford, a "political party" means getting drunk (aka 'getting fordfaced'), smoking crack, and displaying the depth of his intellect and insight.

“I’m fucking right-wing,” Ford appears to mutter at one point. “Everyone expects me to be right-wing. I’m just supposed to be this great.…” and his voice trails off. At another point he is heard calling Trudeau a “fag.”
That's some great fucking ideology. It's no wonder that rational right wingers have fled the trainwreck.


New member
Oct 28, 2009
Wasn't there a poll that showed the dumber you are, the more likely you are to support Ford? His support was strongest among people who failed to complete highschool, etc.
Yes it was on People's Daily reported by Fuji either from Nanjing Rd, Shanghai, China or from deep out in Intergalactic Space.


Call me anti-fascist
Nov 13, 2011
I get around.
Such hostility.... Using personal insults shows the weakness of your assertion.
But Ford uses personal insults all the time. And you like him.
Such cognitive dissonance.
July 23, 2005

During a council debate over a pothole, Rob Ford had a temper tantrum during which he called fellow Councillor Gloria Lindsay Luby "a joke. She's a waste of time. A waste of skin."

And that was during a discussion about a pothole.
n 2002, long before he became the Mayor's whip, Councillor Mammoliti alleged that then-councillor Ford called him a “gino boy.”
In a council session, Ford complained about a line item in a community grant to help fund Toronto Pride, because it explicitly included transgendered and transsexual people. The mayor said: “Number one, I don't understand a transgender. I don't understand. Is it a guy that dresses up like a girl or a girl that dresses up as a guy? And we're funding this?.... We're funding this for, what does it say here, we're giving them $3,210."

Ford suggested in a council session that only gay men and IV drug users contract HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. When challenged on the facts, the Mayor said: “How are women getting it? Maybe they are sleeping with bi-sexual men.”
At a hockey game in 2006, Ford was ejected after shouting a string of offensive remarks at other fans, and then denied even being present when the incident was reported in the press. Among his comments were “Are you a fucking teacher? Do you want your little wife to go over to Iran and get raped and shot?”
Ford famously gave the finger to a woman and her 6 year old daughter, after they confronted him for driving while on his cellphone.
After a crew with political satire show This Hour Has 22 Minutes showed up at Rob Ford's house to film a scene with the Mayor, he called 911 twice for assistance. During the second call, the Mayor reportedly swore at the dispatchers: “You...bitches! Don't you fucking know? I'm Rob fucking Ford, the Mayor of this city!”


Jan 31, 2005
Yes it was on People's Daily reported by Fuji either from Nanjing Rd, Shanghai, China or from deep out in Intergalactic Space.
Ah, no it was Ipsos Reid. Rob Ford's support is strongest among the dumbest, with 69% of highschool dropouts approving of him, but only half that many university graduates. So, I guess, the dumber you are, the more you like Ford. Seem to be a few good examples of that around here! I mean, who are the biggest Ford supporters on deck - frank, boodog, acutus, and polaris. Not exactly "Jeapordy" material.

"His approval ratings are highest among those without a school diploma (69%) and those with some post-secondary education (48%), and lower among those with only a high school diploma (37%) and university graduates (34%)."



Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Ah, no it was Ipsos Reid. Rob Ford's support is strongest among the dumbest, with 69% of highschool dropouts approving of him, but only half that many university graduates. So, I guess, the dumber you are, the more you like Ford. Seem to be a few good examples of that around here! I mean, who are the biggest Ford supporters on deck - frank, boodog, acutus, and polaris. Not exactly "Jeapordy" material.

"His approval ratings are highest among those without a school diploma (69%) and those with some post-secondary education (48%), and lower among those with only a high school diploma (37%) and university graduates (34%)."
Sorry, fooj. That was a poor choice of posts in which to make a spelling error. Ironic.


