Hand held device ticket advice


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
You don't control this thread. You posted information that shows that you behaved like a complete jackass, putting other people in real mortal danger, and you were called out for it. And yeah, judged.

Someone who was victimized by a jackass doing what you were doing spoke up and why wouldn't they?

Every jackass texting and dialing their phone while driving thinks they are the exception, not putting anyone in danger, etc, and they are all full of shit. Just like all those loser drunk drivers who think their driving skill is better than others and that they aren't dangerous driving drunk.

Every one of you idiots think you are special, right up until you are sitting in court listening to the victim impact statement from the mother of the child you ran over.
C'mon fuji, don't sugar coat it. Tell us how you really feel. :D


New member
Jul 14, 2009
I was wrong for doing so and I paid the ticket, and I dealt with the insurance and I have not sped again. That is what normal, non selfish, self-center people do.
isn't being selfish and self-centered more normal than being altruistic or whatever the proper antonym to selfish is?


Jun 22, 2010
You don't control this thread. You posted information that shows that you behaved like a complete jackass, putting other people in real mortal danger, and you were called out for it. And yeah, judged.
Yeah no shit! I know I don't control this thread. I know I did something wrong. Like I said, my head wasn't in the right place and I picked up without thinking. I know its no excuse. My deepest fucking apology for not being perfect like you! You don't have to call me out on anything. I know what I did. But don't paint me on here as some fucking drinking and driving or texting and driving lunatic. You don't know what kind of driver I am. Although I'm sure you'll be quick to judge me on that as well.

Someone who was victimized by a jackass doing what you were doing spoke up and why wouldn't they?
They have all the right to voice their opinions.

Every jackass texting and dialing their phone while driving thinks they are the exception, not putting anyone in danger, etc, and they are all full of shit. Just like all those loser drunk drivers who think their driving skill is better than others and that they aren't dangerous driving drunk.
You're correct! Those people are jack asses.

Every one of you idiots think you are special, right up until you are sitting in court listening to the victim impact statement from the mother of the child you ran over.
You can kiss my ass sir! I don't think I'm special or above the law. But thanks for making me sound like the fucking devil.

If it bothers you so much that, in your opinion, I'm such a jack ass and other nice things, don't read this thread and go play somewhere else :)
Sorry I got you all excited.


New member
Sep 29, 2010
So I should just pay the fine? I broke the law and put others in danger?

Are all of you so innocent? Never had a ticket?

How come people who run stop signs or speed fight tickets. I'm sure some of you got speeding tickets in the past. You put others lives in danger while speeding. When you i were speeding, your braking distance and reaction times changed. The force of impact increased. You should just pay the fine and deal with it.
Oh, I speed, I admit it. And as a former officer, I have strings I can pull. But I don't. If you do the crime, pay the fine. No one is claiming to be a saint. But you got caught, you know it was wrong. But up and pay.


not banned
Mar 2, 2004
Somewhere but not here.
Are you for real?!?!? I asked for people's experience with fighting such charge. Didn't ask for a moral lesson. I don't want no one to feel sorry for me! I'm not looking for sympathy!!!!! Don't need support!!!!

Judge me all you want. You don't even know me.

I just asked a simple question if the courts will be forgiving in such circumstance. You guys jumped all over me for what I've done.

Sorry about what happened to you.
Your excuse is #34,502 in the book. They heard most of them. Go fight it and find out. The right thing to do is pay the fine and move on.

P.S. for the record I have had tickets. Those where I was wrong and the ticket was reasonable I paid.


Active member
Nov 14, 2003
You must be the most honest person ever. Even when a cop give you a ticket, he/she will tell you to take it to court.
I won't make any such claim. I just have morals and ethics and choose to live by them. And FWIW no cop has ever told me to take it to court.


Jun 22, 2010
I won't make any such claim. I just have morals and ethics and choose to live by them. And FWIW no cop has ever told me to take it to court.
Morals and ethics? They can't be that high since you pay for sex.

But you still want to be given some way out of paying the consequences no?
It would be nice to keep my clean driving record.


