Texas Says It's OK to Shoot & Kill an Escort If She Won't Have Sex With You!


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
It's hard to make coherent discussion of case with so few facts. According to http://www.salon.com/2013/06/06/texas_man_acquitted_in_craiglist_escort_murder/ article the guy paid $150 for 30 min. He claims she left after 20 minutes where she simply walked around the apt. Her 'partner' who booked her appts and took a cut of her earnings testified that she usually only hung out and danced for the session (no guarantee of sex). No sex can be promised in the US. In my experience the working girls name a fee, show up and then request additional tips for additional services. No one will know what happened as the girl could not testify. Perhaps the guy was 'grabby' during the dance and aggressive than I can see the girl leaving early. And perhaps the booker/pimp/driver should have screened the call better? Who knows? I would love to see how much the guy's cut was on a $150 call. And whether she could have simply given the money back to the client on the call or if the 'booker' would have still demanded his cut for driving, booking, advertising. She was a single mother and god knows how it would feel to be in the hole financially due to a bad call. It was Christmas Eve at 4am when she was killed. Call me a sucker but I go sentimental in thinking of the girl getting money for gifts under the tree. It is amazing how the guy cleaned up his look since his booking arrest pic http://www.ibtimes.com/texas-man-ez...g-craigslist-escort-lenora-ivie-frago-1295593 to his appearance at trial http://www.mysanantonio.com/news/local_news/article/Jury-acquits-escort-shooter-4581027.php I got to admit I'm surprised at the reaction of the SPs in this thread. The guy had guns [plural] and used an assault rifle to try to keep her from leaving. Your spidey sense does not tell you that maybe he was not the peachiest client? http://www.ksat.com/news/accused-ki...ters/-/478452/20261676/-/t7go3pz/-/index.html I tend the think the jury sided with the 'john' simply because the john was white while the victim was in the sex trade and Hispanic (therefore disposable). Given the prosecutors star witness was a pimp it isn't surprising that the case fell apart. But shiate. I would not want to be a female and live in Texas let alone work in the sex trade.

well said


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
fuji is right in this thread
Our pseudo Texass apologists here will never admit to that.....:biggrin1:


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
I'd love to see the section of Texas law that states "you may shoot a prostitute who doesn't deliver sex" .... just for shits and giggles you want to please provide that for me?
Well this Texass judge and jury with their recent lame-brained verdict pretty much made it clear, this is how they interpret this stupid Texass law.....:eyebrows:


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
This story of an aberrant case of gross miss-justice in TexASS must have really struck a nerve!

Now we have two threads dealing with TexASS ....:eyebrows:


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
The issue is not about service delivery or lack of it.

the issue is, SHE STOLE HIS MONEY, DURING THE NIGHT, and he is allowed to shoot.

remember...Ignorance of the law is not a DEFENCE....in this case it works both ways. SHE SHOULD HAVE KNOWN.
You don't know that she stole his money...maybe she blew him and thought that was sufficient


New member
May 2, 2012
Fortunately I think the girls that post on Terb have it much better here than the craigslist girls in Texas. You can say what you do, don't do in black and white. The US is radically different.


New member
May 2, 2012
Interesting that Vanity Fair covers the story http://www.vanityfair.com/online/ei...quittal-proves-the-lunacy-of-texas-s-gun-laws and yet as noted in one of the comments on this article not a peep in Dallas Morning News or Houston Chronicle. Here's an excerpt from the Vanity Affair article:
Still, Gilbert’s case seems ridiculous. Essentially, he is claiming that he is able to compel the commission of a crime—prostitution—if he simply believed he was paying for sex, or demand his money back for the service he was promised and did receive. (On the other hand, the cops testified in the case that Gilbert never suggested he was stopping a theft of his money.)
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Active member
Aug 21, 2009
That judge is insane.Completely insane.Does he not realize how many alibi's he has opened up for potential men and women who simply want an excuse to kill someone?.All they have to do is plan it the right way.To the people in this thread who stated he was within the law.He was.He really was.Over 150.00$.

Do you think he killed her over the money?...or over the fact he could do it ;and in his mind ,get away with it?He'll kill again.He knows how easy it is to do now.The only thing stopping most psychopaths is self preservation and Bexar County has told him he's going to be just fine.
Scarey you missed one key point. This guy was excused by a JURY....YES A JURY...not a Judge.

Im sure DEFENCE and prosecutors explored all options and alibis, including from the witness herself by the Police and a Jury of his peers found him INNOCENT.


Active member
Aug 21, 2009
You don't know that she stole his money...maybe she blew him and thought that was sufficient
Your right I don't know. The Texas jury said it..she was in the act of 'stealing his money' and got blown away.