Call me anti-fascist
Nov 13, 2011
I get around.
Wasn't there a poll that showed the dumber you are, the more likely you are to support Ford? His support was strongest among people who failed to complete highschool, etc.
Yes there was, someone else had posted it.
The mythic Ford Nation exists on fridge magnets and banners hung during summer barbecues, but when it comes to identifying who belongs to this hard-core group of people who support Mayor Rob Ford, even pollsters have been flummoxed.
John Wright, senior vice president at Ipsos Public Affairs, is often asked what kind of people belong to Ford Nation and hasn’t been able to answer. So this week he scoured his polling data tables to figure out who has stuck with the mayor, even after all the revelations of personal impropriety.
His first surprise was that Ford Nation — defined as those who will vote for Ford no matter what — for the most part don’t live in Etobicoke.
In fact, Ford only enjoys 16 per cent support in Etobicoke, the same level of backing he has downtown.
“He’s not popular in his own backyard,”
said Wright.

The mayor is most popular in York and East York, where 30 per cent of voters say they’d support him. Next comes Scarborough, with 27 per cent, and North York, with 22 per cent.
Taking the data from a poll conducted Nov. 7-11 — results that came out before the last week of Ford news, including a historic stripping of many of his mayoral powers by council — Wright identified the hard-core supporters who will not abandon their mayor.

They are predominantly people with lower-income and lower education levels. Some 44 per cent of respondents who don’t have a high school diploma support Ford, while only 17 per cent of those with university degrees do.
People who make less than $40,000 per year are twice as likely to be part of Ford Nation than those who make $100,000 or more, according to his tables.
Ford Nation is also slightly more concentrated in the young and the old. Some 22 percent of respondents aged 18-34 still support Ford, as do 24 per cent of those over 55. Only 20 per cent of voters in the 35-44 age bracket support Ford.
“I think this is reflective of a younger, undereducated cohort who wants to ensure that taxpayers’ money is spent well,” said Wright.
Wright says Ford won election by combining his Ford Nation voters with higher-income and better educated people, a group he’s now “lost completely.”
“What’s happened is more-educated and higher-income voters, who may have been on board because they like the message of fiscal integrity and respecting taxpayers’ money, have gone away because they feel like they don’t like the behaviour,” he said.

Ipsos poll result taken before the antics in Council and the vote to limit him and the embarrassing performances during the latest media blitz:

Mayor’s Approval Rating Falls…
In the last two years, Mayor Ford’s approval rating has fallen from an enviable position to one that leaves a potential re-election bid precarious. Four in ten (40%) residents currently ‘approve’ (18% strongly/22% somewhat) of his performance as Mayor of Toronto, while six in ten (60%) ‘disapprove’ (43% strongly/17% somewhat). This has dropped from 49% in June of 2012, and 62% in September of 2011.
His approval rating is highest in the suburbs, and much lower in the core. Approval is highest in Scarborough (49%), his home territory of Etobicoke (45%) and North York (43%), but quite low in York/East York (32%) and the old City of Toronto/Downtown (29%).
Men (44%) are more likely than women (36%) to approve of the mayor’s performance, as are those over the age of 55 (43%), compared to those aged 18 to 34 (41%) and 35-54 (37%).
His approval ratings are highest among those without a school diploma (69%) and those with some post-secondary education (48%), and lower among those with only a high school diploma (37%) and university graduates (34%).


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Which leads to some interesting thoughts:

1. Ford cannot be damaged by a more "upscale" right wing candidate, as his core support is focused on his personality and is not interested in someone smarter and more sophisticated. OTOH, Ford presence can interfere w another right wing candidate doing well in the election by stealing votes from low end voters.

3. Ford Nation seems composed of exactly the sort of citizen who does not bother to go out and vote on election day.


Cockasian Brother
Aug 3, 2010

3. Ford Nation seems composed of exactly the sort of citizen who does not bother to go out and vote on election day.
One can only dream. But, as I've learned the hard way, weird things happen when fringe candidates are able to mobilize the vote. I fear that we may see a larger than usual number of crack users, drunk drivers and fat guys at the voting stations next year.


Mar 21, 2011
42% would still vote for Ford according to latest polls.

Are people really that stupid?
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