Interesting quote from something I read and copied some time ago...Sorry for the length, but I happen to agree with everything this lady wrote. T.O.: city that fun never found.
Here's the entry...
I’m a Russian girl who has been living in Toronto for 10 years, and I would like to thank you for this article. I’m sorry if I’m writing too much, but I’m happy to see that someone else has exactly the same opinion, which is extremely talked about in this country. It is so true, but it’s not just the girls, it’s the lifestyle in general. There is no place for fun, partying and meeting people in this city (I’m not sure how it is in other Canadian cities, because I only have been to Montreal, which is completely different). Toronto is a great city for those who want to live quiet lifestyle and doesn’t really care about going out and having great relationship with people. Just work, sleep and complain if the neighbours are having too much fun.
I do have friends here but all of them are either Eastern European or Latin (I’m really into Latin American culture). I don’t and don’t want to hang out with any Canadians. I only met 2 guys who were somewhat interesting, and both of them were traveling. Its true that the majority of the girls are fat and don’t take care of themselves. They dress have no fashion sense, they don’t style their hair and they don’t wear makeup (sorry they do, but only if they are going to someone’s wedding). All these girls are always talking about how it doesn’t matter how you look, and it doesn’t matter how you dress, everyone is beautiful and should be respected and blah blah blah… but once they see someone who actually dresses nicely they start talking how she looks like a slut, and how she is insecure and desperately trying to find a man. Its like they are proud that they are ugly. You won’t believe how many angry and judgmental looks I get, especially in summer, when you can actually wear skirts and dresses. Also they are not even trying to lose weight, they do eat fast food and pizza’s after clubs, and they criticize you if you don’t. If you are just ordering salad you get a huge lecture on anorexia, and how you are trying too hard, and that “curvy” women are beautiful (they forget that curvy is boobs and ass, not a beer belly and cellulite).
Also Toronto women hate men. They always talk badly about them, and there is a huge propaganda about being single, free and proud. Its like if you have a boyfriend, he will lock you in the room, take away your phone and will never let you out. For most of my life in Canada I was (and still am) in a relationship, but I was single for about a year once, and mistakenly started hanging out with this kind of group (I guess I was just bored, and they were going out a lot), and every time I talked about that I want to have a boyfriend or I met some guy which I kind of like, they will always try to brainwash me about independence and women power. Women here view men as predators. If they guy is looking at them or tries to make a conversation – he is a dirty pervert, and sometimes when I tell that some guy on the subway was trying to get my phone number, many of them are asking me why I didn’t call the police, because its sexual harassment. Even though it is absolutely normal that a guy is attracted to a girl. If you don’t like him you don’t have to talk to him, but it is not a harassment unless he is grabbing you, keeps following you or is trying to rape you.
Also, the culture in Toronto is generally very antisocial. When I went to York University in Toronto I was very shocked, how people come to class, and after just leave without talking to anyone. And in general people just prefer to stay home rather than to go out. I’m shocked that people of my generation (I’m only 26) act like if they were 60-70 years old – always tired, don’t like noise and prefer to watch TV than to go out. Its also very quiet on the subway (unless there will be an occasional group of kids or teenagers coming back from school). Even people who are together prefer to be playing with their smartphones and pads rather than talking to each other. And again if you are talking or, god forbid, laughing, you’ll see how everyone will give you angry looks, like if you were laughing at the funeral.
I’ve been to a couple of Canadian parties, and it was the most boring experience ever. There is lots of junk food, absolutely no dancing, people only talk to people who they know and you also get criticized when you drink too much or trying to actually be loud and have fun. Most of the times you just sit in your own group that you came with and talk badly about other people. When you to a Russian or Latin party you get introduced to everyone, and people actually want to meet you, asking who you are, where are you from etc., and then it is up to you if they want to hang out with you or not. I went to lots of Mexican parties where I only knew 1 or 2 people, and after 5-10 mins you feel like everyone is your best friend.
The government is trying to make illegal everything that is loud and fun. Last summer during the soccer Eurocup, Italian won some game, and we went to celebrate with some Italian friends. Its was crazy, lots of screaming, lots of music, but around 11 o’clock police has showed up and forced every single bar in the area to close, because it is illegal to make loud noises after 11, and kicked everybody out. And I actually almost for arrested for arguing with one of the FEMALE officers. Most of the events and festivals are closing down around 8-9pm. Last call is at 2. Pretty much everything is made for families with kids or old people. If you are young and looking for fun – Toronto is not the place.
All angry comments to this article that everyone is so brainwashed and politically correct that you can’t have your own opinion. Its especially frustrating, because Canadians claim that it is a free country, and its so great that you can be unique and open with your opinions and beliefs, but the truth is, you can’t say anything. Guys if you really want to be with a Canadian girl or fit in a Canadian society remember the thoughts you have to have. You can’t criticize any minorities, any small comment, joke, generalization or criticism will be taken as if you are extremely against them or want to kill them. You can’t dislike fat girls, you have to fight for the rights of animals or children (even if they are not discriminated), you have to have some kind of religion (I’m an atheist, and I got criticized for that a lot), you have to care about environment, you have to be against abortion, you can’t love fur, and you better be a vegetarian.
And lastly, I’d like to say that, yes, dating scene really sucks for men. I don’t have any statistics, but it seems like male population is much higher than female. I have lots of single guy friends or friends of my boyfriend who are really great guys, there is nothing wrong with them, but they just can’t find a girl. Very often guys ask me to introduce them to my girlfriends (of course because I’m Russian they think they all superhot and lonely), but honestly, I don’t know any decent girl who will be single and looking. All of them are either happily married or in a long term relationship. If they are single, there is usually something wrong with them