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Japanese jokes


New member
May 9, 2013
Question: In the workplace. .. how does every singke racial joke start .??

Answer: You start every racial joke by looking over your shoulder.

★★★racism isnt ok★★★

Just thought my joke may make some light of this situation lol

George The Curious

Active member
Nov 28, 2011
Not one victim - more than 100 victims, including my mother. And I don't hate the Japanese.
why? Tell us how Japanese victimized more than 100 of your family members, and still to this day, Japanese government denies resposnibility, as if Germans were to deny existance of holocaust and the world turns a blind eye.


Nov 26, 2002
Japan needs to apologize, they have nothing to lose as everybody knows about it, and everything to gain as trade relations with the rest of asia will improve. Maybe they fear that if they admit what happened then there would be basis for compensation claims, but I firmly believe that is up to the generosity of the Japanese.

George The Curious

Active member
Nov 28, 2011
I do not think Japan is worried about paying compensation, it spends millions in other charities. I think it is about trying to keep its pride even at the expense of losing trades to Asian countries.

They did apologize to the US, who defeated them by dropping two atom bombs, but not to the Chinese, Koreans, Taiwanese, Filipines etc.. Deep inside Japanese psych is the sense of superiority to all other countries / races, especially to the neighbouring Asian countries. There are fiction novels sold bookstores in Japan about what happens if US did not intervene, or what happens if they won the WWII, they still think they are superior than Chinese, Koreans, Filipno etc.. Popular sentiment in Japan about the war is it is bad because it causes suffering, destruction and deaths, but it never really admits it was their own fault in causing the war. They always blame certain political factions at the time causing the war. Even now they still wallow in the some past military victories in WWI and WWII because their smaller army defeated much bigger armies of China, Russian etc. and how a small island country became a dominating world power. From time to time, there are still some nationalist groups making noises in the streets, even though a small number. They ought to be outlawed as hate crime, but they are not.

Even the Germans have the guts to admit faults and move on, and outlaw neo-nazi groups. Japanese on the other hand is blatantly denying war responsibilities and its government officials still pay visits to Yasukuni shrine where war criminals are burried.


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2009
Everybody is racist. I work in a service business where there's multi-race in our office. We always laugh everytime someone comes in and would prefer to talk to the staff that the same background as his...racist motherf..


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Japan issued many aplogies

This is a list of war apology statements issued by the state of Japan with regard to the war crimes and atrocities committed by the Empire of Japan during World War II. The statements were made on and after the end of World War II in Asia, from the 1950s to the 2010s


A little underutilized
Jun 30, 2007
Bloor and Sleazy
Racism is wrong. It is a retreat for those without courage to stand on valid principles. This is not a matter of opinion. It is reality.

Anyone who resorts to racism is showing their weak-mindedness. It makes no difference who are the targets of the racist attack.

It is true that many Japanese committed heinous attricities in the years leading up to and during the second world war. These were crimes against humanity and cannot be justified. Germans of the same era are even more culpable in this regard. Many other hideous acts of depravity have happened in the history of our species.

These facts do nothing to justify racist attitudes or behaviour in the present day. If you have legitimate issues with individual people, deal with them, Don't blame an entire category for the criminal acts of some.

Racit humour is never appropriate. This thread should not have been allowed to continue as long as it has because, keeping it alive, validates the original post in ways that it does not deserve.


Well-known member
Mar 14, 2004
I do not think Japan is worried about paying compensation, it spends millions in other charities. I think it is about trying to keep its pride even at the expense of losing trades to Asian countries.

They did apologize to the US, who defeated them by dropping two atom bombs, but not to the Chinese, Koreans, Taiwanese, Filipines etc.. Deep inside Japanese psych is the sense of superiority to all other countries / races, especially to the neighbouring Asian countries. There are fiction novels sold bookstores in Japan about what happens if US did not intervene, or what happens if they won the WWII, they still think they are superior than Chinese, Koreans, Filipno etc.. Popular sentiment in Japan about the war is it is bad because it causes suffering, destruction and deaths, but it never really admits it was their own fault in causing the war. They always blame certain political factions at the time causing the war. Even now they still wallow in the some past military victories in WWI and WWII because their smaller army defeated much bigger armies of China, Russian etc. and how a small island country became a dominating world power. From time to time, there are still some nationalist groups making noises in the streets, even though a small number. They ought to be outlawed as hate crime, but they are not.

Even the Germans have the guts to admit faults and move on, and outlaw neo-nazi groups. Japanese on the other hand is blatantly denying war responsibilities and its government officials still pay visits to Yasukuni shrine where war criminals are burried.
I agree, heavily engraved in the psyche of many Japanese is the belief that others are inferior to them. These trait has been instilled in them through centuries of brow beating and makes it easier for their superiors the government presently or the emperor in the past to control them and order them to attack and commit atrocities against others. Even in moments of intimacy, I have observed Japanese females delusions of grandeur about their feelings of superiority and I have played along with it, making them get more wet in the process. It was like an aphrodisiac to them. Example. one lady told me that if her people had been given the job to plan and build the Toronto subway extension, it would have already been finished, but because these non-Japanese idiots at City Hall and in construction were in charge, nothing was happening, I agreed and she came twice.


Sep 2, 2004
Given with what is going on in Fukushima, the present mindset and approach of the Jap government in power today in regards to the nuclear disaster, and the geographic risk, Japan is fucked. I say the Japanese is going to be the first people having no nation of their own in the near future. The surviving ones will be spread out in the world with no say and will be slapped around. In a generation or two maybe three they will be melted into other cultures and be outbreeded into extinction.


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
Given with what is going on in Fukushima, the present mindset and approach of the Jap government in power today in regards to the nuclear disaster, ..........and be outbreeded into extinction.

Having just discovered Japanese porn I would have to agree. Their genitals seem so undefined.


Sep 2, 2004
Having just discovered Japanese porn I would have to agree. Their genitals seem so undefined.
LOL. Seriously. There are more important issues of Japan and the possible disaster that will plague us all for many years because of Jap incompetence and all you can think about is Jap porn.


Sep 2, 2004
They have been known to use fake sperm in their pixilated cream pies too!
American porn does it too.

If you folks start to believe and think what you see in porn is real sex, you have your own issues to deal with.

Oh hell. Just short Japan. At least make some $$$ out of these Japs screwing themselves many times over.

George The Curious

Active member
Nov 28, 2011
I'm surprised fuji hasn't jumped in calling us bigots. I wouldn't short Japan now it might make an unexpected come back after the recent stimulus package. i'd say their biggest problem is territorial dispute with China. If escalated it will be a huge war might even start ww3 if the US takes side of Japan because of its okinawa base. Then north Korea launches nuke its all over.


Sep 2, 2004
That island territorial dispute is hopefully a simple saber rattling tit for tat. China shouldn't let this get to them since given with what is happening right now both artificially(bloated debt relative to GDP and Fukushima) and not (earthquakes), Japan over the long term is not going to be a viable nation going forward. Given the stupidity of building these nuclear power plants in such unstable areas, Japan just literally nuked themselves to oblivion. Not a matter of if but when.

It is not about bigotry and what not. Just simple common sense and the fact that the right wing nuts of Japan are in power have lost the grasp of reality and become delusional and their constant denials are hysterical. And the American industrial complex is playing things well profiting from the Jap's stupidity, ignorance and fear that someday that China and other Asia countries are going to come back for vengeance.
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