Toronto Escorts

Victoria , bachelor's dream , revisited


Well-known member
Dec 27, 2004
Haven;t seen her in a bit , saw that she was back in the saddle so to speak and decided to go see. Contacted her , set up the appointment and it was as if time has stood still. She's still the same , sexy, friendly and a good old fashioned good time. Read some reviews from early in the year that she looked drugged out and stuff , she was perfectly fine and looked/smelled/tasted great :) As always ymmv, but lfk, cbj , daty was enjoyed. always great to see an old "friend".


she drives me crazy
Mar 9, 2003
I don't want to be negative about this girl but I saw her a few months back and maybe Im wrong but I think the lifestyle she leads has affected her looks.

I big on teeth and the appear to be yellowing quickly. She was skinny as a rail.

Not what I remembered. Don't get me wrong - nice lady. Just sayin.


miss victoria

New member
Dec 6, 2010
well thank you so much Slash for the nice positive comments babe! i agree we have formed a very nice friendship outside of the erotic encounters we have together! you put my mind at ease...its always a great time with you aswell and i love how i can be comfortable around you and have some deep conversations! thank you for being you babe!! xoxo

miss victoria

New member
Dec 6, 2010
and to MR jayman...seems to me you have been reading way to much gossip online these days!! you have no idea what kind of lifestyle i live...nor does anyone else on this board for that matter....i never discuss my personal life with anybody...not even anybody in my personal for anybody on any of these boards who make such untrue comments..really goes to show what kind of persons you really are and obviously have far too much spare time in your lives to make up stories about me....i am not a drug addict..and im finding ths EXTREMELY upsetting that anyone would suggest that i am or even lie and say i told them that i am...this is sooo very unfair to me...i have treated all of you gents with the upmost respect..shown you gents a good time to the best of my abilities..and go out of my way to make each and every one of you feel home and special to me. it is very shocking and insulting to read such slanderous gossip..and makes me think twice about accepting new clients! so please quit your bitching that i am not being fair for not accepting new clients...clearly anyone in my position would do the same...and for all those who believe everything they may want to know i got a sex change last night...LMAO... :0


she drives me crazy
Mar 9, 2003
Nice comeback Victoria. Maybe we just didn't click the last time. I saw you a number of times before and you were sweet and fun. I don't pretend to know how you live your life and in fairness agree that its none of my business. Best of luck to you Victoria.


Art Mann

May 10, 2010
I commend your response here, Jayman, to the issues Miss Victoria raised. Takes a genuine man to offer a sincere apology where appropriate.

Can't be an easy life for these lovely ladies at the best of times, and it must be even tougher being judged on every aspect of your physique and behaviour here. Pretty sure we clients wouldn't like to be on the receiving end of similar evaluation in a public forum.

There are plenty of scammers out there that deserve the harsh criticism they receive. But sometimes reputable ladies suffer wounds, both to ego and finances, from speculative remarks tossed out on a whim, which may be the case here.

Miss Victoria has long enjoyed a good reputation for attitude and service.

Like you, I wish her all the best.

miss victoria

New member
Dec 6, 2010
Well i appreciate the apology thank you very much! I just wanted to set the record straight because this isnt fair to me nor will i stand it any longer!! i HAVE.....CAN and WILL prove different!! I just want to take a second though to thank the mods for allowing me to respond to this...the amount of rumors and bullcrap that has been flying around about me was completely a vicious attack on me obviously for personal reasons (still unknown!!) it was totally unfair and absolutely mind blowing! i have always been more than fair, polite and HONEST to everyone and i appreciate the chance to be able to say so and stick up for myself...seeing how noone else seemed willing to do so! but thanks so much to those who did..and kept loyal to me during this hard time! i couldnt have made it without yous!! xoxo
Oh my... the memories. I only saw Victoria once... mostly a geography thing. She still holds the record for coaxing the most "explosive" finish out of me EVER! I pulled out at the moment of truth while in mish, and ended up nailing the poor girl in the forehead and hair. Kinda caught us both by surprise! I recall apologizing profusely, but she laughed too. I think my nuts were pretty much turned inside out that day! ;)

Nice to see you back Victoria!


New member
Jul 1, 2012
I've seen Victoria a few times and she's always been enthusiastic, positive and made me feel fantastic. I do not usually post but I've seen a few so-so reviews about her and I wanted to set the record straight.
Her bj's are superb.
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