Japanese jokes


Jun 30, 2013
Why did Disney World fail in Japan? Nobody was tall enough to go on the good rides.

I broke up with my Japanese girlfriend, but she acted like everything was okay between us. I had to drop the bomb twice before she got the message.


The Balance of Opposites
Jan 17, 2004
The jokes were just plain stupid.....

Don't quit your day job Dude....


New member
Oct 28, 2006
The problem is jokes targeted at white ethnicities are based on behavior; those targeted at non-caucasians are based on natural physical attributes.

George The Curious

Active member
Nov 28, 2011
"X are the most Y race on the planet." Tell me, is it physically painful to be this utterly unself-aware, or do you get used to it?
If you were a Jew and grandparents were slaughtered in gas chamber by Nazis, you'd say the same about Germans.
Even the Germans have apologized about their atrocities in WWII, Japanese have not admitted masacres in Nanking and live-human experiments in Manchuria. Also look at their immigration policy, any non-white foreigners living in Japan would agree they are the most racist country in the world.

Samurai Joey

Active member
Sep 29, 2004
If you were a Jew and grandparents were slaughtered in gas chamber by Nazis, you'd say the same about Germans.
Even the Germans have apologized about their atrocities in WWII, Japanese have not admitted masacres in Nanking and live-human experiments in Manchuria. Also look at their immigration policy, any non-white foreigners living in Japan would agree they are the most racist country in the world.
Let me ask you something. If you met an individual who just happened to be Japanese or of Japanese descent, would you instantly hate him/her, without knowing anything more about that individual?

George The Curious

Active member
Nov 28, 2011
Let me ask you something. If you met an individual who just happened to be Japanese or of Japanese descent, would you instantly hate him/her, without knowing anything more about that individual?
No in fact, I have a lot of Japanese friends, individually. I just do not like them as a collective, a country.

Samurai Joey

Active member
Sep 29, 2004
No in fact, I have a lot of Japanese friends, individually. I just do not like them as a collective, a country.
That's interesting, because earlier you had stated that the Japanese are "the most racist people on the planet" and that you "feel the least sympathy in making fun of them". Is that how you feel about your individual Japanese friends -- that they are racist and that you don't feel sympathy for them?

I'm asking because your posts above imply that you have a certain degree of animosity toward Japan. Is this personal? Are you descended from a victim of a specific atrocity committed by the Japanese military during WWII?


serial onanist
Feb 1, 2012
Let me ask you something. If you met an individual who just happened to be Japanese or of Japanese descent, would you instantly hate him/her, without knowing anything more about that individual?
Oh, nothing so extreme, I'm sure. "Racism lite" is what our friend Georgie is into. Stereotyping and leaping to conclusions is fine, but he won't actually hate your hypothetical Japanese person. He would just immediately assume that they are more racist than he is. And probably that they are a shitty driver. And put him in a box labelled with whatever complete horseshit he thinks applies to the Japanese. But "hate"? Nooooo, that's for the KKK and our Georgie, see, he's no racist. ...in his own mind.

George The Curious

Active member
Nov 28, 2011
That's interesting, because earlier you had stated that the Japanese are "the most racist people on the planet" and that you "feel the least sympathy in making fun of them". Is that how you feel about your individual Japanese friends -- that they are racist and that you don't feel sympathy for them?

I'm asking because your posts above imply that you have a certain degree of animosity toward Japan. Is this personal? Are you descended from a victim of a specific atrocity committed by the Japanese military during WWII?
I stand by what I stated. Japanese are one the most racist people on the planet, it does not mean ALL of them are. I have many Japanese friends who are open minded and also hate Japan the way it is today. You have to understand Japan is a very collective nation. Unlike western countries, where individual ideas and freedoms are valued, in Japan, group mentality supercedes everything else. You would not understand unless you have lived in Japan.
Some of my best Japanese friends are frank with me when they are alone, telling me their thoughts and contempt towards certain aspects of Japanese society, or the company they work for, or school they attend. But when back in the group, they become "social robots" obeying everything that's acceptable as norm, often acting against their own will for the betterment of the group. - that is one reason they were so successful before WWII as a small country against vastly outnumbered other Asian nations such as Chinese, and why they are so successful economically during post-war recovery. But the same collective group mentality also attributes to their discrimination against foreigners because multiculturalism cannot possibly thrive in such a comformitive society.
Don't get me wrong, I know many warm hearted Japanese who invited me ( as a stranger, foreigner) to their homes, parties. Far more welcoming than Canadians in fact. But again, they are acting as individuals. As soon as they are back in the group settings - company, school, community events, you are suddenly outsider. Not to mention they have the most strict immigration laws, and foreigners must change the last name to Japanese one to apply for citizenship, and non-citizens can't own land - even if you are married to a Japanese. Every aspect of Japanese society speaks "we are a superior, special race"

That's why so few westerners can truly understand Japanese racism as they try to superimpose white - black racism over Japanese - filipino, korean, chinese racism, it's like comparing apples and oranges. Frankly I don't think Westerners care about discrimination Japanese against other Asians in Japan, as it does not really affect them.

