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Rob Ford's buddy and occasional driver arrested.


New member
Jul 14, 2009
Lisi is charged (among other things) with a conspiracy to commit an indictable offence. This charge is considered to be very difficult to prove, it is rarely laid and it usually stems from wiretaps. Stock up on popcorn.


Active member
Sep 6, 2008
I'm sure Ford-nation'rs are making more excuses (as usual) ... but, man there is a lot of smoke circling Ford :rolleyes:
(and you know what they say about where there is smoke, there is a fire)


Jul 2, 2011
This is all a big yawn though.

The Red Star looking to sell more newspapers.

Justin Trudeau or Kathleen Wynne admit to smoking weed and it gets no news.

However, the Mayor should disassociate himself with those recently charged.
CP24 talked about them quite a bit actually.


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2008

From the Toronto Star:
Lisi’s criminal record includes convictions for threatening death to one woman, and assault and threatening bodily harm to a second woman. He entered into a peace bond with a third woman who accused him of assault and threatening death. He also has been charged three times with drug possession. Only one of those charges led to a conviction, for which he was given an absolute discharge.

Minor matter are something like stealing a bag of chips form a convenience store.
Assault and making death threats to 3 women is not a minor matter.
to guys like Gpideal and Train, it doesntmatter long as their lover boy, doesnt raise property taxes, or bashes unions on a regular basis... Ford is a buffoon, who surrounds himself with low life thugs, if that doesnt adress his utter lack of judgement i dont know what would..


Well-known member
Nov 25, 2005
Anyone that hides behind the "show the video I need proof!" Is the same kind of person that closes the gate after the cows are long gone.

Fords a filthy, dirty player, and y'all put him in charge of Toronto. If you voted for him, it's your fault our city is in this mess. Cry all you want about the liberal Miller but at least he wasn't associated with criminals and show contempt for the citizens in Toronto by making it his personal sandbox to fuck around with. Like all bullies, in the end, we will have a sandbox full of broken toys and he will have stomped home to complain to mommy when he's ejected after the next ekection
The funny thing is he'll be re-elected. And do you know why? Because even if he smokes crack, hangs out with drug dealers, grabs random women's asses and is fat, he still runs this city better than any of the competition.


Jan 31, 2005
The funny thing is he'll be re-elected. And do you know why? Because even if he smokes crack, hangs out with drug dealers, grabs random women's asses and is fat, he still runs this city better than any of the competition.
I haven't seen any indication that he runs the city.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
I haven't seen any indication that he runs the city.
Not true. I'm pretty sure that whenever he gets the runs it is in the city.


New member
Jul 14, 2009
The funny thing is he'll be re-elected. And do you know why? Because even if he smokes crack, hangs out with drug dealers, grabs random women's asses and is fat, he still runs this city better than any of the competition.
either because of this or because his electorate is dumb as fuck


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
The funny thing is he'll be re-elected. And do you know why? Because even if he smokes crack, hangs out with drug dealers, grabs random women's asses and is fat, he still runs this city better than any of the competition.
thats true. it would be nice to get a credible candidate come forward.


Active member
Sep 8, 2008
either because of this or because his electorate is dumb as fuck
I am beginning to fear this reality. The number of idiots that attend his bbqs scares me. These are the people that vote for him. If it was a lefty with these scandals they'd be calling for his head but because it's a guy who claims to "stop the gravy train" (even though has never been able to prove how, and what's worse, with the promise of subways taxes will actually go up) they blindly follow like sheep.


Mar 7, 2004

Chris Murphy, a Toronto criminal defence lawyer and former federal prosecutor who oversaw many illegal drug cases, said he had never heard of homicide detectives overseeing a marijuana raid, and that the involvement of Detectives Giroux and Schertzer suggested that there is much more to this investigation than the charges laid Wednesday morning.

Homicide detectives are generally considered the “best of the best,” Mr. Murphy said. “Why are you putting your best investigators on this case?... You don’t have two homicide detectives on the scene of a marijuana drug bust. It’s completely unheard of.”

Garry Clement, a former RCMP superintendent and former chief of police of the eastern Ontario town of Cobourg, said that, based on his experience overseeing several sensitive investigations, Toronto police would want some of their most experienced investigators on this case for one reason – the force’s connections to the mayor.

