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BBBJ poll.

Your opinion about bbbj

  • I will never see an escort that doesn't provide bbbj

    Votes: 168 55.1%
  • I don't care if she provides bbbj or not.

    Votes: 83 27.2%
  • I will only see escorts that provide cbj.

    Votes: 34 11.1%
  • As a lady in the industry I feel presured to provide bbbj

    Votes: 17 5.6%
  • As a lady in the industry I do not feel presured to provide bbbj

    Votes: 3 1.0%

  • Total voters
Aug 1, 2006
Agreed. You`re speaking about 2 different kind of men. I post on the other board too, but I get sick and tired of reading posts that read like they came out of cosmo magazine. Call me old fashioned...but men don`t droll on continously about how glorious it was to bask in the afterglow of a wonderfully romantic experience.

After reading that for a year I started to question the motives of a man who would write like that. And then I found here. Men aren`t pretty things. By design we are hard (pun intended) and the whole romance of every single encounter over their makes me question authenticity.

To me it`s less a question of higher class clientele vs lower class clientele. It`s a question of what is more likely to be true.

The dynamic over their is structured this way for a very important business reason..and I understand that. But I suspect myself and many others would be more likely to believe an encounter that is told with less....flare shall we say.

Basically more facts...less story. I doubt that has anything to do with `type of clientele`
I agree that it can get sugary over there and I don't read reco's so I don't know what is said exactly except what's written about me. There are men who love to indulge their fantasies when writing about an encounter and not all men chose to focus on the size of their equipment, their bedroom prowess or how many strokes the ssog took. I have very few reco's because I know for a fact that it would cost me valuable clients. They don't want to read about what I have done with other guests on the internet. They find the whole idea of writing about something so personal to be tasteless. It doesn't help me attract the new clients who have been burned but as long as I keep the good ones happy then it works. There are many male romantics who have a gentler spirit when it comes to intimacy and that is where they are comfortable. It's also the only safe place for SPs to participate and not get flamed so that's where we call home. I realize 2010 was a rough time and a lot of changes took place that changed the tone of the board but it is what it is. We stopped the bleeding but were left with irreparable scar tissue which sucks. Most hobbyists are on both boards, they just pick the one that aligns with their perceptions and ideas of the industry to participate on.

I don't think the poll results are that off. The loyal terbites are more focused on services and the loyal cerbites are drawn to the experience as a whole. I enjoy seeing the posters who change their persona depending on the board they are posting on. The thing to remember is that terb is a REVIEW board and the other isn't. Reviews are critiques and often are done for all the wrong reasons and if done for the right reason presented in a way that can't help but cut on a very personal level for the provider. Kind of counterproductive, slam a girl for something like "her pussy is too wide" and then expect her service to improve; it just makes no sense. Just my 2 cents...

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Need another option for 'preferring BBBJ but won't necessarily rule out someone for not offering it'. As it is, I don't see an option that fits my feelings.
Agreed, while preferring BBBJ it's not always a deal breaker. If all else is equal would see the BBBJ girl.

I can't believe Alona spits in the sink! I had her pegged as a toilet spitter LOL


New member
May 19, 2012

I don't think the poll results are that off. The loyal terbites are more focused on services and the loyal cerbites are drawn to the experience as a whole. I enjoy seeing the posters who change their persona depending on the board they are posting on. The thing to remember is that terb is a REVIEW board and the other isn't. Reviews are critiques and often are done for all the wrong reasons and if done for the right reason presented in a way that can't help but cut on a very personal level for the provider. Kind of counterproductive, slam a girl for something like "her pussy is too wide" and then expect her service to improve; it just makes no sense. Just my 2 cents...

I believe you're kidding yourself if you thing that the men are different on cerb then the men on terb. You said above that they change persona's based on the board they're on, which says to me they're not different at all. There's a small handful of guys on cerb who spend their entire time on the board sucking the ass of the SP's, it's nauseating. I don't like a lot of the shit that's written here about the ladies either but what I've tried to do in the past (before I got banned from cerb) was to discard the bullshit on both boards and realize somewhere in the middle is the truth.

You think the guys on cerb don't want their dick sucked? They want an "experience" Ok, have the ladies on cerb stop offering sexual services, see how business goes. There's a lot of sanctimonious bullshit said on cerb, they think they're somehow above other hobbyists who just want to have sex. Every single man who likes women wants to be able to talk with a lady they think is attractive, they want her to like him, he wants to be able to make her laugh, that's all normal stuff. But the bottom line is, Men just wanna have sex.

