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Verbal harrassment at work


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
Absolutely. The harsh words should be "we really expect more from people than that, you won't be here long if you keep making those kinds of mistakes" not "you are an idiot" etc., certainly not "I am going to kill you".

Punish and reward the behavior, not the person.

Okee doke Fuji.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
You already have an incredibly good case to bring a Human Rights Tribunal complaint against the individuals and the company.


Contact Howard Levitt's office for a free consultation. They are the leading employment law firm in Ontario and you will get good advice. Do not try to figure this out on your own either. Each situation is unique and you need the advice of a lawyer with broad employment law knowledge to decide the best course of action.


I've used this firm in the past just for legal advice as opposed to taking action. The principal, is perhaps one of the original gurus of employment law. He wrote a popular book way back.


Brian Grosman is a pioneer in the field of employment law but you probably will see an associate as he's the founder of this firm and probably too expensive.

He wrote a few books including the popular Fire Power and Fire Proofing.

AFAIK, he hasn't driven his car into flood waters.


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2009
If more than one person "threatened" to kill you and they see you everyday and yet you're still alive, is there a posibility that it's all a joke that "someone" can't catch up with. My boss does the same with "if you screw this up, i'm going to hang you upside down"...and when I do screw up all i hear was ..."i'd love to see you 6feet under...alive!" I get bonuses quarterly for my good efforts though so it's all good.
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