Unwritten laws of basic courtesy


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
someone holds the door for you, say thank you.

if you got a cart full of shit at the grocery store and the guy behind you only has 1 item let him pass.
Those and, let people exit an elevator before you enter and when using escalators or movators, stand right, walk left. It's amazing how many people don't know that. :confused:


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
i was at 5 guys yesterday buying my maw some dinner and i was walking back to my table and i almost stepped in front of a guy walking with his food. i stopped and said "sorry sir" and he had a look of shock on his face, not sure if it was my appearance and people that look like me don't talk like that or the fact i showed him respect but when he sat at the table he whispered to his wife while smiling and she looked over at me and smiled.

cell phones at movies theaters are annoying.


Aug 6, 2006
... i was walking back to my table and i almost stepped in front of a guy walking with his food. i stopped and said "sorry sir" and he had a look of shock on his face, not sure if it was my appearance and people that look like me don't talk like that or the fact i showed him respect but when he sat at the table he whispered to his wife while smiling and she looked over at me and smiled.
you're a good man.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
i could be wrong but i thought that was written down at some point.
Written or unwritten and any way you phrase it, there's always a substantial group that still hasn't registered it.


50 Shades of AJ
Nov 28, 2008
Another inconsideration which irks me is those who can't or don't part straight in a parking space and end up being too close to the yellow line so that it prevents another car from taking the spot beside them.
This one bugs me to no end... Just this passed weekend... a guy in a pimped out Dodge Charger straddles 2 spots in the liquor store parking lot, (which is adjacent to the grocery store...) I had to go to both places so look for a spot between the 2 locations. Long weekend= limited open parking spots at both locations... this inconsiderate a$$hole takes 2. I eventually find a spot. Write out a note similar to this:

And placed it under his wiper...

Douchebag probably could care less, but it made me feel better.

As for mowing the lawn at 8:00 am... like another poster pointed out, maybe the guy had a full day planned... I don't think I've done so THAT early, but as a self proclaimed "morning person", I've often got my obligatory "chores" done early in the day to free up the rest of my day for play time! :D


New member
May 8, 2010
Here's one that I hate and it's happened more than once.

I'm approaching a door, let's say I'm heading into a Timmie's. So I'm approaching a door and I can see through the door that there's a lady coming toward the door from the other direction. So I pull open the door and step to one side to let her through. She sees me, smiles politely, and goes to walk through. And some jerkass behind me brushes past me, straight through the doorway making the woman have to step aside for him or get knocked down. What the fuck are these people thinking? Or not thinking?


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Here's one that I hate and it's happened more than once.…edit… What the fuck are these people thinking? Or not thinking?
What you said.

Even thinking "me first!" takes second place.


Active member
Feb 28, 2005
If I'm on a 4-lane, approaching a red light, no-one else there, I'll go in the left lane, leaving the right lane free for someone who wants to turn right on red.

Sunday morning, no-one else around, I'm in the right lane, and there's a police car following close behind. I see that he's put his right turn signal on. So I (call me Mr Courtesy) switch over to the left lane, so he can complete his right turn. He gives me a ticket for lane-hopping.


Apr 24, 2005
You can't get away from the boat engines at a cottage and you should expect to hear children yelling and shrieking as they jump into the water.
And couples fornicating in the bushes (or picnic tables) and some of them are pretty noisy.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
If I'm on a 4-lane, approaching a red light, no-one else there, I'll go in the left lane, leaving the right lane free for someone who wants to turn right on red.

Sunday morning, no-one else around, I'm in the right lane, and there's a police car following close behind. I see that he's put his right turn signal on. So I (call me Mr Courtesy) switch over to the left lane, so he can complete his right turn. He gives me a ticket for lane-hopping.
Not to turn this into another traffic ticket thread, but I've never heard of an offense called lane-hopping, just unsafe lane-change and improper signal for a lane-change. Mind being more specific?


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
I used to work a partial night shift back when I was in university. Basically my schedule was something like this:

8:30am First lecture
4:30pm End of final lecture
*I'd grab a quick lunch in the short gaps between lectures/labs
5:30pm Sleep
1:30am Wake up
3:00am Work start
7:00am Work finished
7:30am Quick breakfast

That didn't leave me a lot of free time to shovel snow. Early, early morning or just before lectures. I did any lawn-mowing on the weekend. Sleeping during the evenings taught me to use some kind of white noise (a fan) generator to drown out external noise. It kept me from wanting to kill my neighbours.

Petite Filet

New member
Jan 14, 2008
Went to MTO to get license renewed. HUGE lineup. Checked what time they opened and made sure I was there an hour before they opened the next day.

Two elderly men sitting on the bench, I stood in front of the door (mall doors, that slide open). I did notice there was some license plates propped against the door. I was off work for back problems, but stood there for an hr reading a magazine.

The line starts to build. When there are about 20 people behind me, one of the elderly men gets up and comes over. He says "Wow u got here early." I smile and told him I was was there yesterday yada yada. This guy says " oh u think its funny?" I was like "WTF?" He tells me he was here first and I should move to the back of the line. HELL NO!

So he stand behind me making comments about me. The doors open and this old guy pushes me sideways, so hard I almost fall on the floor! I wasn't expecting that! (I am 5 ft tall/ 100pds) Now I am PISSED!

We get in the door and there are 3 wickets open and we both got served at the same time anyways. WOW!

As I am leaving I body check the old bugger hard into the counter and keep walking.


Active member
Feb 28, 2005
Not to turn this into another traffic ticket thread, but I've never heard of an offense called lane-hopping, just unsafe lane-change and improper signal for a lane-change. Mind being more specific?
He called it lane-hopping. The ticket says HTA 154(1)(a).

Yes, I'm going to contest it on the grounds that I did check first.

But this thread is about courtesy-carries-its-own-reward. Exception: courtesy towards you-know-who carries its own punishment.


Apr 24, 2005
Two elderly men sitting on the bench, I stood in front of the door
Not sure about the MTO but I know that some (maybe all) bank branches will make special arrangements to accommodate seniors and physically challenged people so they don't have to stand in line which is probably a hardship for them.


Active member
May 25, 2002
I was in dressing room at gym the other day and someone started a political rant - not a discussion a loud rant. I don't mind a civil discussion and disagreement not loud yelling. I go to gym for a fitness routine I don't need guys pushing their agenda. It did my heard good when 4 guys stepped in voice their opinion not loudly but firmly and did not let him interrupt. As I left I saw this stunned look of shock on his face. My only regret is I couldn't get his name to report him.


Cockasian Brother
Aug 3, 2010
I was in dressing room at gym the other day and someone started a political rant - not a discussion a loud rant. I don't mind a civil discussion and disagreement not loud yelling. I go to gym for a fitness routine I don't need guys pushing their agenda. It did my heard good when 4 guys stepped in voice their opinion not loudly but firmly and did not let him interrupt. As I left I saw this stunned look of shock on his face. My only regret is I couldn't get his name to report him.

Report him for what?

If you think public safety is in danger, you don't need a name. Just report it. The cops will investigate and find him.

Mr Bret

Well-known member
Aug 13, 2012
So, do unto others as you would have done unto yourself. Interesting.
i could be wrong but i thought that was written down at some point.
Written or unwritten and any way you phrase it, there's always a substantial group that still hasn't registered it.
I know we're not exactly a bunch of bible thumpers on terb, but even I knew this quote came from the bible, and yes it was written.
Here is the correct version of the quote.
Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. [Matthew 7:12]
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