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Rob Ford - Maybe saw an escort...does it matter?


Jan 31, 2005
The Star did not report rumours. It simply reported on the contents of the police report. Accurately.

That said, they should have withheld her name from publication. The escort has done nothing wrong, other than to associate herself with a client who was not discrete about his activities.

Whoever she is, she is probably having a difficult conversation with her mother today, and that's too bad.


Mar 21, 2011
There is, in my view, a disparaging connotation associated to the description of any women as an 'apparent prostitute', at least in my world. No surprise for me to hear that the Toronto Star has reported something based on rumors. I didn't read the article as I haven't read that newspaper for many years. Sincerely, Jon .
I sincerely hope that she doesn't get her name dragged down in this story.
It would be a shame to see her reputation destroyed by hanging out with crackheads.


Active member
Dec 14, 2005
Just North of the GTA
The Star did not report rumours. It simply reported on the contents of the police report. Accurately.

That said, they should have withheld her name from publication. The escort has done nothing wrong, other than to associate herself with a client who was not discrete about his activities.

Whoever she is, she is probably having a difficult conversation with her mother today, and that's too bad.
I would address your first concern to Mr. ArtMann. See Post #: 36. I agree with your perspective regading how this young lady- real or imagined- should have been treated, as indeed she has done nothing wrong. But, this is what can happen when your have media/news/reporters with poor and careless scruples, the Toronto Star being a good example of that in this case. Sincerely, Jon .


Jan 31, 2005
I would address your first concern to Mr. ArtMann. See Post #: 36. I agree with your perspective regading how this young lady- real or imagined- should have been treated, as indeed she has done nothing wrong. But, this is what can happen when your have media/news/reporters with poor and careless scruples, the Toronto Star being a good example of that in this case. Sincerely, Jon .
Like this?


Well-known member
Oct 11, 2007
Sometimes council is more fun than a barrel of monkeys.
That is why I cannot understand why you off all people is anti-Ford!

You don't have to be Ford nation, but you do not have to be anti-Ford, Ford is just too much fun.

Also, this is the important point.

No one is accountable. NO ONE at City Hall.

Not the Miller regime spend till you drop, and the remaining left over boot lickers.

Not the flip flop opportunists who would take any position and damn the consequences as long as it improves their career chances.

Not the buffoon who accepts no personal accountability, at least not much.

If you are a voter looking at this, at least one of them is trying to hold spending down, and that seems like the only type of accountability present. That's remarkable considering the circus.

Go Ford Go!
Go Ford Go!
Go Ford Go!



Senior Member
Mar 23, 2002
That Alana woman -- or whoever serviced him -- deserves a hero medal or the Order of TERB. Imagine having to service a guy with that size belly! :))


Mar 21, 2011
If you are a voter looking at this, at least one of them is trying to hold spending down, and that seems like the only type of accountability present. That's remarkable considering the circus.

Go Ford Go!
Go Ford Go!
Go Ford Go!

Nope, he hired his highschool buddy Price for $120k, twice the price of the last person on the job.
And he used city workers to buy his booze and do his shopping, as well as coach his failed football gig.

That's wasting taxpayers money.

And that's not even talking about the $1 billion he's spending on transit that was already paid for.


Active member
Dec 4, 2008
Rid'in with the James Gang
What we learned today beyond any doubt is that the Toronto Star considers sex workers to be a lower class, somehow less deserving of respect.

And that if you go to the Bier Markt you can expect to your indiscretions to be used for the personal profit of others.

Both of these facts should trouble all Torontonians.

I know that I will never set foot inside the Bier Markt ever again.
LOL I guess if you plan to commit indiscretions you shouldn't go to the Bier Markt like
snorting a line of coke...if you want to go and have a normal good time which most
patrons do then I dont think you have much to worry about.


Mar 21, 2011
That Alana woman -- or whoever serviced him -- deserves a hero medal or the Order of TERB. Imagine having to service a guy with that size belly! :))
On the plus side, should could probably do whatever she wanted down there, he'd never be able to see it to know what she's up to.


Active member
Dec 14, 2005
Just North of the GTA
The Sun ran the exact same details. Why are you singling out the Star?
What is your point here...? That because another News organization reports 'news' based on rumors then it must be ok for the Toronto Star, to? Other members can note how far off this discussion has be pulled from the original question. Sincerely, Jon .

Art Mann

May 10, 2010
There is, in my view, a disparaging connotation associated to the description of any women as an 'apparent prostitute', at least in my world. No surprise for me to hear that the Toronto Star has reported something based on rumors. I didn't read the article as I haven't read that newspaper for many years. Sincerely, Jon .
I would address your first concern to Mr. ArtMann. See Post #: 36. I agree with your perspective regading how this young lady- real or imagined- should have been treated, as indeed she has done nothing wrong. But, this is what can happen when your have media/news/reporters with poor and careless scruples, the Toronto Star being a good example of that in this case. Sincerely, Jon .
What is your point here...? That because another News organization reports 'news' based on rumors then it must be ok for the Toronto Star, to? Other members can note how far off this discussion has be pulled from the original question. Sincerely, Jon .

The newspaper is not reporting any unsubstantiated "something based on rumors."

It is reporting the facts as they exist with the police document.

The use of the word apparent acknowledges the woman in question may wish to claim otherwise, no pejorative intended. The occupation of the lady in question is way down the list of sins in comparison to the many other citations in that police report which demonstrate his appalling lack of good judgement.

And yes, among items the police report cites are rumors about Ford and sex workers. How many rumors are there about you or me and sex workers?

Some members here have no issue with public awareness of their hobby. Most try to maintain discretion, either because they are married (like Ford) or have jobs where their reputation could be tarnished by public awareness of any extra-marital or pay-for-play activity.

Ford ignores discretion, taking the party right into his city hall office.

It's a fact that the police document cites Ford's behavior. The newspaper is merely reporting the facts.

You, of course, are free to bring whatever bias you wish to anything you read and try to twist it into supporting your viewpoint.

As are we all.


Active member
Dec 14, 2005
Just North of the GTA
The newspaper is not reporting any unsubstantiated "something based on rumors."

It is reporting the facts as they exist with the police document.

And yes, among items the police report cites are rumors about Ford and ...

It's a fact that the police document cites Ford's behavior. The newspaper is merely reporting the facts.
The newspaper is reporting on rumors in police files or police rumors- Not facts. There is a distinction for some. I'm still not clear why any women would need to be put in a position Socially to confirm or deny whether or not she's a prostitute. Sincerely, Jon .


Mar 21, 2011
The newspaper is reporting on rumors in police files or police rumors- Not facts. There is a distinction for some. I'm still not clear why any women would need to be put in a position Socially to confirm or deny whether or not she's a prostitute. Sincerely, Jon .
No, they are eye witness reports given to the police.
Those aren't rumours, those are events witnessed.

I do hope that you understand that you will never be allowed to criticize another politician on this board after this.
If you still support the crackhead after all this, there will be almost no crime for accusations left that won't leave exposed as a hypocrite.


Well-known member
Oct 11, 2007
1. Are you serious? Like the Star will give a fair shake on this matter.

2. Besides that, I wonder if the Liberals in North America, under the watch of Obama and Wynee for example, are completely and utterly intellectually bankrupt on economic matters.

All they are doing is pursuing the policies of Japan the past 20 years. They refer to that period as the lost decade in Japan.



New member
Oct 28, 2009
The morality of the escort story won't be an issue for some (including, I assume, most TERBites).

However, if the story is true, the recklessness of taking an escort with him to a bar is problematic.
What if the former staff was wrong and the lady was not an escort?
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