Unwritten laws of basic courtesy


New member
Jul 14, 2009
Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. [Matthew 7:12]
doesn't quite work if you want others to suck your dick.


Active member
May 25, 2002
Report him for what?

If you think public safety is in danger, you don't need a name. Just report it. The cops will investigate and find him.
1. causing a disturbance

2. behaving in threatening manner -- not sure if he had to hit some first

His behavior was preventing every one else from the quiet enjoyment of the gym and spa


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2011
People who take up 2 parking spots, are really inconsiderate. If im driving my old vehicle I will pull in as far as I can, then open the car door as hard as I can and smash it into the other car. Then leave the space and go park somewhere else. And its always a newer car.

On a side note, I was at the grocery store the day, and as Im walking up an aisle theres this elderly lady standing there looking at something on the shelf. As I pass in front her, I say excuse me. I go down the aisle grab what I was looking for and come back down the aisle. The lady was still there so I say excuse me again. She stops me and says , I just have to say your a polite man, and you must have been brought up right. She says so many people just walk on by and say nothing, she shook my hand and said have a nice day. Put a smile on my face too :)


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Not sure about the MTO but I know that some (maybe all) bank branches will make special arrangements to accommodate seniors and physically challenged people so they don't have to stand in line which is probably a hardship for them.
Leaving a marker—like those license plates leaning against the doors—to hold an early arriver's place while they sit somewhere more comfy is a very common practice in queues. What can't be explained by the details Petite Filet supplied is why the old guy said, 'Get to the back of the line'. Unless Petite, wasn't telling us she (he?) refused to let the old guys take their rightful early spots in the line.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
doesn't quite work if you want others to suck your dick.
Only when you're breaking the unwritten rule (see thread topic, and various subsequent posts about The Golden Rule) and going after something for nothing.

But men have always been weird about that particular topic; considering what they'll do to get some, what kind of self-defeating imbeciles would define cocksucker as a term of abuse?

My personal observation is that a generous dinner at the Y is usually matched by a sumptuous lollipop licking for dessert. Justly so.

'Ya gotta give to get', being another phrasing for a concept that is ever new to some.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
He called it lane-hopping. The ticket says HTA 154(1)(a).

Yes, I'm going to contest it on the grounds that I did check first.

But this thread is about courtesy-carries-its-own-reward. Exception: courtesy towards you-know-who carries its own punishment.
As per section 151 (1):

"Where a highway has been divided into clearly marked lanes for traffic,

(a) a vehicle shall be driven as nearly as may be practicable entirely within a single lane and shall not be moved from the lane until the driver has first ascertained that the movement can be made with safety"

Sounds like 'unsafe lane change' to me. If there was no one in the RH lane you moved into, it's hard to see how clearing the inner lane for the cop behind you could be unsafe. Good luck.

great bear

The PUNisher
Apr 11, 2004
Nice Dens
Getting the gas tank filled, go to pay and some clown is in their buying 10 lotto tickets, and 10 scratch and wins, then he starts to scratch and not win.


Apr 24, 2005
Getting the gas tank filled, go to pay and some clown is in their buying 10 lotto tickets, and 10 scratch and wins, then he starts to scratch and not win.
The checkout at gas stations and stores simply have too many other duties such as selling lotto tickets, redeeming vouchers/coupons, looking for cigarettes, sking for donations, doing customer surveys, etc. that slow down the payment process.


Active member
Feb 28, 2005
I know we're not exactly a bunch of bible thumpers on terb, but even I knew this quote came from the bible, and yes it was written.
Here is the correct version of the quote.
Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. [Matthew 7:12]
The Golden Rule is all very well, to govern behaviours between two people. I shouldn't do something to you that I would not want you to do to me.

Jack wants to get into swinging and wife-swapping. But his wife Jill is against that sort of thing - perhaps on moral grounds, or simply distaste. What should Jack do, according to the Golden Rule -- given that he would love it if Jill would indulge. Is it morally ok for Jack to indulge?

Should one follow one's own moral standards, or should one follow the other guy's moral standards?

I'm not seeking an answer to the question -- just pointing out that the Golden Rule does not tell us what is moral/ immoral in many everyday situations. (But answer the question, if you wish.)


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
Leaving a marker—like those license plates leaning against the doors—to hold an early arriver's place while they sit somewhere more comfy is a very common practice in queues. What can't be explained by the details Petite Filet supplied is why the old guy said, 'Get to the back of the line'. Unless Petite, wasn't telling us she (he?) refused to let the old guys take their rightful early spots in the line.
they should have said something when she lined up. she stood there for an hour and earned her place. the old guys were wrong and rude.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
What's wrong with that? They want their driveways to be clear when they leave for work in the morning. Besides, the bylaw is that after 11 PM it's disturbing the peace.
I agree about the fireworks though.
I agree.

