Gawker Claims Video Exists of Rob Ford Smoking Crack


Registered User
Oct 23, 2002
here and there
Actually, if you read the Star's story they did not report what someone said as news. They were very concise and clear about what they were reporting.

Along the lines of you not being able to prove you've stopped beating your wife, I cannot say the Star never previously reported "whatever crap someone said" (whatever that's supposed to mean, is it only reportable news if no one said it?) as news, but all they reported this time is the existence of the video and what was in it.

Whatever the crap is, you'd have to tell us.
So the newspaper is not reporting surprise there for The Star. What they are doing is continuing their attacks on Ford to push their agenda against his. Every news organization has it's favorite targets but The Star goes too far, this type of "reporting" throws whatever is left of their credibility out the window. They might as well be a blog and toss their reputation (which used to be good) out the window.


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
The Star has said today that it can't substantiate the video and info, then why post it? It sounds like National inquirer trash.
I'm disappointed with the Star , use to be a good paper. By all means if there is proof bring it forward, but they do have a death wish on Ford. (thats besides if I like him or not)
Nice try at shooting the messenger, but all media outlets are now on this story certainly would explain the erratic behaviour which people had guessed might be diabetes or alcoholism.


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
the more the merrier! C'mon, Ford may be a disaster as a mayor, but at least he is entertaining us with his bizarre scandals!


Active member
Sep 6, 2008
The fail is strong with this post.

First of all its not lifetime if the user quits. Second of all, even if you shave your head there are little stubbles left inside the follicle that can be extracted
The confusion is strong with this post.

So ... which one is it?
Not lifetime if user quits? Follicle can be extracted?


Active member
Sep 6, 2008
So the newspaper is not reporting surprise there for The Star. What they are doing is continuing their attacks on Ford to push their agenda against his. Every news organization has it's favorite targets but The Star goes too far, this type of "reporting" throws whatever is left of their credibility out the window. They might as well be a blog and toss their reputation (which used to be good) out the window.
GAWKER was the first to report it. The Star sat on their asses for a couple of weeks until some loser at CNN raised flags.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
So the newspaper is not reporting surprise there for The Star. What they are doing is continuing their attacks on Ford to push their agenda against his. Every news organization has it's favorite targets but The Star goes too far, this type of "reporting" throws whatever is left of their credibility out the window. They might as well be a blog and toss their reputation (which used to be good) out the window.
On the other hand, if they ignored the existence of the video, people would be accusing them of not being up to their job.

Meantime elmo, there is always the chance the vid is real. Maybe you weren't one of the Etobikids trekking thru the ravines behind the Ford place to make your buys but have you forgotten Rob was arrested for drug possession? If people like you want news of the vid suppressed, who will there be to verify it, or as we hope, to prove it's a hoax?


Registered User
Oct 23, 2002
here and there
On the other hand, if they ignored the existence of the video, people would be accusing them of not being up to their job.

Meantime elmo, there is always the chance the vid is real. Maybe you weren't one of the Etobikids trekking thru the ravines behind the Ford place to make your buys but have you forgotten Rob was arrested for drug possession? If people like you want news of the vid suppressed, who will there be to verify it, or as we hope, to prove it's a hoax?
Your point oldjones was that the Star "did not report what someone said as news". I doubt anyone would accuse a reputable news agency (if one exists at all anymore) of not being up to their job for reporting verified news, something which you contend the Star is not doing. I don't want the vid suppressed, nor do I want politicians on drugs (best of luck with that). if it actually exists, and if it's actually true, bring it forward and let him deal with the consequences. I want accountability from our elected officials. Our democratic system has elected Ford and clearly, because of that election, people chose to overlook his past, will they overlook this in the future? Maybe, they overlooked borderline criminal behavior from the provincial government...stranger things have happened.

BTW, please don't assume you know about "people like me" haven't a clue.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
The confusion is strong with this post.

So ... which one is it? Not lifetime if user quits?
If a drug user quits his crack, it would take a period of about 3 to 6 months before the drug would not be detectable in the hair anymore (depending on how long he kept his hair, and how regularly he cut his hair).

