Western Women Interviewed On Why Western Men Go To Thailand


Well-known member
Oct 12, 2006
Western women have no trouble finding boyfriends and husbands unless they are really ugly or very fat. Even then, in the end most hook up. The chronically single losers on PoF are not representative.

And let's face it, when you guys go to Thailand to find an economically desperate girlfriend, you aren't bringing back the fat ugly ones there either.
Western women have little problems getting men indeed - it's keeping them that's the problem, ie., the 50% divorce rate (and I assume a good portion of the other 50% who are very unhappy)


Son of the First Nation
Sep 13, 2008
Western women hate the fact that guys have choices..and one of those choices is to dump the ball busting bitches western women have become, and finds themselves a feminine women...even better if its in a country with nicer weather.

Western women are essentially a shit sandwich..their ingredients are incredibly toxic to men.
I'm dead serious..don't you agree with my points?
Why stay in Canada and be miserable with a fat ball busting hag, when you can at least feel like a real and appreciated guy in other countries. There simply is no comparision.
Listen...not every western woman is bad, but enough on them are that for the average joe, they will have a much better time in a foreign country like Thailand, than staying in Canada, and trying to pick up women on POF, and then being told they are too short. I'm sure you agree with me on some level.
The thing is that western women have been socialized to have a sense of entitlement. From the moment they are born they are told they are beautiful, and will have a prince charming come along, and they a beautiful home, and so on. They become a princess and eventually a monster. When they are adults and realize these are merely fantasies, they start blaming men, and bitching about everything,...they become insufferable. Women from other countries can have these qualities as well, but luckily less so. They haven't been raised on such fantasies.
You're right, the guy with money, looks or both will do well anywhere on this planet. But for the average joe, and I am in that category...we do much better in other countries, and you will feel much better in another country, where you are not called an oppresive male chauvinist loser

I ... I do not know where to begin !

What the fuck did you do ? What the fuck do you do when you meet a "western woman" ?
I understand that sometimes you have to actually talk to "western women", but ga-damn that is not that difficult is it ?
And yes some, some, only some(way less then half) can be a little high on themselves, but most are reasonable if you just put a little effort into it.
The picture you paint Plan B is ridiculously so far OFF the mark.
Where have you gone to meet women ? Did you ever leave the house ?

Maybe you are correct ... for you. Maybe you and "western women" are just not a fit.
As someone else previously stated .... I will paraphrase "planes leave several times per hour from TIA(Pearson if you perfer)".

Good luck to you where ever you land and happy hunting.

Maybe you can get a package deal for two with Don Draper to parts unknown.


New member
Jan 23, 2004
Ok, fair enough.

I think that your perspective is one that many (most?) people in Toronto have. It is built around a work ethic and social conservatism, and I think it is a reason why much of Toronto's population have come here in the first place (in the last 40 years). People come to Toronto to work, to raise a family, to enjoy a safe, quiet, non-corrupt, city.

However the flip side is that we as a city come up a little short in areas of social interaction, entertainment, and fun. I think this similarly applies to much of western culture. It has produced great economic benefits. But for what end, for what purpose? For myself, I would happily be paid less, work less, and/or pay more taxes, if I was going to be "happier" and enjoy the company of other people more.

Anyways, I guess I'm going around in circles here, and I don't think there is any easy solution (and perhaps no solution is necessary). There are lots of places in the world, and we're all free to go to where we want to find what is important to us. (which I guess was the original point of the video)
T.O. will never change in any way. I had a similar impression of the city as this lady so many years ago when I first landed here as a 16 year old kid. I couldn't then understand why strangers would flinch sometimes when I would try to chat them up...that had never happened to me in Europe. I also remember finding it odd finding people spending time alone when in a public setting, again, something which was unheard of over there. In Europe, if I'd seen someone alone, I would introduced myself and invited him/her over to our table and talk to them. That was just normal. Nobody thought that anyone would actually choose solitude in public, so everyone in our group would make a small effort to make the new guest feel welcome. Here, that would be considered obnoxious behaviour bordering on rudeness. Different land, differing customs, I guess.

There's an old saying that goes something like this; the key to enjoying life is the 3 Fs; Friends, Family, and Fuck everything else. Well, I don't think I'd go that far, but there's more to living than the rat race.


