Unwritten laws of basic courtesy

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Slightly Swollen Member
Sep 13, 2005
or strollers blocking the whole bus
Some modern strollers are 'stupid big'. I really don't blame the TTC for floating the notion a of a size limit. 2 of those suckers, with one person pushing each, eats up 1/5 the bus, and totally blocks passenger flow. On a busy run like Finch or Eglinton I can't really blame people for being mad. Especially on runs like Eglinton West near Yonge where it's often some poor tiny nanny struggling with some rich lady's "stupid big rolling baby dome". Of course she's with her friends that also have rich ladies' "stupid big rolling baby domes".

I commuted Eg West and am still bitter.


New member
Sep 7, 2001
All of these are great illustrations of the continued march towards society looking out for number 1.

Here are a few that I have scratched my head over:

> My daughter had indoor soccer training three nights a week all through the winter. It was held at a large high school. Due to the training happening after hours at the building there was only one door open to get in. There was a very small parking lot at the back of the building where the door was located. If not, it was a very , very long walk around the building to the street where there was much more parking. 14 kids on the team , 10 parking spots in the back parking lot for 12 families ( one family had twins and one family had two girls on the team who were a year apart ). One guy would always get there early and take two entire spots for his brand new CHEROKEE!!! He would park it diagonally across two parking spots. One night a dad came in and politely said to the parents sitting on the stage watching their girls "Hey, I noticed that someone parks their vehicle across two spots. Could they maybe not do that so that one of us doesn't have to march through Siberia to get back here"? The offending douche bag says "Yeah , it's a new vehicle 'buddy' , I swore that when I got this one that I wouldn't allow inconsiderate assholes to smack their doors into it". The polite father said to him in a firm and clear tone "And you think that parking it across two spots will not incite some inconsiderate person to damage it 'BUDDY' ( he emphasized 'BUDDY' for effect ) "? A couple of weeks later the douchebag was seen out in the parking lot freaking out because someone had dragged a key down both sides of his snappy CHEROKEE. I believe schadenfreude had occurred right before my eyes!
> About 12 years ago I had purchased a newly built home in the 'burbs. I moved in and the houses behind us were still in the process of being built. On several occasions I was woken in the middle of the night by hammering and banging in a partially built home directly behind me. The distance from my back door to the back door of the other home was approximately 70 feet. I would go to my bedroom window and groggily look out and see a work light on in the home behind me and someone moving around in there at 2:00 AM! After seeing this a few times I called the builder one morning and asked why that house had workmen in it during the middle of the night. I was informed that it was not the builder's men. The couple that who bought the house had divorced and before it had been completed the husband asked the builder if he could do a bunch of the inside work himself in order to save money. The next week I was woken at 1:30 AM by the sound of a circular saw. I went to the window and sure enough there he was on the back patio of the partially built house sawing plywood studs! I walked downstairs and out my back door in my underwear and walked straight over to him in the dark. I got to my property line and yelled "Hey, you cannot operate a saw on your patio at 1:30 AM"! He looked at me and said "Says who"? Anyhow , we went back and forth for a minute until he came walking over and said "Listen, I need to finish this house myself because my wife left me. I work a job during the day and work all night here". I answered that I was sympathetic to his personal problem but that it was not realistic for him to expect others who are trying to sleep for their livelihoods to share his problem. To his credit , I never had another problem with him again. He only lived there for about 9 months and then the bank foreclosed on him.
> The last one is a peach. I am flying from Pearson to Dulled in Washington DC. I get stuck in traffic on the 401 and arrive at the Air Canada counter 54 minutes before my flight. I hand the girl my passport and Visa ( which I used to book my flight online ) and she informs me that due to being "late" I will miss my flight. I ask why and she informs me that they close check-in for international flights 60 minutes before takeoff. She books me on the next flight 3 hours later. I ask her what gate my previous flight was boarding and she tells me. Off I go. I run to customs and literally breeze through in less than 5 minutes. I get to security and as luck would have it there are only two people ahead of me! The two people are women in their early 60's. They plunk their carry on bags on the conveyor and hand over their boarding passes. The female security agent asks if they have any liquids or gels in their bags. They look at her like she has 7 heads and answer curtly "Yes"! The agent asks if they are over 100 mls. The lady answers even more curtly "Why are you asking me this"? The agent patiently explains that she cannot fly with containers with more than 100 mls of liquid. One of the ladies answers "certainly I can"! The agent informs her that such and such a law states that she cannot. She has the option to go back to the counter and check her bag or dump the liquid in the garbage there. The offending liquid was a large bottle of Kerri lotion. The two women begin discussing their options. Meanwhile the lineup at our area is now backing up like the DVP. One of the women asks if the agent can make an exception just this one time. Amazingly, the agent shows restraint and courtesy and looking at the rest of the line-up says "what do I tell the next person in line? I cannot make exceptions for anyone". The women continue their debate and finally the agents says "Ma'am , you need to make a decision". One of the women says "Fine, please give it to me". The agents hands it to her and we all assumed she was going to go back to the counter and check her bags. Nope ... she begins to squirt hand cream on her hands and rub it in!!! He friend does the same!!! At this point I lose my shit and turn around and bellow to the line behind me "Anyone else ?! Anyone else want hand cream?! You never know who needs hand cream and has the time to apply it"! The women turn and give me a death glare. The agent says to me in a very stern and serious tone "That's enough from you sir! Any more and I will call security". I get through security and go to my original gate and easily make the changes to catch my original flight. I cannot believe for the life of me that the behaviour of these women was due to a lack of travel experience. They simply did not give a flying fado about any of the rest of us. They were all alone in their little world.

