Toronto Escorts

The Bad, the Worse and the Surprising Salvation...

Well, your old pal Stoo hasn't spent much time up in the KW/C/G area for some time... not since the heady days of Hammtm, Boss Breanna and so many excellent indy options. Tonight was a wicked reminder as to why not...

I knew I was going to be in town tonight so I started to search Terb for some options this morning, but came up with nothing. So off I go to BP, and found this little number... Steffanie ( who I recall chatting with a year ago. Her tiny stature was appealing and there were a couple of ok reviews, and one cautionary note, which was super vague.

Anyway, a little texting throughout the day, and a time was set for this evening. I arrived at her motel on time, only to get the familiar stall. Starting to think things weren't going to happen, I began to consider Plan B. More about that in a bit...

Forty-five minutes late, I got up to her room. The 20 year old spinner in the ad had mysteriously morphed into what looked like a 40 year old crack head. (I didn't actually think she was, but she was just really pale, emaciated and unhealthy looking.) Taken aback, I went in anyway. She was extremely animated, bouncing around and chatty. She was wearing a robe, but it was clear she was even skinnier than her pictures. Plus, her face had strange pockmarks and sores she had been busy covering with makeup when I arrived. I should have bolted, but L'il Stooey was in need...

We chatted a bit, had a drink, and over the next 10 minutes, I was able to slide her robe up over her ass as she showed me her new pics on her iPad and told me how much time she had spent editing them. And she was right...

All the time, she was explaining to me that she had just gotten out of the hospital where she had been staying for two weeks while she treated her impetigo, and wasn't that weird "since it was normally a childhood disease". I'm not a Doctor, but I do recall that impetigo is highly contagious and it indicates a compromised immune system.

So back to the photo editing... yup, all the open sores and marks on her upper legs and thighs were beautifully edited out. She had panties on, but I'd seen WAY more than enough. I had decided some time ago to bolt, (a first in 10 years of hobbying) and I was just waiting for the right moment. I mentioned to her that I had something in the car for her, and would be right back. As I slipped out, I dropped $40 on the table and made my break.

A few minutes later, I sent her a text and told her that I was allergic to cats (she has a cat and a little dog in the room) and had to leave. She texted back that she knew I was leaving and knew that wasn't the reason. Mercifully, I haven't heard any more from her. (Oh I wish I'd used my hobby phone!!!)

So having made a clean break, I quickly turned to Plan B.

I had read about Ambition Spa the odd time. I love a good MP and am a frequent flyer at Muse, where I have never anything but great experiences. I didn't remember much about what I'd read about Ambition, but I seemed to recall mixed reviews. Anyway, desperate, I called to see who was available. Their site doesn't have pictures but I called to see who was available in 15, then hung up to read the descriptions. I settle on Chloe, and called back... Only to learn that one of you assholes had arrived and stolen her. I went to Plan B, Part 2 and asked for Lisa... and said I'd be there in 5.

When I arrived, I was greeted by Hannah the friendly, and very cute receptionist that told her I could only stay for 30 minutes (I figured the way the night was going, better to cut my losses). I entered the room, paid the fee and hit the shower...

A few minutes later, in bursts Lisa. She was smiling and friendly, and very easy on the eyes. She's a beautiful ebony girl, not so much "petite" as "compact".. kinda short, buy curvy and powerfully built. When she started to massage my back, she outlined the rules of the spa (which I was totally fine with...).

But then things started to look up. To start with, Lisa gives an excellent massage. I have a buggered back and her massage felt great. It was firm and effective.

Before long, things heated up some and I actually proposed staying longer, but was advised that that would be pointless so I kept my money!

Anyway, we enjoyed a slippery-good finish to an otherwise disastrous evening~

I fully expect to return to Ambition soon!
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Nov 9, 2007
Nice review Stoo...thanks. I gotta add that Ambition is right up there with allure massage in my book. Always quality ladies.


