Ok, fair enough.
I think that your perspective is one that many (most?) people in Toronto have. It is built around a work ethic and social conservatism, and I think it is a reason why much of Toronto's population have come here in the first place (in the last 40 years). People come to Toronto to work, to raise a family, to enjoy a safe, quiet, non-corrupt, city.
However the flip side is that we as a city come up a little short in areas of social interaction, entertainment, and fun. I think this similarly applies to much of western culture. It has produced great economic benefits. But for what end, for what purpose? For myself, I would happily be paid less, work less, and/or pay more taxes, if I was going to be "happier" and enjoy the company of other people more.
Anyways, I guess I'm going around in circles here, and I don't think there is any easy solution (and perhaps no solution is necessary). There are lots of places in the world, and we're all free to go to where we want to find what is important to us. (which I guess was the original point of the video)