From a law enforcement perspective, you’ve got your ultimate boss...the mayor being implicated or being dragged into a group of people that are clearly, now, through the allegations that are going before the court, in the criminal milieu – associating more than just casually with them. So you’ve got an obligation to investigate.”
This is really the story here. This is being taken VERY seriously by people who are well trained and respected within law enforcement. It doesn't matter if Ford is the greatest mayor ever - he isn't above the law.
As a bonus for those of us who enjoy the whole Ford psychodrama, we're gonna see even more sweat now - his supply is cut off.


Mar 7, 2004
I am beginning to fear this reality. The number of idiots that attend his bbqs scares me. These are the people that vote for him. If it was a lefty with these scandals they'd be calling for his head but because it's a guy who claims to "stop the gravy train" (even though has never been able to prove how, and what's worse, with the promise of subways taxes will actually go up) they blindly follow like sheep.
Yeah, me too. This is the great weak point of democracy - many of the people who vote are as "enlightened" as some of the commentators here. "It doesn't matter if he eats babies, as long as he whips those union monsters."


Mar 21, 2011
Yeah, me too. This is the great weak point of democracy - many of the people who vote are as "enlightened" as some of the commentators here. "It doesn't matter if he eats babies, as long as he whips those union monsters."
Its even worse then that, all he has to do is keep repeating the lie that he reduced taxes, despite the evidence out that they've gone up and are about to go up more because of his subway, all he has to do is keep repeating that lie and people will keep backing him. Despite the proof of his previous lies, present lies and refusal to answer any serious question.

Meanwhile the city has their top homicide investigator watching Ford's friends and workers.
The Globe and Mail has learned that Det. Sgt. Giroux is leading an investigation into side issues out of Project Traveller, a year-long investigation into an alleged drug-dealing network known as the Dixon City Bloods. The focus of Det. Sgt. Giroux’s investigation, however, has nothing to do with the gang. Rather, he and another prominent city investigator, Detective Joyce Schertzer are heading up a team examining a group of individuals close to the mayor, according to several sources with knowledge of the police inquiries.

It was Det. Schertzer who led the investigation that solved the March 28 slaying of Anthony Smith, 21. Almost two months after the shooting death, Mr. Smith’s image surfaced in a photograph that accompanied reports of an alleged video purportedly showing the mayor smoking crack cocaine. The photograph, obtained by Gawker and the Toronto Star, featured Mr. Smith alongside the mayor and two alleged gang-members who were later charged for drug trafficking amid the Project Traveller raids that targeted the Etobicoke-based Dixon City Bloods street gang.

Det. Schertzer was one of a handful of officers on scene at 22 Division late Tuesday night when Mr. Lisi was brought in to the station.

A Toronto Police source said it would be inaccurate to describe Det. Sgt. Giroux as leading any investigation into the alleged video, but the ongoing presence of the seasoned detective has raised questions about the scope of the police probe.

Art Mann

May 10, 2010
This is really the story here. This is being taken VERY seriously by people who are well trained and respected within law enforcement. It doesn't matter if Ford is the greatest mayor ever - he isn't above the law. . . . .
Absolutely right. That's the bottom line.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
why would Ford (who is not charged yet) throw under a bus his buddy who is charged and can testify or leak info against Ford?

True friends are friends forever no matter what. However, you're the one insinuating that Ford is a criminal when there's no charge or proof.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
The studies show that countries with strong unions have happier citizens, and I belong to none and work with some of the strongest.

Meanwhile, the comparison to Montreal is interesting. Ford's friends are no cleaner then the Montreal folk, they are just, much, much, much more inept.
They all seem to still live in their parents basements, and without a ride on Ford's personal gravy train, they'd probably still be down in those basements playing video games, fantasy football and trying to score something for the weekend.
I'm just surprised you think those are the sort who should run the biggest city in the country.

I work with a few unions too but unions can cripple societies when they get out of control. That's why governments have deemed certain services as essential.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
Hahaha. Minor matters like drug trafficking. LOLOL.

You guys make these small town peddlers look like Pablo Escobar. There are drug busts all the time. This is not news. Who gives a shit. Everybody that smokes weed gets it from someone, including Justin Trudeau or Kathleen Wynne.

But when it comes to Rob Ford, you want us to believe that he cohorts with drug lords. Puh-lease!


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
The funny thing is he'll be re-elected. And do you know why? Because even if he smokes crack, hangs out with drug dealers, grabs random women's asses and is fat, he still runs this city better than any of the competition.

You may be right HEYHEY and this may be one thing I agree with you on.
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