Gawker Claims Video Exists of Rob Ford Smoking Crack

May 8, 2010
I wonder if those fuckwads at the Sun will have a big, tabloid front page story about their Golden Boy's smoking crack! Somehow I doubt it...We'll see.
May 8, 2010


Well-known member
Oct 11, 2007
That picture posted earlier in the thread, makes me think this whole non-story is a fake. Ford is much fatter than that "Ford" in that picture.

However, "Crackman Ford" has a nice ring to it.

This could also be a type of false flag media/propaganda operation. With this OLGC Paul Goffery debacle, what a way to divert attention.

Ford is the greatest mayor Toronto ever had in history!!!



Jan 31, 2005
I don't think you grasp the ramifications of having a crack fiend in a lead role. This is completely different than burning a doobie.
Sure. If he is a crack fiend then he has smoked crack within the last couple of weeks. Probably yesterday.

If he hasn't smoked crack in months then he is not a crack fiend.

A test if his hair will tell, and I agree if he tests positive he cannot be mayor, but if he tests negative that also should be the end of it.

I read recently his sister had several drug convictions and her husband was a coke dealer. Previously I figured that did not reflect on him, but in light of this report it sure does paint a picture... He had access and connections and people close to him who were doing this stuff. Suddenly it's not such a stretch.
This is one scandal that wont go quietly into the night. It has to be resolved and it's disturbing that he appears to be ducking the question. It's ridiculous alright, ridiculous that he hasn't tackled it head on.

Either it's him or it isn't. If it's him then he has to resign or do some heavy explaining (and "I didn't inhale" likely wont cut it.) If it's not, then both Star reporters who spoke to the veracity of the video should never be allowed to print another word.


Into Ties and Tail
Aug 13, 2009
Durham & Toronto
I am a fan of Ford and his fiscal approach, but if this turns out to be true he should resign. It will be too bad. NDP thinking took the city budget to 9.2 billion from 6.7 under Miller. When they inevitably return to power I can see the budget hitting 11.5 billion within four years.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Just a little FYI, if Ford is smoking crack on that video he cannot legally be fired, impeached or removed from office. He can only be asked to resign, which he can still refuse.

Of course the public pressure on him to resign will be HUGE, and it would make for very awkward City hall meetings if he doesnt. But legally he can stay in office till next election.

All this according to some expert on the news yesterday


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Anything printed in any newspaper—or appearing in any sort of media—should be taken with a grain of salt. They're more tabloid than what we imagine newspapers once were. (PS: They never were) Most of what they present are pure shit opinions. When I see a few reliable sources I will begin to believe more.
Fixed your post.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Just a little FYI, if Ford is smoking crack on that video he cannot legally be fired, impeached or removed from office. He can only be asked to resign, which he can still refuse.

Of course the public pressure on him to resign will be HUGE, and it would make for very awkward City hall meetings if he doesnt. But legally he can stay in office till next election.

All this according to some expert on the news yesterday
I believe they were advancing the premise, that as an addict he'd be suffering from an illness, and could resign or take a leave of absence but couldn't be forced to.

Given that Holyday, his Deputy has accomplished the only real work of the term so far, a leave of absence while this all dies down could be very good for the City.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
The Star is making those accusations, shouldn't it be up to them to prove his guilt ?
That's how I view it. At present we seen to have a totally unsubstantiated story with a touch of extortion "I have a video but pay me $$$$$$ or it never sees the light of day".


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
I am a fan of Ford and his fiscal approach, but if this turns out to be true he should resign. It will be too bad. NDP thinking took the city budget to 9.2 billion from 6.7 under Miller. When they inevitably return to power I can see the budget hitting 11.5 billion within four years.
His administration can't find the money even to fix potholes in my neighbourhood, and he's supposed to be good at that. Of course, if Ford had lived up to his promises of 'Subways, subways, subways,' the number would go a lot higher. Not that he ever had any intention of doing so, or the foggiest idea about how to even to begin such a project.

<Cue cheapshot>All pipe dreams.

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
If I were Ford I would have my press rep come out and challenge these so called video owners to put up or shut up. I would then launch a defamation lawsuit against Gawker, and potentially the Toronto Star. No fucking around here.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
This is one scandal that wont go quietly into the night.
And that's what they've said about every other supposed scandal the Star dreams up and they've been wrong every time.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
That's how I view it. At present we seen to have a totally unsubstantiated story with a touch of extortion "I have a video but pay me $$$$$$ or it never sees the light of day".
It's one of the many reasons why everyone should hate cheque-book journalism it cannot avoid encouraging fabrication and extortion both. But what would you propose Gawker (who broke the story, not The Star) or any other media do when they're made aware of such an item? Ignore it? Never gonna happen unless they can be assured none of their competitors will pay for it either. In an internet era when some animation studio in Taiwan has a Rob the CrackHead video on YouTube before the evening news that is <cue cheap shot> a pipe dream. If journalistic integrity isn't an oxymoron, universal integrity sure is.

The situation is what it is, however hateful. The vid will either be suppressed or it will become public. Thinking people won't go beyond 'a video likely exists', for now and their existing opinions won't alter until more is revealed. If Rob has been set up, then a public airing and scrutiny would seem his best bet to me, and something he should be looking for, even if he cannot 'prove' it a fake. For those folks, it won't alter their views or do more damage. The hanging questions most certainly will.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
If I were Ford I would have my press rep come out and challenge these so called video owners to put up or shut up. I would then launch a defamation lawsuit against Gawker, and potentially the Toronto Star. No fucking around here.
It might be worth it for the show-factor, but Gawker has no sue-able presence in Canada that I've heard of, and there's not the slightest chance that every word and comma the Star printed wasn't lawyered for hours—and repeatedly, during the six weeks the Star sat on the story until Gawker forced their hand—against just such an eventuality.
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Jun 6, 2009
Get your head out of the sand! you sound like Ford.. "people are out to get him". funny thing is that it was a web page in the US that reported it first.

Scandal after scandal... where there is smoke, there must be fire. He must leave office.

I am just waiting to see how he tops this one!!

If the Star was wrong every time... have they been sued and had to pay any settlement??
Neat saying, but always the case. Ever seen fire around smoke grenades? The grainy snap shown early is not one i'd beat anything on. As someone said, trusting the word of a drug dealer, right. Maybe the reporter, knowing how rebellious the Start reporters can be, perhaps the reporters are into the dealer big time and this is a way out.:Eek:
And that's what they've said about every other supposed scandal the Star dreams up and they've been wrong every time.
There is a tipping point for everything. Basically the Star is saying their representatives verified that Rob Ford smokes crack. They have seen the proof - not here-say, not some unnamed source. This time they are the source, the accusation is coming right out of their mouth. Either Ford addresses this or he's done. He can't say it's the same as all the other smears. Acting like a boor is one thing, this is entirely a different kettle of fish.
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