Jan 11, 2005
I have given up on north american women, I know that I am not what they are looking for. so getting marry to a north american woman is not going to happen. I have average looks, average income, average education, nothing about me stands out. so I go to other countries to have fun. label me what ever you want. i got to work with what i got. if that involves travelling to other countries to feel that I am worth something than i will do it. it makes me happy


Jan 31, 2005
Western women have little problems getting men indeed - it's keeping them that's the problem, ie., the 50% divorce rate (and I assume a good portion of the other 50% who are very unhappy)
People divorce at a higher rate than they used to because divorce has become more acceptable. I assume nothing has really changed, people just are more willing to put a name on it, as it's more socially acceptable. I bet just as many people were unhappy in their marriages 100 years ago, they just maintained polite separations while staying married in name only--now they get divorced and remarried.

If you look at these countries you praise, cheating is far more socially acceptable. A latina, filipina, or thai woman really has no problem cheating shamelessly on the husband she stays loyally married to. It's just a cultural difference--divorce is unacceptable in those cultures, but people still want to fuck. Infidelity is FAR more acceptable in asian countries than it is in the West, just so long as you continue to do your duty to your family, what you do on the side is your business--for men and women.


Jan 31, 2005
Seriously, ask a Filipina some day why she wants to date a white guy. "Pinoy are all cheaters" the Filipina will say.

Put 2 and 2 together man, who do you think the pinoy are cheating with?
Dec 28, 2006
Unless I can convince my wife to go for a vacation there, I'll probably not see Thailand again, but up to the age of 42, I went there seven times. Spent years there in fact.

So the gist of this conversation is funny to me. The capacity for men to delude themselves is really beyond belief. Men who go to Thailand and claim that the women there are "different", are just so freaking hilarious. Thai women may well (generally speaking) be feminine and submissive in a way western women are not, but that has nothing to do with why 19 out of 20 western guys get to fuck them.. Soon as your western pay cheque is factored into the relationship, your opinion about "how Thai women treat men so much better" loses all credibility. Sorry guys, the painful truth is that guys who go to Thailand for the express purpose of getting laid are losers when it comes to relationships. They're either unattractive, painfully shy, or plain ol assholes. Often all three. They are not a reliable source for assessing women anywhere else on the planet.

If you were comparatively as rich in Canada as you are in Thailand, you'd have a pretty easy time finding the same calibre of companionship here, as indeed you would anywhere in the world.

I had occasional fun with bar girls during my first two trips, and later on I was fortunate enough to have relationships with some civilian Thai women. Trust me, if the latter had ever dreamed that I even for a moment thought of lumping them in with the bar girls...they'd have dropped me in a second.

There may be superficial differences in women, indeed in people, from country to country, but deep down the things that make you attractive or not are all the same no matter where you go.

George The Curious

Active member
Nov 28, 2011
western women are more financially secure therefore demand men who abuse their bodies with steroids. this is not right, as it is evolutionarily backwards. men were always valued for their ability to provide resources, not looks. women are valued for their looks. now that we give women financial freedom, we produce bunch of wussy pretty boys who can't make money and be supported by professional career women. this trend will continue until gender is reversed - women become more more productive in business, while men become better cooks, dancers, and other such stuff as entertainer for women.

George The Curious

Active member
Nov 28, 2011
another observation:
there are two types of women in Toronto: urban career women who will not marry and have kids, and suburban moms who have 10 kids with a half dozen bros and pimps or dealers.

for guys, you have to be either of the two types to score consistently with women:
type 1: extremely good looking and have a good income. (Super rich won't do much good because money usually buys gold diggers, such as strippers and prostitutes. western civilian women usually don't have sex with you just for the money.)
type 2: criminal bad boy type. Yes, even if you are ugly, some fine ass suburbia moms will want to have your babies because you are so bad and dangerous.

If you are anything in between will mean you get 1 or 2 civilian pussies obese or fugly in your life time at the best.


New member
Jan 14, 2011
I propose that all you guys who hate western women and feel like you do better in other countries should all go there. Buy a one way ticket to Thailand or wherever the fuck you think you'll do better. I happen to love western women, and the less of you guys bothering them and constantly dumping on them the better. Guys on this site have some really deluded ideas about women in general, and this city specifically.

Before you leave on your one-way trip, though, make sure to liquidate all your assets and show up as poor as a typical local. Then tell me if the women are still better than the co-called gold-diggers over here. Thai women don't like you because you are western, they like your money.


New member
Jan 14, 2011

Toronto's absence of community and a social fabric is sad.. And most of us are tragically unaware of how things could be (should be?)

I'm a Toronto native, who is considering leaving Toronto (and Canada) for this very reason.
Good riddance. Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
The thing is that western women have been socialized to have a sense of entitlement. From the moment they are born they are told they are beautiful, and will have a prince charming come along, and they a beautiful home, and so on. They become a princess and eventually a monster. When they are adults and realize these are merely fantasies, they start blaming men, and bitching about everything,...they become insufferable. Women from other countries can have these qualities as well, but luckily less so. They haven't been raised on such fantasies.
yeah, ok... like East Asian women don't have a sense of entitlement...