Samurai Joey

Active member
Sep 29, 2004
I stand by what I stated. Japanese are one the most racist people on the planet, it does not mean ALL of them are. I have many Japanese friends who are open minded and also hate Japan the way it is today. You have to understand Japan is a very collective nation. Unlike western countries, where individual ideas and freedoms are valued, in Japan, group mentality supercedes everything else. You would not understand unless you have lived in Japan.
Some of my best Japanese friends are frank with me when they are alone, telling me their thoughts and contempt towards certain aspects of Japanese society, or the company they work for, or school they attend. But when back in the group, they become "social robots" obeying everything that's acceptable as norm, often acting against their own will for the betterment of the group. - that is one reason they were so successful before WWII as a small country against vastly outnumbered other Asian nations such as Chinese, and why they are so successful economically during post-war recovery. But the same collective group mentality also attributes to their discrimination against foreigners because multiculturalism cannot possibly thrive in such a comformitive society.
Don't get me wrong, I know many warm hearted Japanese who invited me ( as a stranger, foreigner) to their homes, parties. Far more welcoming than Canadians in fact. But again, they are acting as individuals. As soon as they are back in the group settings - company, school, community events, you are suddenly outsider. Not to mention they have the most strict immigration laws, and foreigners must change the last name to Japanese one to apply for citizenship, and non-citizens can't own land - even if you are married to a Japanese. Every aspect of Japanese society speaks "we are a superior, special race"

That's why so few westerners can truly understand Japanese racism as they try to superimpose white - black racism over Japanese - filipino, korean, chinese racism, it's like comparing apples and oranges. Frankly I don't think Westerners care about discrimination Japanese against other Asians in Japan, as it does not really affect them.
As a matter of fact, I do understand better than most, since I too have lived in Japan during my youth. I'm also well aware that Japan is a collectivist nation (although less so nowadays than in the past). That being said, collectivism of the type exhibited in Japan is not unique to Japan -- many other Asian countries, in particular the eastern Asian countries such as South Korea, Taiwan, and China (and obviously North Korea) are also collectivist societies where the social norms of the group precedes those of the individual (I might also add that many of these countries also do not have particularly liberal immigration laws either).

Therefore, if you are singling out Japan for being "the most racist nation on the planet", logically speaking you have to expand your condemnation to these other Asian countries as well.

George The Curious

Active member
Nov 28, 2011
Therefore, if you are singling out Japan for being "the most racist nation on the planet", logically speaking you have to expand your condemnation to these other Asian countries as well.
Sure other Asian countries are all less liberal and somewhat "racist" by the western standard.
I am singling out Japan mostly because no other Asian countries has committed so much violence and unspeakable atrocities against its neighbours in recent history, and to this day it still does not admit its wrong doings. Also given their economic success, and highest standard living among all Asian countries, you'd expect them to be just a little more enlightened, and take responsibilities for the mistakes they have made in the past.


Into Ties and Tail
Aug 13, 2009
Durham & Toronto
As a matter of fact, I do understand better than most, since I too have lived in Japan during my youth. I'm also well aware that Japan is a collectivist nation (although less so nowadays than in the past). That being said, collectivism of the type exhibited in Japan is not unique to Japan -- many other Asian countries, in particular the eastern Asian countries such as South Korea, Taiwan, and China (and obviously North Korea) are also collectivist societies where the social norms of the group precedes those of the individual (I might also add that many of these countries also do not have particularly liberal immigration laws either).

Therefore, if you are singling out Japan for being "the most racist nation on the planet", logically speaking you have to expand your condemnation to these other Asian countries as well.
Good point. I think within your point it is important to acknowledge that the collectivism within Korea and China includes a particular enmity towards Japan because of their war crimes against these nations.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Japanese are the most racist race on this planet. I feel the least sympathy for making fun of them.
why is that white males are the only group that love to say this?
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