Pickering Angels

Rob Ford - Maybe saw an escort...does it matter?


Active member
Dec 14, 2005
Just North of the GTA
He is so obese and crack-raddled that i would piss my jeans in shock if I found out he could actually keep it up for more than 5 seconds. Indeed, I believe he is so fat that his dick is now an "inny" and he has to squat like a lady to pee. Even when he (briefly) gets wood.
Are you old enough to be even on this site....? Sincerely, Jon .


Bitter House****
Apr 27, 2006
If Ford checks himself into rehab for a few months I am sure he will get the same support and respect that Smithetman has gotten for cleaning himself up.

The difference is that Smitherman has long ago acknowledged his problem, sought and received treatment, and moved on. Ford is still fundamentally in denial, he is continuing to downplay his problem, and has not convinced anyone that he is actually dealing with it.

If he does deal with it, I think he will be welcomed back.
His character flaws, ie: lack of integrity, lack of responsibility, lack of morals and ethics, lack of personal and public accountability, bullying/threatening/intimidating nature, sense of personal entitlement that borders on psychosis and so on, are the real issues at play here. A deeply disturbed and flawed individual which took decades in the making and which will not just take 'substance abuse intervention' to adjust if at all possible.

Let's get real, all we are seeing through scandal after scandal and his tenure as councilor and mayor are just the symptoms of his real problems of which I have illustrated above which arise from his deeply rooted and decayed core.

Facts that have nothing to do with'substance abuse':

- Lied about cocaine use and trashed and vilified those who did their jobs and reported the facts.
- A sense of personal entitlement that he believes he has the right to bend reality itself to his needs and wishes.
- A brutal and conscious assault on democracy itself.
- A natural inclination to lie and cheat with a cloak of authority and undying consistency.
- A level of behavior that has run roughshod over the bounds of decency.
- Malicious falsification and threats to undermine democracy.
- A mayor whose every word has been a lie. His gravy train campaign was a lie. His boast of saving taxpayers money? Another fabrication. His pledge to stand up to gangs and guns and keep the city safe on the many tragic occasions when violence has exploded on the streets is beyond painful to recall.
- His whole political life is a lie, including whether he even shows up at work or not. Not astonishingly, the mayor and his brother have attempted to undermine every institution, rule, procedure or individual that has stood in the way of their countless transgressions. Bully robo-calls to sabotage those who don’t do his bidding on council. Violated election spending laws. Disparaging the city’s integrity commissioner for exposing his use of public office for private fundraising. His brother has demeaned the medical officer of health and undermined the authority of the chief of police. The list is exhausting.
- They have both incessantly used their authority to insult the integrity of the news media for doing their job of informing the public and reporting these facts.
- An insatiable hunger for power by any means necessary. In his unhindered feeding of that appetite, he has proven himself a democracy-devouring despot at heart.


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
His character flaws, ie: lack of integrity, lack of responsibility, lack of morals and ethics, lack of personal and public accountability, bullying/threatening/intimidating nature, sense of personal entitlement that borders on psychosis and so on, are the real issues at play here. A deeply disturbed and flawed individual which took decades in the making and which will not just take 'substance abuse intervention' to adjust if at all possible.

Let's get real, all we are seeing through scandal after scandal and his tenure as councilor and mayor are just the symptoms of his real problems of which I have illustrated above which arise from his deeply rooted and decayed core.
All this controversy is revealing how poorly Ford responds to a crisis. If he can't deal with a personal crisis, he won't have a chance with a 9-11 scale (or any) emergency.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
According to anther board I AM ALANA!!!!
According to reddit I have shown someone pictures of Rob Ford and I on my phone!!!
Now I have had 4 newspaper reporters call me one being from the New York Times .
Could this be my 15 minutes of FAME! :)
Here's your last chance to book me before I write a TELL ALL and sell the MOVIE RIGHTS!!!
I'm GONNA BE RICH!!!!!!;)
Let me know if you need an agent. I charge 10% of all earnings.

Also, media training is a must

Art Mann

May 10, 2010


Argos 'disappointed' by Rob Ford's vulgar outburst
CP Video
Published Thursday, Nov. 14 2013, 4:06 PM EST

The Toronto Argonauts say in a statement the team found Rob Ford's obscene remarks, made while clad in an Argos jersey, "disappointing."


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006


Argos 'disappointed' by Rob Ford's vulgar outburst
CP Video
Published Thursday, Nov. 14 2013, 4:06 PM EST

The Toronto Argonauts say in a statement the team found Rob Ford's obscene remarks, made while clad in an Argos jersey, "disappointing."
I think Ford Motor Company is also upset with their logo being used on his t-shirts. I wonder if their brand is being hurt by this.

Fred Zed

Dec 31, 1969
LOL, At the rate ROFO is going I predict:

All this controversy is revealing how poorly Ford responds to a crisis. If he can't deal with a personal crisis, he won't have a chance with a 9-11 scale (or any) emergency.
I predict Robbie will be involved in a physical confrontation with a journalist or councilor that will result in him being charged with assault.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
I'm surprised Ford hasnt had a massive coronary heart attack yet.

The man is severely overweight + he does drugs and drinks + he's under tremendous stress = a ticker thats about to crap out on him


Active member
Dec 11, 2010
I'm surprised Ford hasnt had a massive coronary heart attack yet.

The man is severely overweight + he does drugs and drinks + he's under tremendous stress = a ticker thats about to crap out on him
He is more like Jack black, Chris Farley, Ozzy, etc. Fat dudes who party and fuck all the time yet seem to be okay, unless they OD of course..


Well-known member
Aug 29, 2001
Fordie's wife seems to have a pretty decent body for her age, face isn't half bad either... and she's obviously not getting any cock...
So guys... would you? I would.


Call me anti-fascist
Nov 13, 2011
I get around.
Has he been hiring Dixon Blood's to work his security detail?
This is the sort of premeditated assault that a regular citizen would be arrested for. Ford set up that entire encounter. There's never been any need to cram all the media into that small area, there are larger rooms that could be used. And he could have gone back into his office but made the call to charge through the crowd for no reason other than set up the confrontation.
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