My guess is the long neck beer bottle instead of the stubby, which would have been used when this movie was set. Then again, I could be wrong.
I am not aware that the tall beer bottles are not appropriate to that time. I thought that stubbies were a Canadian thing of the 60s and 70s. There are actually three bloopers in the clip.My guess is the long neck beer bottle instead of the stubby, which would have been used when this movie was set. Then again, I could be wrong.
James Coburn and Christopher Lee, The guy at far left is Paul's brother, Mike Mcgear, the other 3 are famous also, forgot who they are.
In the above album cover of the Band on the Run album, who is the fellow at the very top and the fellow just to the right of him with his hand on the wall? They are not band members.
Bumfights.What series of four shot on tape reality films, (2002 - 2006), are banned in seven of Canada's ten provinces, and given an R rating in the other three?
Jeep?What was billed as "The world's first Sports Utility Vehicle"?
In the above album cover of the Band on the Run album, who is the fellow at the very top and the fellow just to the right of him with his hand on the wall? They are not band members.
James Coburn and Christopher Lee, The guy at far left is Paul's brother, Mike Mcgear, the other 3 are famous also, forgot who they are.