Hand held device ticket advice


New member
Sep 29, 2010
I know, I shouldn't off picked up my phone while driving.
Had a family(dad) emergency and was on my way to a hospital. My cousin called and I wasn't thinking clearly so I picked up. Next I see flashing lights behind me. Tried explaining myself to officer but she looked at me with her cold hearted eyes and didn't care to much.

What's my chance if I fight it?
Any of you had any luck?
I think you broke the law, I think you'll face a penalty, but I think your story is worthy of leniency. The cop didn't bite, no problem, perhaps the Crown will. The "ex cops fight ticket" places could help, but they basically approach the Crown, and being ex cops they probably know each other, and they try and work something out for you. But in my experience once you factor in the cost of the service, you don't save any money. Perhaps useful if you have points on the line, but you don't for this case. I'd just explain to the crown, tell them you apologize, see what they can work out for you. I've never argued against a ticket I've received, but I would estimate that of those who talked to the Crown about tickets I had written, 75% got a deal but very few got dropped.


Well-known member
Mar 14, 2004
I agree, pay the fine and move on. The crown would not appreciate arrogance and self-importance in requesting the charges be dropped. It would set a precedent setting case if they dropped the charges. Other peoples lives are put in danger, so there is no excuse to justify your behaviour. I have been the victim of a motorist talking on their cellphone, did an improper lane change, no signal, bumped my car. If not for my evasive action, I would have been knocked into oncoming traffic. Police happened to be driving by as we were exchanging insurance information etc, said they could not tick the motorist because they didn't see her with the phone despite her admission of the offence, nor would the charge her with dangerous driving. Minimal damage to be vehicle, just a scratch which police said that they could not see, car covered in salt due to winter driving. When I challenged the officer for not charging the motorist with dangerous driving, the cop decided to run my plate to see if he had anything on me.
Pay your fine and invest in a hands-free system. Your emergency didn't justify putting people's lives in danger.


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
I don't know of any agencies where "conviction rates" apply to traffic enforcement. Maybe they exist, maybe Toronto Police is the only agency that does, but I'd be very surprised. The police version of performance evaluations for traffic and patrol is usually based on citations issued, not on citations upheld in court, in addition to the various other criteria (dress, deportment, paperwork, etc). Police have little control over the conviction rate on such petty matters. I've showed up to court before to find the Crown had decided to dismiss all of my cases because there he prepping for something larger. How can they hold that against me? That would hardly be fair. On the other hand, if 500 tickets were written by each officer on average in a given month and I only wrote 100, my Sgt would want to know how I was spending my time on the tax payers dime that I only witnessed 1/5 the violations my coworkers did. Perhaps I could come up with a reason (was on leave for most it, then seconded to a task force, plus I had recurrent training, my range qualification and a first aid refresher all in the same month so I was only on the road 1/5 of the time), perhaps I couldn't and I'd be expected to pull up my socks.

In any case, clearance rates are very important for detectives because they work real crimes and politicians use those stats to get re-elected. No one cares if a speeding ticket sticks or not except the person to whom it was issued. You're $100 fine just isn't that important in the grand scheme of things.
Well said!

On my 20 minute commute to work this AM, I saw 4 people talking on the phone and another 3 texting, all while moving. Issuing distracted driving tickets must be like shooting fish in a barrel for cops these days.


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
A 'hands-free' system might get you out of paying a fine, but it's not necessarily any safer - http://www.ctvnews.ca/sci-tech/hidd...ree-messaging-revealed-in-new-study-1.1322136

Just because you don't have a phone held to your ear (who drives using their ears?) doesn't mean you're any less distracted.
While I agree any cell phone use is distracting and dangerous, more often than not, I find it's the people with the phone to their ear are the ones paying less attention. Well those and the d-bags texting.


Mr. Piggy

Jul 4, 2007
This law is just another way for government to rape us for more of our money.
Go to court and fight it. Tell the judge that you thought we lived in a free country. Ask him where has our freedom of choice gone. Tell him there is no more freedom of choice, just laws created by a communist government regime set out to continuously rape us for our money.


New member
Sep 29, 2010
This law is just another way for government to rape us for more of our money.
Go to court and fight it. Tell the judge that you thought we lived in a free country. Ask him where has our freedom of choice gone. Tell him there is no more freedom of choice, just laws created by a communist government regime set out to continuously rape us for our money.
Most moving statutes are based on the concept of safety. You aren't entitled to "freedom" if it increases the risk of hurting others. Even things like seatbelts, which people ascribe to making this a nanny-state, hurt others in a place that has socialized healthcare because even those who injure no one but themselves tax the medical system, leaving less resources for the rest, not to mention the mental anguish of another driver should you die from.

