He is on a carpet. There could be a metal support under the carpet to which he attached the stick to make it easier to balance.
like all illusions
seemingly innocent props are an essential part of the trick or used for misdirection
but the connection between the stick and hidden seat is hard to see
might be up his sleeve somehow
but then again i may be wrong
it may be there is no trick
he is balancing on the stick as it seems and meditation helps to do this physically imposing discipline
olympic gymnasts do harder things
but i suspect a seat connected to a rod through the sleeve connects to the pole which was firmly implanted into the ground during one of the fucking cutaways
(AGT is in on the illusion as they do not want you to figure it out )
the smoke allows special head to disconnect the pole
AGT is capitalism at its worse
they lie to the consumer (the million dollar prize is 400k amortized)
they select bad entertainment for ridicule
they do cut aways to help the illusionists they want to succeed
they do not pay their labour
the judges, who are incompetent, are informed of the act then pretend they see it for first time with prepared questions
they force talent to quickly sign weighty contracts their lawyers have written or walk from the set
if you are marketable AGT has got a piece of you for life and you are supposed to be grateful you made them rich
etc etc
that is what you get when you have no worker rights or unions
the rich get richer and the workers are exploited and left poor and are brainwashed into actually being grateful