Rob Ford is a bleeding whale, harpooned repeatedly. However the resilience of the man and the Ford Nation is remarkable. He still enjoys alot of support in this city and at least at the present time still appears better than the alternatives. Illegal drug use is illegal drugs use, but witness the hierarchy, hypocrisy and stigma associated with cocaine abuse. Ford is very wealthy and could afford cocaine (999 purity), but that would appear elitist and out of touch with the ordinary or even impoverished individuals who can only afford cracked, so his purported pictures and video may show his continuous attempts at associating with the common man, even if they are crack smokers. The dopamine receptors in the brain do not discriminate between cocaine powder and crack cocaine, but society and the media does. Ford will survive this scandal, but will find himself increasingly marginalized by opportunistic fairweather types like Don Cherry or John Oakely. Ford is too strong to be destroyed by the Toronto Star types although he nay eventually selfdestruct.
Unless it was intended as a Jon Stewart audition piece:
The few who are against Ford in the City are picking on him because of his low-class taste in drugs. This is all because he wasn't videoed snorting '…a white powder that could be said to resemble what cocaine is alleged to look like". He could and would snort—he's rich after all—but in solidarity with the common man he smokes the cheaper stuff. 'Sides, it's just as good!
In fact Ford self-destructed quite some time ago, which is why Karen Stintz has filled the void on the transit front, and Doug Holyday pretty much everywhere else, especially on labour contracts. While one budget chief has burned out and we've yet to see results from the successor, Ford's active role in his administration's budget has been minimal.
The only way Ford "…appears better than the alternatives" is if the twaddle about shrinking government to the size of something you can drag into the bathroom and drown in the tub is what passes for thinking in your circles. In that case even a bleeding whale would look good. "
Well he promised to cut waste, trim his own waist, and taxes and have enough gravy left over to drown his government in. I simply will not talk about him raising taxes next year in spite of the billions I'm sure he's saved. Even if Rob raises my taxes, anyone else would be worse. Vote Rob in Spite!"
Unfortunately, from the Gardiner falling into the Lake and all the way north over the crumbling,roads and rusting water pipes we inherited from cheapass suburban governments to the folks freezing on Finch and Steeles wondering if they'll ever see a bus and, 'what are those mythical subway-things any way?', there's a shitload of real work for government to do just to bring the City to barely adequate. Always has been, always will be. It's what populations, do to the places they live: they need stuff
done, and when they don't your city dies.
When we have mastered that, we'll ready to put cost-cutting fairytales at the top of the TDL, even from bleeding whales.