Follicle can be extracted?
No, not extracted. But if an addict shaves his head, the judge can issue a court order for suspect not to shave his hair, and then whatever stubble grows out next few days will still have drug residue in it. Similar to how your beard stubble comes out after you dont shave for a few days


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2012
I'm disappointed with the Star , use to be a good paper.
I agree - The Sun was the opinionated right wing tabloid whose news was so closely interwoven with right wing opinions - it was impossible to judge the real from fake. That has changed - not the Sun but the Star has become just as twisted to left wing politics. The worst indication that the Star was pathetic was when they refused to reprimand a reporter peering over the fence of Ford's home.

For those that think a mayor of a large city wouldn't take such stupid risks, I remind you of Marion Barry - Washington's mayor video taped also smoking a crack pipe. This hasn't been lost on a Washington newspaper:
Crack-Smoking Mayors: Not Just for D.C. Anymore ...'colorful Toronto Mayor Rob Ford can reportedly be seen smoking crack cocaine on a cell phone video' ... 'Ford also seemed to sense that he was being filmed, warning the cell phone operator that the phone ought to be turned off. If only the boisterous mayor had trusted his instincts.'


Well - you gat hand it to Ford - he is putting Toronto on the map !


New member
Jun 6, 2010
Anything printed in the Toronto Star should be taken with a grain of salt. The Toronto Star is more a tabloid type paper than a real newspaper. Most of what the Star prints is pure shit opinions. When I see a few reliable sources I will begin to believe more.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Isnt another possibility that Ford was smoking strong hash in a hashpipe while he was drunk??! I mean, how would you ever be able to prove its crack cocaine??

Gawker said he was slurring and his voice was trailing off, I thought cocaine was supposed to be a strong stimulant??


Well-known member
Aug 29, 2001
Isnt another possibility that Ford was smoking strong hash in a hashpipe while he was drunk??! I mean, how would you ever be able to prove its crack cocaine??

Gawker said he was slurring and his voice was trailing off, I thought cocaine was supposed to be a strong stimulant??
Good point... that makes it better.


Jan 31, 2005
I mean, how would you ever be able to prove its crack cocaine??
Drug testing.

That's the only thing that will put this question to rest. Even if the video is released, Ford will claim it was a hash pipe or something. If the video is not released the question will linger.

A drug test will answer once and for all whether he did, or didn't, smoke crack. Considering most people don't care if he smoked pot, the drug test should test him ONLY for crack, and if he doesn't have any cocaine in his system, he should be given a clean bill.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Drug testing.

That's the only thing that will put this question to rest. Even if the video is released, Ford will claim it was a hash pipe or something. If the video is not released the question will linger.

A drug test will answer once and for all whether he did, or didn't, smoke crack
Sure, but you can't force someone to take a drug test. Thats unconstitutional

Good point... that makes it better
Not better, but at least lesser of 2 evils and somewhat forgiveable.

Crack cocaine I got no sympathy for


Jul 2, 2011
Drug testing.

That's the only thing that will put this question to rest. Even if the video is released, Ford will claim it was a hash pipe or something. If the video is not released the question will linger.

A drug test will answer once and for all whether he did, or didn't, smoke crack. Considering most people don't care if he smoked pot, the drug test should test him ONLY for crack, and if he doesn't have any cocaine in his system, he should be given a clean bill.
What if the dealer stiffed him and put only Arm and Hammer in it


New member
Dec 23, 2005
Drug testing.

That's the only thing that will put this question to rest. Even if the video is released, Ford will claim it was a hash pipe or something. If the video is not released the question will linger.

A drug test will answer once and for all whether he did, or didn't, smoke crack. Considering most people don't care if he smoked pot, the drug test should test him ONLY for crack, and if he doesn't have any cocaine in his system, he should be given a clean bill.
The test can only prove if he still has it in his system, I don't know how long crack stays in one system but I'm sure it clears out eventually.
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