The reality is, despite what people may say, the statutes themselves contain no cash-grabs. Even photo radar isn't a cash grab provided it's used properly. I say that because there have been instances of photo radar being installed at intersections and then the length of the yellow light shortened. To me, that's entrapment and clearly a ploy to try and suck money, not to mention it encourage people to slam on their breaks and create potentially dangerous situations even when they were driving perfectly reasonably and at the legislated speed. Incidentally, that's also the direct result of politicians and has nothing to do with police.

The solution to all of these laws that "rape you for money" is simply to not break them. It increases safety and eases the pressure on your wallet. I have no sympathy for those who are both too arrogant to think that safety doesn't apply to them and too selfish to not care about how it affects others. You have the freedom to do whatever you want, but the state has the duty to enact and enforce statutes to protect the innocent that aren't part of your recklessness.


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
This law is just another way for government to rape us for more of our money.
Go to court and fight it. Tell the judge that you thought we lived in a free country. Ask him where has our freedom of choice gone. Tell him there is no more freedom of choice, just laws created by a communist government regime set out to continuously rape us for our money.
So by your definition you should be able to get wasted at a bar and drive home. After all, we live in a free country. Nice! :rolleyes:

I have no sympathy for those who are both too arrogant to think that safety doesn't apply to them and too selfish to not care about how it affects others. You have the freedom to do whatever you want, but the state has the duty to enact and enforce statutes to protect the innocent that aren't part of your recklessness.
Well said!

Mr. Piggy

Jul 4, 2007
So by your definition you should be able to get wasted at a bar and drive home. After all, we live in a free country. Nice! :rolleyes:!
No that's not what I'm saying. Drinking and driving has always against the law. Using cellphones while driving is only a couple years old.


Jun 22, 2010
So I should just pay the fine? I broke the law and put others in danger?

Are all of you so innocent? Never had a ticket?

How come people who run stop signs or speed fight tickets. I'm sure some of you got speeding tickets in the past. You put others lives in danger while speeding. When you were speeding, your braking distance and reaction times changed. The force of impact increased. You should just pay the fine and deal with it.


Jan 31, 2005
No that's not what I'm saying. Drinking and driving has always against the law. Using cellphones while driving is only a couple years old.
Yet it now kills more people than drinking and driving. But you think that killing people through such reckless behavior is your free right and any attempt to stop you from killing people is an unfair communist cash grab by an out of control government.

You are a kook!

Mr. Piggy

Jul 4, 2007
Yet it now kills more people than drinking and driving. But you think that killing people through such reckless behavior is your free right and any attempt to stop you from killing people is an unfair communist cash grab by an out of control government.

You are a kook!
It's the assholes that are texting and not watching the road that are doing that. Then there are the other assholes that when on the phone and think they're sitting in their livingroom instead of their car. I was never distracted by talking on the phone while driving so I think your the fucking kook.


Active member
Nov 14, 2003
So I should just pay the fine? I broke the law and put others in danger?

Are all of you so innocent? Never had a ticket?

How come people who run stop signs or speed fight tickets. I'm sure some of you got speeding tickets in the past. You put others lives in danger while speeding. When you were speeding, your braking distance and reaction times changed. The force of impact increased. You should just pay the fine and deal with it.
Over the years I've gotten the occasional ticket, as each one was correctly issued for the infraction I paid every one. So yeah, you got caught, you were charged for it, you should pay it. There is no reason beyond calling 911 to be talking/texting on your phone while driving. How many years did people manage to survive without taking/making a call right this second but now we can't? Ridiculous.


Jun 22, 2010
Over the years I've gotten the occasional ticket, as each one was correctly issued for the infraction I paid every one. So yeah, you got caught, you were charged for it, you should pay it. There is no reason beyond calling 911 to be talking/texting on your phone while driving. How many years did people manage to survive without taking/making a call right this second but now we can't? Ridiculous.
You must be the most honest person ever. Even when a cop give you a ticket, he/she will tell you to take it to court.


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
Yet it now kills more people than drinking and driving. But you think that killing people through such reckless behavior is your free right and any attempt to stop you from killing people is an unfair communist cash grab by an out of control government.

You are a kook!
Yes he is...

You must be the most honest person ever. Even when a cop give you a ticket, he/she will tell you to take it to court.
You don't really know how the system works, do you.

Of course the'll tell you to go to court. The more tickets they write, the more time they spend in court, the more money they make. It's in their best interest to have you show up in court which is why the hungry ones tell you to do so. It doesn't matter to them if you're found guilty or innocent, more hours = more pay. They don't give a shit about you!


Jun 22, 2010
Yes he is...

You don't really know how the system works, do you.

