La Villa Spa

Durham region dead these days


Well-known member
Sep 8, 2011
what can happen , is the regular Durham girls get enough regulars that they do not need to advertize


Jun 10, 2012
No worries Worf. It wasn't you who I got offended by. ;) Once that gauntlet was thrown down it was a sure fire way to spark the age old debate though.

Now for my next chance to weigh in on the debate:

I have a very large issue with some of the things people say when it comes to prices. Maybe I am just crazy enough to think that I should structure things for quality over quantity.

Quality having nothing to do with the rate it's self or how deep someones pocket book may be but rather the quality I can provide because I am not rushing someone out the door when 30 minutes isn't enough and it becomes 45. Quality related to state of mind, personal hygiene, and my own attitude.

The kicker is that while they didn't opt for GFE at least one of those who've said it was high for Durham as had their jewels in my fingers so to speak.

Let's go over the posts prior to mine.

This clearly fails to sum up Durham. I know there are some fabulous women here. I may not have gotten all of them naked but maybe some day I will have.

I think you failed to sum up Durham but did outline the backpages pitfalls facing many cities.

Are the hours jumping in the same manner? Maybe the women are trying to push for hours over half hours because often times the half hours go longer.

I think I have seen a fair amount of 140-160 for a hh lately. I have also seen some that are much less. At the end of the day we all get there how we want to get there.

Well I can tell you that you are wrong. There have been some reviews of ones who make use of BP and may even fit your requirements but they get missed amongst the others.

Your side of it was. For the record I agree that there is a difference if there is GFE or PSE involved vs the restricted ones. I just wish there was something other then GFE or PSE as a term because for me neither fit. I am just myself. If I want to shag like a mad fiend then I shag. If I want TLC and intimacy then I take that and run with it. Often I want it all and goodness help the poor person who lets me get my manicured fingers on them. They may end up drained, sore, and barely able to think straight.

Why sell ones self short and live in the half hour?
That's good you feel the way you do, that's your opinion and what works for you! We are also entitled to our opinion. To me and some others 150,160hh is high when agencies out here charge that for an hr lol who provide great service as well. To each their own, really it doesn't matter to me was just saying what i thought about someone else's comment on pricing. Everyone can charge whatever the heck they want. Anyhow off to a long day ;) Cheers.

foxxxy lady

Supporting Member
Oct 12, 2009
angel is hot, see durham is awesome xo
some of us may be older in age, but look very youthful cause we look after ourselves, hence the good reviews and repeat clients and we have younger girls like sexy spinner and amy and Vanessa and others that have great reviews too. There seems to be agencies in this area too lookingmanglass 69 maybe you can try them. Not sure why you want to put down the durham, but if you hate it that much take a trip downtown,
They have a lot more agencies and guys come out here to see us Durham ladies. It not the other side of the moon.

xo amber

Mr. Piggy

Jul 4, 2007
Let me go back in time a bit here, and paint a picture.

There was a great agency in Durham run by a lady (going back I guess about 4 years now). Sexy Spinner used to work there. The place was always clean, with even a bathroom stock with new toothbrushes. The ladies were all great! Nothing rushed, they actually seemed to like what they were doing and most of all they acted like THEY WANTED YOU TO COME BACK, and would give you reason to. I still VIVIDLY remember session there which still put a smile on my face.

Rates were over $150, maybe $200 tip and all out the door. But darn it was worth it!!!!!!!!!!

That is what I am looking for personally, which is night and day to the crap that is on BP these days. Its too bad decent agencies like that seem to have a short life cycle in Durham.
I know the agency your talking about but those rates were for 1 hr not hh.


Sep 23, 2012
Storm is younger and a little thicker she is beautiful so is amy, u can find exactly what you described crappy hotel, stinky pot filled room and lazy girls in any city lol

xo amber
Storm is also notorious for a certain brand of crazy. She has been the topic of bad threads, drama and I have personally seen her for extremely subpar service. Stick to the positve reviewed sp's such as annessa, Amber, etc.
Jun 20, 2005
And Candice is in town today. If memory servis me correctly she was a lot of fun, early thirties, a really good looking GND. She isn't a spinner though.


Jun 10, 2012
And Candice is in town today. If memory servis me correctly she was a lot of fun, early thirties, a really good looking GND. She isn't a spinner though.
Lol I was til i hit 25, then it all went down hill from there (jks) Those were the good ol'days haha :)


Active member
Sep 26, 2001
In a house somewhere


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Do not forget that Cristal is in town today. Wonder who is the girl that she is offering duos with, as there is no mention of any name.


Active member
A topic that always pops up. Always has. And probably always will.

There are so many variables that causes this issue to immerge over and over.

I think some of the big ones are:

Good indies or agencies. Not enough of them. I think there's a frustration that Toronto has a bigger market, leading to more girls. And yes, that leads to more reviews of girls with good/great service. But also to reviews of girls with terrible service. But we see the reviews of more girls.

Variety/body types/attitudes - The reviews of more girls means there's variety. Guys have so many tastes. And one guy may have more than one thing that he likes. Could even change with his mood. I want a GND who's a closet pse. I want a spinner, I want a MILF, I want someone busty, I want someone younger, I want someone with tats, I want someone who can party, etc. There is a massive menu that guys want, but out here, not all can be met. And when you add into the mix that there are a limited number of known, good providers, that adds to the frustration level. And guys are always looking for new girls. And that in no way is a slight against any of the ladies who are always well reviewed. It's just part of the "variety" that guys want. More to choose from the sp buffet.