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2009
I will not judge you OP but...risking the lives of others to simply answer an emergency phone call is breaking the law. It's not in good faith as you thought you can get away with it just like the rest of the schmucks that do it. You can pay the ticket and move on or fight it and further embarrass yourself...your call. Like I said. it was poor judgement on your part that day.


Jun 22, 2010
Thanks to all of those who simply answered my question. I hadn't received a ticket in many, many years. Wasn't sure how the courts would deal with this type of ticket.

A special thanks to those who judged me, for the moral lesson and who painted me as a threat to humanity.

Yes I am being a jack ass cause its amusing to me how worked up it gets some of you.


Jan 31, 2005
Morals and ethics? They can't be that high since you pay for sex.
You are sure showing your true colours.

Are you seriously arguing that paying for sex is in the same league of moral turpitude as putting other people at risk of grievous harm?


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
First off, I simply don't believe outlander.

Citing a "family emergency" is the first resort of douchebags when it comes to explaining away bad behaviour invoking sacrosanct reasons they rely on so that others may not be inclined to challenge. Every time someone tries this shit with me at work, I call them out and EVERY time they were lying!

So it does not surprise me that the cop also called bullshit on you. As will the court if you go there.

Besides, unless you are a fucking trauma surgeon what makes your immediate presence at the hospital or replying to a text message such a emergency itself? If this excuse was valid, then we would all be issued flashing lights and sirens and exemptions would be written into law.

The truth is that every time any one of US (yes me included) makes the stupid, selfish, irresponsible decision to take our eyes and MINDS off the road to reply to that URGENT text message, we could be creating a real "family tragedy" when we kill or main someone.

I have ALMOST broken this stupid smartphone in the car fixation and hope I can shake it before I run someone over. I hope the cops and society make texting and driving as vile as drinking and driving has become. Both kill people.


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2009
Thanks to all of those who simply answered my question. I hadn't received a ticket in many, many years. Wasn't sure how the courts would deal with this type of ticket.
Again, you came here to ask for opinions and suggestions on how to deal with your current problem. Does it even matter that you have a clean record prior to this? Like you said, we don't know you. How many times have you gotten away with it before this happened? we will never know for sure. Bottom line, you got caught red handed (or in your case phone-in-hand) the quickest way to deal with this is pay up and move on. Not here to judge. have 2 speeding tickets, 1 expired plate & 1 parking ticket in my record this was all 4 years ago. all paid up didn't fight a single ticket because i felt i shouldn't.


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
Thanks to all of those who simply answered my question. I hadn't received a ticket in many, many years. Wasn't sure how the courts would deal with this type of ticket.

This offense is what is called an "absolute liability" offense and has no exception. The courts will not find you "not guilty" as you have already incriminated yourself in your utterances to the police officer. Your reason is not a valid exception to the law. Perhaps if YOUR life was in iminent risk by a car jacker or you were calling in to report a crime, the COurt woudl find it a mitigating circumstance.

A special thanks to those who judged me, for the moral lesson and who painted me as a threat to humanity.
But you ARE a threat to humanity.

How would you post here if you were going to the hospital after your dad was run over on the sidewalk boarding a bus by a texting and driver?

It happened two weeks ago.


Behind the camera
Jun 18, 2011
Are you for real?!?!? I asked for people's experience with fighting such charge. Didn't ask for a moral lesson. I don't want no one to feel sorry for me! I'm not looking for sympathy!!!!! Don't need support!!!!

Judge me all you want. You don't even know me.

I just asked a simple question if the courts will be forgiving in such circumstance. You guys jumped all over me for what I've done.

Sorry about what happened to you.
Yes, I am for real. Why wouldn't I be? Because I have the nerve to speak up and show you what was wrong with the things you wrote. Sorry little boy, but sometimes a little schooling is in order.

You started out asking a question. People replied. As Fuji said, you do not control the thread. I did not jump all over you. You may have felt others did. It was not until you started replying to them that I got involved and posted. I pointed out how your REPLIES make you appear.

We all make mistakes. Some of us take accountability. Others make excuses. What you did could have hurt someone. The 53 yr old that rear-ended me didn't think she did much wrong either. She was fine, I am left with permanent physical disabilities. She just goes on about her life. I was showing how your action can affect others. Your attitude is "oh well, I am not a saint and others make mistakes too" It is immature bullshit that is deflective, defensive and completely selfish. Not at all taking any accountability or responsibility for your actions, and when you do admit fault, it is in such as passive aggressive way that I personally don't believe that you really feel you did anything wrong. You seem to come off as everyone here is wrong for telling you anything other then what you want to hear.