New member
Mar 30, 2013
Hi I bailed on steph also, the reason was the contagious virus that you and i both saw, I told her as soon as I walked in that I wouldn't do her like that and would leave some money. So we smoked and chated a bit she said she was leaving Sunday but today is Monday and she is still posting here. She said she had all of her stuff at the hotel ready to leave, sure looked like it lots of bags, clothes, a cat and dog.
Then the hotel slid a letter under the door saying she was getting booted out of the hotel and the police were coming, she started freaking out and asked me if I would drive her and her friend to the next hotel, I said all this stuff would not fit in my small car, she should call a cab. She said it would fit and to go open the door to let her friend in, she said it was a guy friend, so I told her I was scared to open the door and if they were going to rob me I'll just give you the money and leave. She said no she wasn't going to do that and she never gave me a reason not to trust her in the past. Which was true we always had a good time together in the past but my senses were tingling and all I could think of was that guy who got kidnaped and killed for his truck, Luckily the hotel phone rang and she started talking to someone from the hotel so I used that chance to run out the door, didn't leave any thing for her, I kind of felt bad about doing that because she was nice in the past, but I was thankful that I was out of that situation. I really hope she does move and start a new life she needs it.
I then booked with one of my favorites for a fantastic end to the day:) such a awesome women she is.
Ps she probably won't bug you on your personal phone unless that has changed about her also.
Nope I've had no further message from her. She seemed nice enough, just a little whacky and that disease.

For those that didn't bother to read that information about impetigo, it's NOT an STI... Odds are, she picked it up from a client or even from one of her kid's friends. It will heal in time, but there's no way she should be working right now, but I presume she needs the money.

Don't feel bad about not leaving any cash... I felt bad for wasting $40 on someone who mislead me. If you really feel bad, you can send me the cash! ;-)

Superdave, your comment about Ambition is interesting... I had a ball there!

Art Mann

May 10, 2010
Hi I bailed on steph also, the reason was . . .

Then the hotel slid a letter under the door saying she was getting booted out of the hotel and the police were coming, . . .

she said it was a guy friend, so I told her I was scared to open the door and if they were going to rob me I'll just give you the money and leave. . . .

and all I could think of was that guy who got kidnaped and killed for his truck . . . .
God damn, Sunonefun, that's no fun at all.

In fact, that's a whole lot of needless drama.

My condolences.


New member
Mar 30, 2013
Lol stoo cheers!
Art yep that is basically what happened and that is how I felt, a little paranoid after being robbed a few times in the past once related to this, two times not related. Who is to say it couldn't turn into what I thought, not me because I really didn't know her that well and I'm not really in a position to say weather or not she needs and new life or not, maybe the hole leaving thing is just a marketing theme?
Yeah it was a bit much to deal with, i was kind of in a bad mood after that, it spilled over to one of my favorites after waiting a bit to see her and left. I'm glad she was able to put up with my crap and talked me into coming back.


New member
Jul 1, 2012
Hey there Sunonefun, sorry to hear about your experience. I almost booked her but after seeing all the negative reviews here and on another board.. I decided to look elsewhere. Thank you for your review!


New member
Mar 30, 2013
Ravi2 I didn't mean to do that to her that wasn't my intention.
you could still have a good time with her, like I said in my story that she never gave me a reason to not trust her in the past I even had her over to my home a few times with no issues, and we had a good time.
I think it was just her adds said she was leaving and she had all of her stuff there, no car, and a person never knows why or what situation she is leaving under or what they are willing to do to leave. So it was just the situation I was in that made me feel scared that it could have been a set up.
I'm in no way saying that you should not go see her, she is still here I'll see her again if she's willing to see me again.
I'm sure everyone who has something to do with this has the odd time that don't work out, I feel like I shouldn't have said anything now because of your decision not to see her, it was just that one time it didn't work out.
There are also lots of other people that had a good time with her, and I never been there before when they were getting kicked out and I think I'll handle it differently in the future if it happens again.
Anyway take what people say with a grain of salt because a lot of it has to do with the situation each time and everyone is different.
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