"Sa jiao helps to ensure that everyone is playing their expected role. If the relationship progresses, the man will be expected to provide in full for his partner, which in modern terms often means that he’ll have to produce an apartment, a car and a steady job before a woman will even think of marrying him. While a Chinese woman may be very competent, and perfectly able to take care of herself, she will still expect her husband to support her, to look after her material needs while she does her part and looks after him physically and emotionally. "


Aug 19, 2001
Good riddance. Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.
Seems like a hypocritical attitude.

Canada has been built on people leaving their home countries to go to a new country because they think it's a better environment for them. Seems hardly fair to condemn a Canadian for doing the exact same thing.


New member
Dec 26, 2006
Western women hate the fact that guys have choices..and one of those choices is to dump the ball busting bitches western women have become, and finds themselves a feminine women...even better if its in a country with nicer weather.

Western women are essentially a shit sandwich..their ingredients are incredibly toxic to men.
Define feminine.


Oct 13, 2010
If a guy cannot get hooked up with a local girl, he will see an escort. If a girl cannot get hooked up with a local guy, then she ends up becoming a man hater and a feminist. Some will end up becoming an escort just to get attention from guys. At the end of the day, who the hell cares. If North America becomes #1 for having most single people, then great. At least we are #1 at something.


Oct 13, 2010
Also, many men go elsewhere to find what ever it is that they want because they cannot get it at home. So who's fault is that? It goes back to supply and demand thing. There is a great amount of demand here, but no supply. So why not to a place where there is ample supply and satisfy the demand.


Jan 31, 2005
The reality is that most North American men and women are in long term relationships by their late twenties and stay in relationships for life. In the modern world, maybe not with the same person for life, and maybe not as formally. We have a lot more cohabitation, divorce, and remarriage. But almost everyone is in a relationship at any given moment in time.

These people who moan about Western women, or the women who hate men, are a rejected minority who just happen to be very vocal on terb, second only to bitter divorced men (likely some overlap).

If you cannot pair up with a local woman because of your disabilities, then sure it's better to go find a woman in the third world. Better than nothing.

The Fruity Hare

Well-known member
Dec 4, 2002
The reality is that most North American men and women are in long term relationships by their late twenties and stay in relationships for life. In the modern world, maybe not with the same person for life, and maybe not as formally. We have a lot more cohabitation, divorce, and remarriage. But almost everyone is in a relationship at any given moment in time.

These people who moan about Western women, or the women who hate men, are a rejected minority who just happen to be very vocal on terb, second only to bitter divorced men (likely some overlap).

If you cannot pair up with a local woman because of your disabilities, then sure it`s better to go find a woman in the third world. Better than nothing.
Seems like you answered your own question:

So recently I met a woman who is living in Toronto on an employer-specific work visa. She`s from a developing country. She seems literally desperate to hook up with a local boyfriend and make some connection. In fact, I had kind of an off night, I wasn`t very talkative, I didn`t have much energy, I most definitely did not have "game" last night. In fact I tried to send her home when we finished our date. I was actually taking her there, when she insisted she didn`t want to go home...

Awhile back I had a similar situation with a woman who was here on a student visa. Again similar story--there was just about nothing I could do wrong, more like she picked me up, than the other way around.

So these two I met kind of randomly, and I guess life can go on that way, but here is the question:

These women are obviously desperate to meat local guys, and I`d love to meet them. The trouble is we can`t seem to find each other. They don`t know where to look for local boyfriends. I don`t know where to meet immigrant girls looking for local boyfriends. They don`t use the same dating sites I use, they don`t go to the places I go, they don`t know my friends.

Where to meet more of these girls?

I call this the "10 solitudes" because I figure there are a lot of isolated little immigrant communities full of women wanting to meet local guys but not knowing how to bridge the gap and do it.

I guess what I`m saying is that I think Cuba can come to you. I really think so. I bet right now there is a Cuban woman sitting in her crappy room-in-a-basement-apartment, feeling alone, and living with a bunch of other Latin American immigrants, trying to figure out how she can meet some local guys, and drawing a blank. So how to bridge that gap? I am quite sure there are local guys (i.e. me) who would like to meet her too.. but we rarely connect.

Like I said, so far the ones I`ve met have been via pretty random connections, like chatting to a girl on the subway, things like that. There`s got to be a better way.
There`s more in his thread, but I can`t be bothered going through it:

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