So while you can throw all the stones you want at us, expect that some of us will throw them back. No one is perfect. It is how we accept our flaws and mistakes that make us the good or bad people we are.

As for judging you, people are going to form opinions based on what you provide. I don't know you, I only know what you have written here, and combined with my life experiences, I know the type of person you are. That is enough for me. Thanks

However, to answer your question - you can fight and will properly lose. Phone records will show you were communicating on your phone and there is no provision for emergencies unless it is calling 911.

Have a good day.

isn't being selfish and self-centered more normal than being altruistic or whatever the proper antonym to selfish is?
Sorry hon, I would not know. I always thought of myself as normal and not selfish. Maybe I was wrong in that thinking.


Jun 22, 2010
You are sure showing your true colours.

Are you seriously arguing that paying for sex is in the same league of moral turpitude as putting other people at risk of grievous harm?
They don't. But don't talk to me about morals and ethics on here.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
The problem is that the cop has heard every story there is many times. Same for the judge you will see. Would you guess that most of the time the heart rending stories posed are made up? So the odd time there is something legit, it sounds the same as the run of the mill BS. There are no points involved, so I would pay the fine.
To outlander, the OP: The heart-rending story would be you and your cell-phone calling 911 for an ambulance because you hit a kid in your confused and distracted rush to your own emergency.

If you do not have the discipline to ignore your phone while driving, and haven't equipped yourself with a legal handsfree, TURN THE DAMN THING OFF! EVER YTIME YOU GET INTO THE DRIVER'S SEAT.

Bad drivers already made roads the most dangerous place we spend time before cell phones were invented to make them worse. What possible urgent news could anyone have for you with your Dad already on his way to, or already in the hospital?

Too bad you had to learn expensively and inconveniently at such a tense time, but I hope the lesson landed and stuck.

And my best wishes and hopes for your Dad.


Jun 22, 2010
First off, I simply don't believe outlander.

Citing a "family emergency" is the first resort of douchebags when it comes to explaining away bad behaviour invoking sacrosanct reasons they rely on so that others may not be inclined to challenge. Every time someone tries this shit with me at work, I call them out and EVERY time they were lying!

So it does not surprise me that the cop also called bullshit on you. As will the court if you go there.

Besides, unless you are a fucking trauma surgeon what makes your immediate presence at the hospital or replying to a text message such a emergency itself? If this excuse was valid, then we would all be issued flashing lights and sirens and exemptions would be written into law.

The truth is that every time any one of US (yes me included) makes the stupid, selfish, irresponsible decision to take our eyes and MINDS off the road to reply to that URGENT text message, we could be creating a real "family tragedy" when we kill or main someone.

I have ALMOST broken this stupid smartphone in the car fixation and hope I can shake it before I run someone over. I hope the cops and society make texting and driving as vile as drinking and driving has become. Both kill people.
WOW! You are good!
You got me :(
I was actually talking on the phone planing my plans for the weekend.
Can I hire you if I need some investigative work in the future?


Jun 22, 2010
Too bad you had to learn expensively and inconveniently at such a tense time, but I hope the lesson landed and stuck.

And my best wishes and hopes for your Dad.
Lesson learned. I'll never forget to leave my blue tooth behind.

Thank you sir :) He's doing well.


Jan 31, 2005
They don't. But don't talk to me about morals and ethics on here.
I absolutely will talk to you about morals and ethics here. There is nothing unethical about paying for sex.

You on the other hand are a completely immoral cretin for your callous disregard for the safety of others.

You post totally insincere "apologies" and then insult everyone on this board. Your are obviously going to continue your stupid, selfish, and reckless behavior until your actually kill someone. You are only upset that you got caught.

You think it is no big deal.

Maybe some had sympathy for you at the outset of this thread but with every post you reveal a little more that you are actually a selfish, uncaring, and not terribly bright individual with no moral fibre whatsoever.
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