Oh and btw, "her pussy is too wide"? Never heard that one before, might wanna work on your lingo :)

Willow Samoan

New member
Nov 17, 2011
I would have to agree with Cat that the guys here may be different than the guys on cerb. There's guys who stick by escorts side on cerb. I feel like these gentlemen believe what they are saying and are trying to be good clients. I do feel that cerb members are looking for more of an experience and that terb members are looking for services more and there's nothing wrong with that. You are the paying customers. If you feel like bbbj is an important part of a service that's your opinion and I thank you for sharing that. I really hope the polls are not tampered with and it is my intention for them to be anonymous. I do not want anyone to feel like they have to say anything but how they truly feel. We can do this in a mature manner and we can be respectful towards each while expressing how we truly feel about this subject. This is a point I posted about cbj's and deals. This is just my opinion if you disagree that's fine but do remember to be respectful. If I provided cbj instead of bbbj, I would not lower my price because the value
I give is a great companionship. I do not think that ladies who provide cbj should be less than the ladies that provide bbbj's. It a whole package experience your getting from the second you walk in the door until the second you leave. I'm sure that some gentlemen do not think they are a good fit with ladies who don't provide bbbj but that doesn't mean that every gentleman out there will feel the same way. It is unfair to say that escorts who provide cbj's should be less than escorts who provide bbbj's because in the end they are spending the same amount of time and effort in their sessions for their clients.


New member
Jun 7, 2012
If you don't provide BBBJ, then you must provide a discount on your service! I know plenty of ladies who provide BBBJ, however the lady I'm seeing most frequently these days doesn't provide it, everything is safe with her. So why do I go see her most often? Because she prices herself right. She provides an hour of very intimate service for much less than most girls price half-hour around here. And in place of BBBJ, she substitutes it with more cuddling, caressing, and kissing. There's plenty of ways of attracting customers, it doesn't have to be with just BBBJ, you just need a little imagination.
This seems to be happening already for some ladies, they have a base price and if you want extras like BBBJ there is a extra charge. They treat it as a extra like greek.
Aug 1, 2006
I believe you're kidding yourself if you thing that the men are different on cerb then the men on terb. You said above that they change persona's based on the board they're on, which says to me they're not different at all. There's a small handful of guys on cerb who spend their entire time on the board sucking the ass of the SP's, it's nauseating. I don't like a lot of the shit that's written here about the ladies either but what I've tried to do in the past (before I got banned from cerb) was to discard the bullshit on both boards and realize somewhere in the middle is the truth.

You think the guys on cerb don't want their dick sucked? They want an "experience" Ok, have the ladies on cerb stop offering sexual services, see how business goes. There's a lot of sanctimonious bullshit said on cerb, they think they're somehow above other hobbyists who just want to have sex. Every single man who likes women wants to be able to talk with a lady they think is attractive, they want her to like him, he wants to be able to make her laugh, that's all normal stuff. But the bottom line is, Men just wanna have sex.
I never kid myself, it is a self defeating behaviour that only serves to hurt oneself. Most online hobbyists are members on both boards but divide into two groups. The majority are those that are loyal to one board but pop in and lurk on the other and the second will use both adjusting their posts accordingly. I clearly understand the intimacy aspect of an encounter as being expected by most but not all. It's a fact that there are men who want more than just mechanical acts or a strictly sexual act and those are the clients that stay over there. They want more than just an SP pretending to enjoy the sex, they want to develop a connection with their provider and have her actually enjoy herself with him. It's an amazing experience, if you haven't tried it; give it a shot! I can honestly say that the majority of my guests have no specific requests when they arrive. We just play! I'm not saying they don't want to get laid, but they want more than to just get fucked and sucked.

Oh and btw, "her pussy is too wide"? Never heard that one before, might wanna work on your lingo :)
This quote was taken from a terb review that was up 3 weeks ago. The thread has since been removed but I assure you, it was put up by a high post member here in the O/K area thus the quotation marks...