Of course the'll tell you to go to court. The more tickets they write, the more time they spend in court, the more money they make. It's in their best interest to have you show up in court which is why the hungry ones tell you to do so. It doesn't matter to them if you're found guilty or innocent, more hours = more pay. They don't give a shit about you!
I guess I don't know how the system works. Thanks for the lesson.

Shouldn't the courts make those ex traffic cop places illegal than? It seems like bribery. I give some money, talk with your old pals and make this go away.


Behind the camera
Jun 18, 2011
OP, sorry about your emergency but busted is busted.

I agree the fine should be raised. I think should have points as well. Try being the victim of an accident because some felt they had to answer their phone/text. Not fun. Months of recovery and I personally will never physically be the same. I will always have chronic pain issues now and all I did was sit stopped at light. I have no sympathy for those who break this law. Not even in the OP's case. There were other choices that could have been made, and thankfully no one was hurt this time.

So I should just pay the fine? I broke the law and put others in danger?

Are all of you so innocent? Never had a ticket?

How come people who run stop signs or speed fight tickets. I'm sure some of you got speeding tickets in the past. You put others lives in danger while speeding. When you were speeding, your braking distance and reaction times changed. The force of impact increased. You should just pay the fine and deal with it.
and with attitudes like this, I feel even less sorry. WTF did you want? People to say, "oh poor OP, yes fight the ticket, and all of us in TERB land should know the date so we can support you, hold your hand, hold a rally for your benefit?" Give me a fucking a break.

I got a speeding ticket once. Rushing to the hospital like you, a month before my mother died. I was wrong for doing so and I paid the ticket, and I dealt with the insurance and I have not sped again. That is what normal, non selfish, self-center people do. Sure as shit didn;t come here, post a thread, then bitch and moan and get all defensive when people didn't kiss me ass.

Fight your ticket or don't. No one here really fucking cares. It is not the ticket that makes you the person you are, it is the attitudes and opinions you have expressed in this thread. People will judge based on that. I have.


Jun 22, 2010
OP, sorry about your emergency but busted is busted.

I agree the fine should be raised. I think should have points as well. Try being the victim of an accident because some felt they had to answer their phone/text. Not fun. Months of recovery and I personally will never physically be the same. I will always have chronic pain issues now and all I did was sit stopped at light. I have no sympathy for those who break this law. Not even in the OP's case. There were other choices that could have been made, and thankfully no one was hurt this time.

and with attitudes like this, I feel even less sorry. WTF did you want? People to say, "oh poor OP, yes fight the ticket, and all of us in TERB land should know the date so we can support you, hold your hand, hold a rally for your benefit?" Give me a fucking a break.

I got a speeding ticket once. Rushing to the hospital like you, a month before my mother died. I was wrong for doing so and I paid the ticket, and I dealt with the insurance and I have not sped again. That is what normal, non selfish, self-center people do. Sure as shit didn;t come here, post a thread, then bitch and moan and get all defensive when people didn't kiss me ass.

Fight your ticket or don't. No one here really fucking cares. It is not the ticket that makes you the person you are, it is the attitudes and opinions you have expressed in this thread. People will judge based on that. I have.
Are you for real?!?!? I asked for people's experience with fighting such charge. Didn't ask for a moral lesson. I don't want no one to feel sorry for me! I'm not looking for sympathy!!!!! Don't need support!!!!

Judge me all you want. You don't even know me.

I just asked a simple question if the courts will be forgiving in such circumstance. You guys jumped all over me for what I've done.

Sorry about what happened to you.


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
I guess I don't know how the system works. Thanks for the lesson.

Shouldn't the courts make those ex traffic cop places illegal than? It seems like bribery. I give some money, talk with your old pals and make this go away.
That's exactly how it works. You're paying them for the most part to do what you could do yourself.


Jan 31, 2005
Are you for real?!?!? I asked for people's experience with fighting such charge. Didn't ask for a moral lesson. I don't want no one to feel sorry for me! I'm not looking for sympathy!!!!! Don't need support!!!!

Judge me all you want. You don't even know me.

I just asked a simple question if the courts will be forgiving in such circumstance. You guys jumped all over me for what I've done.

Sorry about what happened to you.
You don't control this thread. You posted information that shows that you behaved like a complete jackass, putting other people in real mortal danger, and you were called out for it. And yeah, judged.

Someone who was victimized by a jackass doing what you were doing spoke up and why wouldn't they?

Every jackass texting and dialing their phone while driving thinks they are the exception, not putting anyone in danger, etc, and they are all full of shit. Just like all those loser drunk drivers who think their driving skill is better than others and that they aren't dangerous driving drunk.

Every one of you idiots think you are special, right up until you are sitting in court listening to the victim impact statement from the mother of the child you ran over.
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