People simply do not think about other people anywhere near what they used to. The world has been taken over by drones walking around lost in their own needs. It does not even occur to many people to think about the impact on other people's lives. It amazes me that to this day you see people still throwing garbage on the ground. "Who cares , not my problem"!

Betcha Noah felt good when he closed the door on the Ark and watched all of the heathens wallow in the flood :)


Capital Amatuer

Well-known member
Sep 2, 2004
Generally, I slot these type of people into the didn't get their copy of the 'Courtesy Manual'. I've noticed on quite a few occasions, mostly when it's raining, that people will drive up to the front entrance, self serve gas station, Wal-Mart, or wherever and park there. And then they wait while their wife goes into the store forcing all the other patrons to go around their car.
Ah well, when God was passing out 'Brains', they thought he said 'Trains' and got taken for a ride !


May 9, 2010
No idea if this was mentioned but what really pisses me off, especially as I take the TTC often (bus or streetcar) is when people sit on the outside of a set of two seats, forcing me to actually ask you to fucking move so I can squeeze past you into the window seat. And I'm talking during rush hour. Sit in the fucking window seat if you are the first person there.


New member
Aug 30, 2012
Public Bathrooms

Following this thread with not much interest or to much to add . . . until this afternoon.

I was visiting a Starbuck's in Brampton for a quck pit stop and as I opened the bathroom door (it wasn't locked) I got a full frontal of a dame hovering and pissing like a race horse!

I understand the hovering and even the piss stream like the Don Valley on Monday--but couldn't you lock the door!:Eek:

Mr Bret

Well-known member
Aug 13, 2012
Following this thread with not much interest or to much to add . . . until this afternoon.

I was visiting a Starbuck's in Brampton for a quck pit stop and as I opened the bathroom door (it wasn't locked) I got a full frontal of a dame hovering and pissing like a race horse!

I understand the hovering and even the piss stream like the Don Valley on Monday--but couldn't you lock the door!:Eek:
Did you go in the ladies' room or was she in the men's room?
Or am I just uninformed and you're actually a woman?


New member
Aug 30, 2012
Did you go in the ladies' room or was she in the men's room?
Or am I just uninformed and you're actually a woman?
At Starbuck's the washrooms are gender neutral. No guys and ladies. Put me right of my frapachino, I tell you. She just waved her hand at me and mumbled.


New member
Oct 13, 2002
At Starbuck's the washrooms are gender neutral. No guys and ladies. Put me right of my frapachino, I tell you. She just waved her hand at me and mumbled.
Let me get this straight: you are mad because you saw a woman peeing? Some guys would pay to see that.


New member
Aug 30, 2012
Let me get this straight: you are mad because you saw a woman peeing? Some guys would pay to see that.
OK, maybe it wasn't so bad after all, but she must have been busting to go she was pissing to put out a forest fire. Might be why she forgot to lock the door. She was gone by the time I shook one out in the other washroom.
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