The reviewers themselves Sometimes I think we cause more problems than there needs to be. I've always found the best reviewers are the ones who can be objective in their review. I think some have this attitude that if certain services aren't given for the money that they spend, then they get angry and upset and treat the whole session as a rip off or a waste of time etc. I'm not talking about advertising one way and then only offering less. And YES I do know that YMMV always applies, and that can be a factor. I'm talking of providers who for $150/hh don't provide kissing, only do CBJ and maybe limited positions, while others provide DFK, BBBJ, and all the other abbreviations that point to a potential of full on frenzy of fornicating. The trend seems to be to rip into the girl saying that she overcharges etc for what she offers. Instead of slamming the girl, being objective would be much more helpful. There are some guys who are only comfortable with limited services. And not only that, these are services that SHE may be only comfortable in offering. Nothing wrong with that. Why should I slam an sp for offering those services if there's a market for it. If it's not what I was hoping for, when I saw a new sp, I don't slam her for it. I post what the services were and just say that she wasn't for me, but she may be for others. And this is the key. The idea is to review not just for you but for others. Attitude from the provider is a key factor with her service. She may be restrictive with what she offers. But she can still offer a great time, satisfy her client fully, and everyone's happy.

When I did reviewed, I tried to be as open and honest as I could in them. Even if I didn't have a good time, it wasn't about slamming the sp, unless I felt it was an obvious rip off. But it was about saying how my time was with her, and that her services were or were not for me - but they may be for someone else.

If a poster isn't objective, and slams the sp, and then multiply that by others who do the same thing, then yes, it looks like there are a lot of crappy sp's when that not be the case at all.

Money - ahhh yes. this is what it comes down to. Agencies and Indies set their prices. And yes we all know that's how it works. They set for what the market will bear. If they're not getting enough business at the rates they charge, there are 3 decisions to make - 1) stay at that rate, and take it when it comes. 2) close up shop because it's not worth their time/efforts for anything less 3) lower rates. If the market is bearing what they charge, then those will be the prices. You can bitch and complain all you like but if people are paying it then that's what it'll be. We always want the lower rates. We want that for everything we spend our money on. Guys may or may not have a lot of disposable income. So some may be able to partake more than others. For those who have disposable income, they may be willing to take more risks in seeing women that have no reviews or very few. I used to be that way. I would partake in both. Yes, I wanted to be with an sp that was known for good service. I wanted to know I was going to have a good time. But there were times that I wanted to take a chance, and see if I got to find a hidden gem. That's not easy. And it requires you to spend your money and not have a good time.

I think THIS is where a lot of the issue lies. This is an expensive hobby! If there are not a lot of guys who are willing to part with their money and take a chance on unknown/unreviewed sp's, then it leads to guys going to the ones that ARE known for their good/great service. And if there are "a handful" of those good sp's, then they're the one's we're going to hear about.

Are there girls who are out there, who are just starting out, or have been out for a while, and either are or could be good providers? Absolutely!

Are there girls who are out there, who are just starting out, or have been for a while, and are not good providers? Absolutely!

My question to the men, is who is willing to part with their money to help find them? The more men, that are willing to take a chance, see if that new girl, is a good one or not, then the more possible gems that could be found for others to enjoy. If it's just a few guys that are going to be doing that, then chances are, it's going to take longer to find those gems.

Add to all that, that we're on a review board, that as large as it is, is also a small community. And things that are said on here seem to be amplified.

The reality is this, there are good sp's, and bad sp's. Good clients and bad clients. Not all of our experiences are going to be good ones for both parties. You want them to be. That's what we want to have. But nothing is guaranteed. You take it in stride, chalk it up to experience and move on. Try to find the hidden gems out there, take the lumps when they come. Just try to limit it to a minor concussion. lol


Oct 27, 2012
Also I will say I really seem to enjoy this hobby in horny spurts. I'll see a few girls in a span of two or so weeks and then I stop. One the horny desires have been satisfied and 2 the money runs dry. I also seem to only write a review when its really good or really bad. The middle ground I never report


Well-known member
Sep 29, 2005
eastern frontier
Let me go back in time a bit here, and paint a picture.

There was a great agency in Durham run by a lady (going back I guess about 4 years now). Sexy Spinner used to work there. The place was always clean, with even a bathroom stock with new toothbrushes. The ladies were all great! Nothing rushed, they actually seemed to like what they were doing and most of all they acted like THEY WANTED YOU TO COME BACK, and would give you reason to. I still VIVIDLY remember session there which still put a smile on my face.

Rates were over $150, maybe $200 tip and all out the door. But darn it was worth it!!!!!!!!!!

That is what I am looking for personally, which is night and day to the crap that is on BP these days. Its too bad decent agencies like that seem to have a short life cycle in Durham.

Your thinking of SS/SR and it was 120/180 and Cyd had some pretty great gals!


Well-known member
Sep 29, 2005
eastern frontier
I have to agree with Worf on this. I like our indies, they are sweet, but a man needs variety and lot's of it. Barring that, a little more variety would be nice.

I've noticed these BP ladies in the area, charging Toronto prices for substandard services and b&s pics. You do your due diligence and search and find out that you are taking a gamble by seeing them.

Durham is ripe for a good agency to come in and offer good service, for a fair monetary rate and I'm sure they would be busy, like SSE, SS/SR and HG, they had some fine ladies to choose from at a sound monetary rate for the area and it worked.


New member
Nov 14, 2013
have you seen me or her or are you playing a little game, I think you should see us each separately first and then decide if you could handle it lol

xo amber
I've seen storm and she's a hot fiery red head, I wonder what 2 fiery red heads would do to me;)
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