Perhaps when the assault rifle was pointed at her, she might have made a better decision and not stolen his money.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
Prostitution must now be legal in Texass.....

Now that's the Libertarian dream in action: that man paid good money to rent the body of another human being in the free market, and when she didn't deliver the promised services he asserted his property rights without appealing to the tyrannical state by shooting her.
Texas — the beacon of liberty!.....:thumb:

Unless you have an armed burglar or home invader in your home that threatens your life because they are armed, shooting unarmed intruders that don't pose a threat dead is a fascist law.

In this case, it's a contract gone wrong, not simple theft. Even if he had the right to shoot, did he warn her? This is all fucked up because it's a disproportionate response which doesn't involve any due process for an execution.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
He had enough contact information to call her in the first place, and he gave her the money willingly. As in the milk example, there is a contract, so if there is any criminal breach it's more of an example of fraud (deception to get money) than theft. If you think the escort intentionally lied to get money, that is not theft.
Yes, breach of contract if not fraud but not technically theft.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
Alternately we could just conclude that Texas is a backwater populated by horrendously prejudiced people, and that the failings of their legal system reflect that.
Fuji, you know I can disagree with you to the extreme, but I will agree wholeheartedly with your statement here.

(@ Train: If Fuji was sent there, those libertarians would shoot him before he opined on the matter).


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
To my mind it is theft, and apparently also to a jury of my Texan peers.

Do you hobby? "Contact information"? By that you mean a phone number.
I hope it's not a jury of YOUR Texan peers but that of the accused.


Active member
Jan 7, 2002
Alternately we could just conclude that Texas is a backwater populated by horrendously prejudiced people, and that the failings of their legal system reflect that.
The great part about Texas and Texans is that they simply don't give a flying fuck what you or any of the small-minded mouth-breathing bigoted idiots of your ilk think of them or their state. They simply go about their business building up the most prosperous state in the Union. It's a free country and no one is forced to live in Texas if they don't like the laws. Things to remember about Texas - if you trespass, you may be shot. If you steal at night, you may be shot. If you commit capital murder, you may get executed. If you don't like it, there are half-a-dozen interstates leading out of the state; and flights from DFW and Houston leave daily to wherever else you might like to go.


Active member
Jan 7, 2002
He had enough contact information to call her in the first place, and he gave her the money willingly. As in the milk example, there is a contract, so if there is any criminal breach it's more of an example of fraud (deception to get money) than theft. If you think the escort intentionally lied to get money, that is not theft.
Under the Texas Penal Code, it is theft. Any 1st year Texas law student (other than those finishing in the bottom quartile) ought to know that.


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
The great part about Texas and Texans is that they simply don't give a flying fuck what you or any of the small-minded mouth-breathing bigoted idiots of your ilk think of them or their state. They simply go about their business building up the most prosperous state in the Union. It's a free country and no one is forced to live in Texas if they don't like the laws. Things to remember about Texas - if you trespass, you may be shot. If you steal at night, you may be shot. If you commit capital murder, you may get executed. If you don't like it, there are half-a-dozen interstates leading out of the state; and flights from DFW and Houston leave daily to wherever else you might like to go.
So...Texas is a redneck loony bin....I won't have to leave because I will never go there, not because I am afraid, but because their mentality makes me ill.
Many escorts have a disclaimer saying money is for companionship time and does not necessarily include sexual acts, so if she had that, how could he claim to be robbed? Nowhere in this story have we seen proof that she promised sexual intercourse for money.


Jan 31, 2005
Under the Texas Penal Code, it is theft. Any 1st year Texas law student (other than those finishing in the bottom quartile) ought to know that.
I bet that if she had been a male plumber in a dispute over what services were included the knuckle draggers would have reached a different verdict.

It was moralizing bigotry against women, particularly sex workers, that enabled their hypocrisy.

And yeah, the savages in many oil producing backwaters think their oil money justifies their violence against women. The savages in Texas are no better than those who stone women or engage in honour killings. There are daily flights out of Riyadh too.


New member
Jul 14, 2009
I bet that if she had been a male plumber in a dispute over what services were included the knuckle draggers would have reached a different verdict.
because plumbers usually steal during daytime


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
The great part about Texas and Texans is that they simply don't give a flying fuck what you or any of the small-minded mouth-breathing bigoted idiots of your ilk think of them or their state.
Of course having large Oil reserves has much to due with this..... oh and allowing Enron type companies to exist/flourish with little to no regulations, you know slimy amoral greedy idiots of your ilk. eh......:rolleyes:

Nice to see you pop up again......hows that target practice down in Texass been going?.....:eyebrows:

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