As for chainsaw in the morning, it was 7:15 am Tuesday morning after the storm that landscape crews started their equipment. Not a holiday but they probably were within their rights.

Common courtesy to me is also not using your cell phone in the company of others where your conversation might be too noisy (as in an office or quiet room that you enter when you take the call).


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
My mother has her landscaper clear snow in the wee hours of the morning. A neighbour from across the street complained to her but I would tell her to mind her own business. These guys come with their plows (just like the city's) whenever they can.


New member
Jan 16, 2009
my peeve is the newspaper delivery drivers that wake me up with their car doors open while making their delivery and the music blaring at 5 or 6 am....for god's sake.
Well that's an easy one... get your own paper!


New member
Jan 16, 2009
That's called: Smallenfreudening

1. The joy of falling into debt in small increments.

2. A somewhat douchey attempt at a viral marketing campaign by VISA, involving created twitter accounts, urban dictionary entries, a "history of smallenfreuden" video, a creepy hockey commercial, and being generally pretentiously mysterious. The word is a loanword only insofar as VISA created it specifically for the campaign.

Yes, it didn't look like the ACC, but did you see what they paid for what appears to be just one soft drink? Yikes!


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
they should have said something when she lined up. she stood there for an hour and earned her place. the old guys were wrong and rude.
Depending exactly where Petite stood in relation to the plates, the old guys could be justified in assuming she understood the meaning of their markers, in which case there would be nothing for them to say. Nothing in her account—or in ordinary understandings of how a queue works—explains why they would tell her to, 'get to the end of the line' when she was the third to arrive at the office, but likewise, letting the stubborn fool go first would be better. Sorry, but I still don't think we have sufficient info to say who was right or wrong.

In matters of courtesy, right and wrong are far less important than how you would like others to treat you, and therefore behaving that same way towards them—irrespective of the other person's politeness or rudeness. Once Petite realized the old guys had arrived at the office before her, the courteous thing would have been to explain she hadn't understood the intention of their plates and to ask them to take their places ahead of her. It's childish (and discourteous) to insist they abandoned their places and no longer deserved them. Dropping back to third line at the DMV isn't like giving up the last seat in the last lifeboat for either old guys or Petite.


New member
Jan 16, 2009
People who take up 2 parking spots, are really inconsiderate. If im driving my old vehicle I will pull in as far as I can, then open the car door as hard as I can and smash it into the other car. Then leave the space and go park somewhere else. And its always a newer car.

On a side note, I was at the grocery store the day, and as Im walking up an aisle theres this elderly lady standing there looking at something on the shelf. As I pass in front her, I say excuse me. I go down the aisle grab what I was looking for and come back down the aisle. The lady was still there so I say excuse me again. She stops me and says , I just have to say your a polite man, and you must have been brought up right. She says so many people just walk on by and say nothing, she shook my hand and said have a nice day. Put a smile on my face too :)
No offense FTWWTF....but if banging your car door into someone else's car (no matter the situation, and essentially running away) is being brought right... then perhaps a remedial class might be in order... just sayin'


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Oldjones was probably one of them
I'm sure all TERB is grateful for your illustration of the rules of basic courtesy. Sorry you chose to give a personal demo of how badly discourtesy reflects on the one who offers it, but you did make it clear.
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Slightly Swollen Member
Sep 13, 2005
I would agree with you, it is usually common courtesy. Except when you were at the Metro downtown near Ryerson the other day as I was. A student in the express line buys a single chocolate bar and pays with his card. Card is refused. He used five different cards before one was excepted. Must have taken three minutes. By that time, I was all set to shove his card where the sun don't shine.
I had the same happen at a Metro, but by the time HE got to car 3 I just said I'd pay while waiving a $20 around for my 3 items and his chocolate bar... Everybody won.

My personal pet peeve is when somebody opens you dryer for whatever reason, and doesn't restart the load. I live in a good building, that's secure, in a good area, with shared laundry. Why God? Why? To steal my junk? Rent on a 1 bedroom here is $1250. Because you want the dryer if my stuff is dry? Just to be a dick? FOR WHATEVER REASON, WHEN YOU'RE DONE, HIT THE DAMN BUTTON TO RESTART THE LOAD (and if you are wearing my underwear right now, don't give them back).

As mentioned, I live in an apartment. The one truly antisocial thing I will sometimes do is run a blender late. No later than 11 PM during the week. I actually feel guilty when I do it. Though it's not like it's every day, or for more than a few minutes.


Mar 3, 2013
How about people on the bus or subway and feel that they can listen to music as if it was their personal car- no earphones
or people who rush on the bus or subway and not letting people on
or strollers blocking the whole bus
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