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Drinking apple juice
Jul 3, 2008
I'm a very happy ex-member of that crappy pink board. I haven't been on there in years but when I left it it totally sucked donkey balls. I'm sure it's no better now and though I'm not a mean-spirited person I do secretly hope that some of the its most senior members get hit by a bus or die is some ghastly fashion. But the reason I'm chirping in here is to point out why I review ladies. It's not for the benefit of the provider. I'm not here to pump up their tires or to critique them either. I write reviews to either recommend or not recommend them to my fellow hobbiest. I can't fathom why a provider would want to read her own reviews. I would think even the best of reviews would be weird to read for the provider (not to mention at least half-fictional) and the sharper ones could "cut on a very personal level". Ladies: don't read your own press!


New member
May 7, 2012
20yritch I find myself between categories. Certainly prefer BBBJ said:
EXACTLY...that should have DEFINITELY been a choice and it would have been the top choice. Without it, this topic has become a bit of a mess.


New member
May 9, 2012
The other board is an absolute joke. For the gents there willing to just express their opinion that they prefer BBBJ are getting attacked for just expressing their opinion. Getting said they don't care, blah blah blah, risks blah blah blah. I understand there's risks with BBBJ, but the original poster asked for an opinion, and I think it's really hypocritical that they blast anybody who has an opinion not of the majority.


Jan 31, 2006
A bit late to this thread but wanted to chime in on 2 points (usual caveat...my opinion):

1. As for the differences between boards, I do think it is highly likely that SP's would have voted on the Pink board one, in order to skew the results. I think most providers would rather only provide CBJ, to further reduce any risk, by voting, they are able to sway the apparent aggregate desire of the demographic, so the BBBJ seekers seem...well...a little marginalized. It's a crowd mentality thing..."gee most people seem to prefer CBJ...I guess I should also...". That kinda thing. I think the results here are more reflective of the community, and I am not sure that I buy the "there are 2 communities" theory.

2. I agree with the idea that it should be a premium service...no one questions greek as a premium service, I saw a thread on cerb on the subject and an SP, when asked "why do you charge a premium for greek, if you actually enjoy it", than answer was..."because I can". CIM is usually a premium, to me it makes sense that bbbj be a premium also. I know this borders on the fee for service, but we already accept it wilingly for some services.

And personally...I am indifferent...would never choose a provider based on that criteria.

Willow Samoan

New member
Nov 17, 2011
Hello, Joey. I don't think that I have blasted anyone for their opinion. I have welcomed the assortment of opinions and I have shared my opinion. I am a very open minded person and I'm accepting of all kinds of people. I may not agree with certain things said on either of the polls but I will never go out of my way to blast anyone. As a matter of fact I defended the gentlemen and ladies who want to provide and partake in bbbj's. I am still providing the bbbj service and it would be very hypocritical for me to say that anyone who does this is wrong. The fact is that there are risks involved with partaking and receiving bbbj's. I see nothing wrong with discussing information, especially if it has a direct effect on us all. Anytime when there's conversations like these, there's going to be polar opposites and clashes. For me as a person reading both polls, I take what makes sense and leave the rest. I'm sorry if anyone feels like I blasted them, that is not my intentions. However, if I disagree with someone, I don't see the harm in politely expressing myself.


New member
May 9, 2012
Hello, Joey. I don't think that I have blasted anyone for their opinion. I have welcomed the assortment of opinions and I have shared my opinion. I am a very open minded person and I'm accepting of all kind of people. I may not agree with certain things said on either of the polls but I will never go out of my way to blast anyone. As a matter of fact I defended the gentlemen and ladies who want to provide and partake in bbbj's. I am still providing the bbbj service and it would be very hypocritical for me to say that anyone who does this is wrong. The fact is that there are risks involved with partaking and receiving bbbj's. I see nothing wrong with discussing information, especially if it has a direct effect on us all. Anytime when there's conversations like these, there's going to be polar opposites and clashes. For me as a person reading both polls, I take what makes sense and leave the rest. I'm sorry if anyone feels like I blasted them, that is not my intentions. However, if I disagree with someone, I don't see the harm in politely expressing myself.
Sorry, if my previous post meant like I was talking about you. I know you weren't attacking anyone's opinion. I was talking more of the other SP's posting on the board. I agree, there is no harm in expressing your opinion, it's just that I find a lot of the SP posters on the other board, don't attack the opinion of people on the other side, but attack their character. Saying things like they are rude, only looking for services, don't care about their health, etc. It really is a shame.


