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Breaking : Rob Ford has finally admitted to smoking crack cocaine


Active member
Oct 28, 2007
You idiots do realize comparing marijuana to CRACK cocaine is like comparing perfume to pepper spray?
you are talking to people that resonated with a slogan designed to appeal to simpleton morons (stop the gravy train)

keep that in mind


Active member
Aug 21, 2009
Wondering how many on Toronto City council have done drugs?

Im willing to bet Adam Vaughan has.....

anyone else on the list?

Oct 10, 2007

Chief Blair has admitted to smoking crack cocaine

just kidding haha, now that would be a good headline


Active member
Aug 21, 2009
Ford Nation would LOVE to be able to prove that. If they had a video of those "homo/lefties" on council doing ANYTHING, it'd be out! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
No I'm not interested in proving anyone has done it. Statistically speaking ..some's just fun trying to ascertain who might be so inclined.


Jun 6, 2009

Consequences of Marijuana Abuse
Acute (present during intoxication)
Impairs short-term memory
Impairs attention, judgment, and other cognitive functions
Impairs coordination and balance
Increases heart rate
Psychotic episodes
Persistent (lasting longer than intoxication, but may not be permanent)
Impairs memory and learning skills
Sleep impairment
Long-term (cumulative effects of chronic abuse)
Can lead to addiction
Increases risk of chronic cough, bronchitis
Increases risk of schizophrenia in vulnerable individuals
May increase risk of anxiety, depression, and amotivational syndrome*

Perception of Marijuana as a 'Safe Drug' Is Scientifically Inaccurate, Finds Review of Teen Brain Studies
laying grounds for your defence?


Resu Deretsiger
Oct 14, 2012
Is there going to be a day when the left attacks Ford on his policies instead of being hell bent on destroying his character instead? Yeah ok fat dumb drunk who smokes crack on his spare time still manages city budget better than his predecessors, just shows how incapable left leaders are.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
You maggots in the media with your baseless speculation!.
At the time it was entirely hearsay, now there is a smoking gun in plain view.

One wonders after all the incidents mild to severe involving people with cell phones or cameras he did not know better than to be behaving like this somewhere where they were not banned.
Then we have the behaviour itself - idiot! :mad:


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Is there going to be a day when the left attacks Ford on his policies instead of being hell bent on destroying his character instead? Yeah ok fat dumb drunk who smokes crack on his spare time still manages city budget better than his predecessors, just shows how incapable left leaders are.
Miller balanced the budget, Lastman balanced the budget, but neither of them promised to lower taxes. Ford did. His coming budget asks for a property tax hike just for ordinary expenses; he admits there will be another for the Scarboro Subway, and he also admits he can't manage without Millers Land Transfer Tax, although he had promised to cancel it right after he took office. He gave car owners an easy win in his self-declared War for Cars, and he gave us all more 'free' bags than we need. Two 'accomplishments' only. Mostly broken promises.

He's brought every bit of this mess upon himself, proving with his lies and evasions and fabrications that he is unworthy of the trust the citizens honoured him with. If he deserved any sort of second chance in the job he lost it by not making this statement six months ago.

The only thing substantive that has changed in that time is that bit by bit by bit, the factual details of the ugly story of this incident in Rob's drug problems got filled in. But Rob knew them all, long ago. He was there.

It's always the one with the problem who's the last to find out. The apology and the promise to do better is a start, but admitting he hasn't managed it before and needs help would actually mean something.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
At the time it was entirely hearsay, now there is a smoking gun in plain view.

One wonders after all the incidents mild to severe involving people with cell phones or cameras he did not know better than to be behaving like this somewhere where they were not banned.
Then we have the behaviour itself - idiot! :mad:
Of course he spends his Mayor-time so much more seriously and thoughtfully than his personal-time. He only loses all self-control, good judgement, common-sense and inhibition, after hours*, among close personal friends in private. No one has ever complained his Mayoral behaviour is unworthy.
*Not that anyone actually knows what those hours are. Please do not overlook the Sarcasm Font


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
"I feel like a thousand pounds have been lifted off my shoulders...."

I don't know about you guys, but I'm sure glad he feels better. :confused:
Actually I am too, I recognize the feeling myself, as one many alcoholics and people with drug problems have, when they begin the job of admitting and confronting their problem and the damage it's done. But he stopped a long way short of what I'd call fully owning the mess and taking concrete steps to clean it up. I hope he's a better man than I can give him credit for from what I've seen to date, and wish him well.

But the comedy continues.
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