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Verbal harrassment at work


New member
Jul 3, 2005
Hi there

My boss on various occasions has threatened to kill me and says other explicit things. Its more so the killing....I don't have it recorded BC he will say it spontaneously but what can I do? Each time I submit a file I worry if there is an error or mistake he will kill me or something....its emotionally taking a toll.

What can I do? I have a witness ..a former co worker as witness as I doubt any current colleague will be witness as they may lose their jobs etc

Pls help...thanks.


Jan 31, 2005
Start by keeping a log. Every time he says something, write it down. Note the time and place, who heard it, where, and when you noted it (did he say it five minutes ago, yesterday, etc). If it ever goes to court your detailed and careful notes will make your testimony very believable.

Try and record it as well. If you record it, make a note in your journal about the recording, write down key quotes, when it was, who was there. Again so that if the quality of the recording is challenged you have a paper trail and the key quotes as you heard them documented and backed up by the audio.

If you REALLY think he is going to harm you, get out of there now.

If it's more a matter of a poisoned work environment then continue documenting until you have a very solid case.

Then decide what you want to accomplish out of this. Charges? A good termination package? Do you actually just want him to stop?


Just doin' what I do, man
Mar 15, 2002
Miami, you dumbass
Start by keeping a log. Every time he says something, write it down. Note the time and place, who heard it, where, and when you noted it (did he say it five minutes ago, yesterday, etc). If it ever goes to court your detailed and careful notes will make your testimony very believable.

Also, ask him to stop. Why would he stop if no one asks him to? Document that meeting - and his response - as well.

If that does not go the way you want, escalate it to his superior.


Well-known member
Oct 6, 2006
Get a digital recorder and turn it on everytime you two have a conversation.

Keep all conversations backed up.

Also document while things are fresh in your head.

If you are ever at a point you feel really threatened, don't hesitate to file a Police Report or call the Police.


New member
Jul 3, 2005
I work in finance and operations department. I do have a log of when my director and VP have said it to me. My director has said it 3 times while my VP has said it to me once over the span of 2 years. ave not spoken to anyone in h.r but I am really considering quitting BC of his attitude and insults. I am not perfect t with my work but I have never said anything or so to instigate killing.

I want to pursue something legally as I have a former co worker who can testify and be witness.


New member
Jul 3, 2005
At least it takes your mind off of your dad cursing you out about your fiance.
Haha yeah....can't catch a damm break man least this jerk at work I will sue if I canu unlike FAM issue


Well-known member
Oct 6, 2006
To OP, based on your English skill., I assume you are an immigrant?

I wouldn't quit the job if it's a great job and you like it.

Sounds like this is exactly what the Bosses are trying to achieve via intimidation with the insults etc.

If they find you incompetent at the job, there are more professional avenues to address the situation.

Not sure what country you came from but,in this country someone like your Boss with much to lose is not very likely to carry out such a threat.

Bosses will bully you unless you stand up to them. By quitting, they win and will only do it to someone else.

There are numerous options like Human Resources, Human Rights commission, Labour board of Ontario, taking them to court etc.


New member
Jul 3, 2005
To OP, based on your English skill., I assume you are an immigrant?

I wouldn't quit the job if it's a great job and you like it.

Sounds like this is exactly what the Bosses are trying to achieve via intimidation with the insults etc.

If they find you incompetent at the job, there are more professional avenues to address the situation.

Not sure what country you came from but,in this country someone like your Boss with much to lose is not very likely to carry out such a threat.

Bosses will bully you unless you stand up to them. By quitting, they win and will only do it to someone else.

There are numerous options like Human Resources, Human Rights commission, Labour board of Ontario, taking them to court etc.
Hmm I'm using my cell phone for typing so there are random autocorrection...anyhow....if I pursue legal action and still remain at my place, the work becomes more hostile and it'll be awkward, no?

I lost respect for my manager and therefore do not hav any motive to work for him....I would rather risk my job and pursue legal action in hopes for some settlement but not sure what they can my company can counter with?
I find it hard to believe that you dont have options in this day of political correctness.

Your boss has a boss, surely. And what he's threatening, even were it in jest, is not appropriate in any work environment.
Start by making his superior aware of this verbal abuse.

If your boss's boss threatens to kill you, well then it's time to go public on your employers.


Active member
Aug 21, 2009
Your smart phone is always available. RECORD THINGS.

I WOULD ALSO S, they next time he says it, come back with Re you really gonna kill me. Tell him to stop.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Jw01, Ask for a consultation with a lawyer who specializes in workplace discrimination cases. Presuming the Toronto market is like most, this shouldn't cost you anything or a very nominal fee.


New member
Jan 14, 2011
Hi there

My boss on various occasions has threatened to kill me and says other explicit things. Its more so the killing....I don't have it recorded BC he will say it spontaneously but what can I do? Each time I submit a file I worry if there is an error or mistake he will kill me or something....its emotionally taking a toll.

What can I do? I have a witness ..a former co worker as witness as I doubt any current colleague will be witness as they may lose their jobs etc

Pls help...thanks.
What can you do? Grow some balls, maybe? Or perhaps some thicker skin? Just ignore it. Or just say "Oh yeah, well I just had sex with your wife"

Cobra Enorme

Pussy tamer
Aug 13, 2009
ill be the first.

If both your director and VP have said they're going to kill you it sounds like you are always fucking up at work to the point that you're causing these people higher up to say theyre going to kill you. Do everyone a favour and find another job, you're not doing a good one now.


Feb 20, 2013
the thing you will have to demonstrate to a lawyer and subsequently a judge is the MONETARY DAMAGES that they caused you because of their harassment. Though it sounds bad, unlike the States, we do not give out $10-Million because someone looks at you the wrong way. Fuji's advice is right if you want to get them fired, and to have proof of the harassment - but you need to show they financially damaged you somehow to get any sort of funds from the court.


Sr Member
Dec 1, 2012
Man thats some serious shit! police!

Hi there

My boss on various occasions has threatened to kill me and says other explicit things. Its more so the killing....I don't have it recorded BC he will say it spontaneously but what can I do? Each time I submit a file I worry if there is an error or mistake he will kill me or something....its emotionally taking a toll.

What can I do? I have a witness ..a former co worker as witness as I doubt any current colleague will be witness as they may lose their jobs etc

Pls help...thanks.


Jul 27, 2013
Quit screwing up at work ...
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