Active member
Mar 14, 2012
I clearly understand the intimacy aspect of an encounter as being expected by most but not all. It's a fact that there are men who want more than just mechanical acts or a strictly sexual act and those are the clients that stay over there. They want more than just an SP pretending to enjoy the sex, they want to develop a connection with their provider and have her actually enjoy herself with him. It's an amazing experience, if you haven't tried it; give it a shot! I can honestly say that the majority of my guests have no specific requests when they arrive. We just play! I'm not saying they don't want to get laid, but they want more than to just get fucked and sucked.
I voted for the second option " I don't care ..." as I am like the type of client cat describes above. I started out on cerb and was there for a while until I heard about terb and now both are part of my daily diet along with CL and BP. I would participate more but to be honest have just been mentally tired lately.

When I have written reviews on cerb I do it more for the entertainment value to myself, the woman involved and anyone who might think that because I enjoyed myself, they might too. What kind of experience you may have will always be different from mine because we are all so individual. So listing services or wishing I booked for 30 minutes instead of 15 just does not work for me as it is not the way I talk or write.

Willow Samoan

New member
Nov 17, 2011
I think people start out with good intentions or have good intentions. It is really easy for conversations like this, to spiral out of control. I don't think that opposing sides of the argument set out to harm one another. When you throw a couple of good jabs in the mix and strong opinions on both sides, it's only a matter of time before you have an out of control flame war. I think that some people want to inform others about bb anything services and others want to express their preferences. The things that have intrigued me the most is the informational facts and peoples preferences, the other stuff, well....


New member
Mar 30, 2012
To me having a service provider who offers only CBJ is the premium offer of the two. My safety is of utmost importance and that is where the premium lies for me.

Willow Samoan

New member
Nov 17, 2011
I see no reason for ladies to charge less for their service, if they are focused on providing a whole experience feel for their clients, even with cbj. I think clients have come to expect their service providers to treat them as they would a boyfriend. For escorts who do not have a list of extra's or menu style services and provide an all exclusive type of service; I see no reason for the lady to charge less for the service she is providing. I would not expect an escort to charge less than 220 for an hour whether she is providing cbj or bbbj but I have seen escorts charging an extra $50 or $60 for bbbj, if the client is interested in this. I think when you start giving deals because you are focused on services you start watering down the service you provide as a companion. Companions such as myself do many things other than just intercourse and it is important to keep thins in mind when we are discussing topics like this. It doesn't mean that I don't partake in sexual activities and the sexual activities might be the primary focus but it may not be the only focus of an escort/companion date. It is not uncommon for escorts to go out to dinner, movies, ect, ect. So I am just pointing out that focusing on just services rather than the experience may not work for every escort. Speaking for myself, I am looking for gentlemen who want to spend their time with a companion and who are focused on the experience as a whole. This doesn't mean that every lady or gentleman out there will agree with my escorting style. It is up to each of us ladies to decide what works best for us and it is up to the gentlemen to decide what lady fits their needs the best. If the lady does not fit your needs, the best thing to do is keep on looking until you find a lady who does suite your needs. I just don't agree with anyone asking for any type of deal (not that anyone on this thread is asking for a deal), or anyone trying to get services from an escort, when they know the escort feels uncomfortable with giving that service out (not that anyone is advocating that either in this thread).


Mar 11, 2012
Personally, if I go to see a SP who advertises bbbj as part of the service, I will not ask her for CBJ and then try to negotiate her price down. To me, this is disrespectful and I really doubt many folks will do that. As we all know too, some folks here do prefer CBJ. Based on the poll, 12% of hobbyists do. By the same token, I will not ask a regular of mine to reduce her rate when she decides to go CBJ from BBBJ. In my honest opinion, I am paying her for her time. And because I treasure and enjoy the time with her, I will not punish her for trying to take measures to protect her safety. That's just my personal opinion - and I will not blame anyone for disagreeing with me.


Jan 31, 2006
Well, I think that if SP's are skewing the results over there, then they can skew the results over here too, right? Both polls are anonymous.
True to an extent...I think there are statiscally more SP's on the other board, so the overall effect will be more pronounced.

To me having a service provider who offers only CBJ is the premium offer of the two. My safety is of utmost importance and that is where the premium lies for me.
Poor word choice...I should have called it an extra service vs a premium. Again, treat it like greek or CIM (or dato, rimming, which I have also seen advertised as extra services).


New member
May 19, 2012
Well, I think that if SP's are skewing the results over there, then they can skew the results over here too, right? Both polls are anonymous.
Not sure why SP's would skew the results in favor of not seeing an SP if she doesn't provide bbbj.
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