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Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
In today's world, religion only thrives in poor, uneducated countries, and countries where there's censorship and religious police. Most religions of today have evolved to be peaceful, with one notable exception that has troublesome violent extremist factions, so although I don't believe in these ancient manmade religions, I don't think have a problem with people believing in their manmade religion as long as it remains peaceful.
I gather you meant it is ok for people to convert to Islam as long as they
don't turn into a terrorist. And it is fine for people in India to follow Hinduism or
Sikhism so long as they won't commit acts of religious violence which still
happen once in a while there. I too won't have any problem with someone to
accept JC as his personal saviour if only he won't end up killing an abortion
doctor. I wish this kind of thinking would led to solutions to the problems with
organized religion if only it is not so simplistic. Seriously I'd never think it is ok
for people to believe in some falsehood whatever the outcome turn out to be.


Mar 12, 2004
Less is not more

If the data is misleading which I believe it is then it can serve the purpose
of propaganda irrespectively of who conducted the poll.

On the surface it seems believable for China to boost the largest proportion
of atheists in its demographics given that it is officially an atheistic communist
state. But I found a number as high as 47% improbable in light of its cultural

Unlike the Christian west and many other ex-communist states the traditional
religious beliefs of the Chinese were not rooted in the influence/indoctrination of
organized religions. Belief in the spirit of ancestors, of the dead and belief inand
respect of the spirtitual force of heaven and earth were deeply ingrained in the
Chinese culture throught pretty much its entire history. Supernatural elements
are ubiquitous in classic Chinese literature (such as Romance of the three
kingdoms). Atheism was unheard of from eminent Chinese philosophers. Teaching
of Confucius did not reject gods. Lao Tzu was deified and worshipped. It is
true that the communists persecuted religion fervently. But the Chinese was
never receptive to organized religion anyway. In fact there was a history of
hostility towards Christian missionaries from the time when Christian faith was
introduced to the Chinese peasants near the end of imperial China.

As China is catching up with the western world some of its traditions
like the ritual of bowing to the heaven in a wedding ceremony are rarely
in practice. But there is no evidence pointing to that being a result of
a drift towards atheism rather than progress of modernization.

Personally I see a rise of atheism as a good sign. For progress of civilization
to run its course humanity eventually has to relinquish its childish belief
of them living under the watch of some unknown being in the sky, a remnant
of ancient superstition in my view. I just think it is too good to be true to find that
kind of enlightment to be the result of living under a government known
for its oppression of the freedom of speech and religion.
I tend to agree with you about the possibility of the results from China, could be misleading with regards to atheists numbers.
But the point I have been trying to make, is to a certain some one who doesn't understand the difference between "totals" and "percentage".

The numbers that I have been quoting, coming out of North America and Europe, including STATS CAN showing a decrease from 91 thru 2011 of 83% down to 67%, are totally believable, and just common sense.
Religiosity, as a PERCENTAGE of population, is on the decrease in these two regions, even with the influx of Muslim immigrants to Europe.

Whether or not the decrease is due to an increase in Atheists or the NON RELIGIOUS or both numbers,...the end result is still the same, Religiosity is on the decrease,...its just that simple.

Hey ARTMAN,…thanks for the beautiful women,…if there was a god,…it most assuredly must be male !!!

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Active member
Dec 1, 2005
Just because you have a theological problem with hell (i.e. God's justice against sin (i.e. the wages of sin is death, and death is defined as eternal separation from God and being an object of His wrath for eternity) doesn't negate the fact that it exists and billions upon billions are actually spending an eternity in hell. The remedy is to deal with the issue as denying something that is there doesn't mean it doesn't exist.


Senior Turgid Member
Nov 13, 2003
Durham Region, Den of Iniquity
During my sessions I spend quite some time talking with my dates and I repeat often, so I do get to know the girls I see a little bit. And interesting thing that I noticed is that quite a few of them are somewhat religious, attending church regularly. Funny, considering that the book suggests that they should be burned for what they do lol
Who did God first reveal the good news of the resurrection?


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
Just because you have a theological problem with hell (i.e. God's justice against sin (i.e. the wages of sin is death, and death is defined as eternal separation from God and being an object of His wrath for eternity) doesn't negate the fact that it exists and billions upon billions are actually spending an eternity in hell. The remedy is to deal with the issue as denying something that is there doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
Unfortunately none of those billions of souls will ever have a chance to
come back to earth to bring us their testimonies on life in hell. Golly gee,
having to spend just one day burning alive is bad enough. Time to figure
out which denomination to join and which of the creeds to subscribe to.


Sweetie Pie
Feb 23, 2004
Every escort I've seen is religious... They pray to god all the time...

Oh God, Jesus Christ, OH MY GOD, I cumming!

Yes. It's probably the only time I ever say the word God. Sex is like a religious experience. ;)

I briefly dated a man earlier this year and he said he couldn't be with me because it went against his catholic upbringing and his morals. The irony is that he told me had seen about 50 or so prostitutes all over the world.... Is that not hypocritical?

As for churches, my friends like to say I would spontaneously combust if I walked into a church but I did it recently and it didn't happen! Yay! :)


New member
Jan 19, 2006
I briefly dated a man earlier this year and he said he couldn't be with me because it went against his catholic upbringing and his morals. The irony is that he told me had seen about 50 or so prostitutes all over the world.... Is that not hypocritical?
Indeed it is.

Glad to hear that you did not spontaneously combust.


Mar 12, 2004
This should be interesting

just because you have a theological problem with hell (i.e. God's justice against sin (i.e. The wages of sin is death, and death is defined as eternal separation from god and being an object of his wrath for eternity) doesn't negate the fact that it exists and billions upon billions are actually spending an eternity in hell. the remedy is to deal with the issue as denying something that is there doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
FACT ???



Mar 12, 2004


Active member
Dec 1, 2005
Unfortunately none of those billions of souls will ever have a chance to
come back to earth to bring us their testimonies on life in hell. Golly gee,
having to spend just one day burning alive is bad enough. Time to figure
out which denomination to join and which of the creeds to subscribe to.
If you go on youtube and look for testimonies about people who have been in hell as a result of being dead, but being brought back to life (i.e. near death experience, or dead for a length of time but then recovered, etc...) then you'll find ample anecdotal evidence that this place exists.

The Bible makes it clear, in the book of John, and the book of Romans that you need to be born-again and spiritually regenerate by receiving Jesus in order to be saved. If you are saved then there should be fruits of repentance or evidence the Spirit of God is working inside of you.


Active member
Dec 1, 2005
It is by the grace of God I have not lost my virginity with an escort. God knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptation. It says so in 2 Pet 2:9. The last attempt to use an escort was last year in June 26, 2012. I called up a few escorts but they didn't pick up the phone and then I called a girl and ended up having a relationship with her (no sex) until we broke up because she was divorced and I didn't buy her explanation for the divorce. (relationship was between July 1, 2012-Nov 18, 2012)

It was an exciting and passionate relationship and we planned to marry each other. But, Jesus said, if you date or marry a divorced woman then you are committing adultery with her. Therefore I broke up with her since it was adultery to see her. So, God delivered me from that too as I got the truth about her from her ex-husband who is a pastor from a church that was still hung up on her and waiting for her to go back to him.

Since then this has given me hope that there is still a right woman out there for me and I've been dissuaded of potentially catching any STDs or having a past that includes this, especially if I'm looking for a Christian wife. So, for the moment, I don't see that happening. To use an escort would be to call God a liar and claim He has no woman for me. So, yeah, I'm VirginJohn still.


Mar 12, 2004
Holy cow

WOW,...just WOW...



Active member
Nov 10, 2011
If you go on youtube and look for testimonies about people who have been in hell as a result of being dead, but being brought back to life (i.e. near death experience, or dead for a length of time but then recovered, etc...) then you'll find ample anecdotal evidence that this place exists.

The Bible makes it clear, in the book of John, and the book of Romans that you need to be born-again and spiritually regenerate by receiving Jesus in order to be saved. If you are saved then there should be fruits of repentance or evidence the Spirit of God is working inside of you.
The only problem with that, or I should say just one of the many problems, is that if a child is not taught (or brainwashed, whatever you want to call it) about Jesus and Christianity, he would never know about it. A kid living in a remote African village that was brought up being an animist will never know about Jesus, or some kid living in a remote arctic igloo will never know about Jesus either. It's too bad that those kids who were never taught that Jesus is the lord will burn in hell for eternity, if only Jesus revealed himself to them, I feel bad for those poor kids. Religion can only survive through hearsay and not direct experience, which just shows it's a manmade invention. Your parents, your grandparents, and your great-grandparents never spoke with God (unless they were schizophrenic), and God never told them that Jesus is their lord, the only reason they believe it was because their parents, priests and teachers told them to believe it, that's how they were raised.
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