Nope, hint: "Kill my landlord, kill my landlord,...C-I-L-L, Kill!"Is it Velvet Jones? I forgot about that character.
Nope, hint: "Kill my landlord, kill my landlord,...C-I-L-L, Kill!"Is it Velvet Jones? I forgot about that character.
OK. I know the jailbird poet but I don't remember his name.Nope, hint: "Kill my landlord, kill my landlord,...C-I-L-L, Kill!"
Oh wait...... Tyrone Green?OK. I know the jailbird poet but I don't remember his name.
I'm anticipating Eddie in his next flick, Hong Kong Phooey. My favourite Saturday morning cartoon growing up.
Here I come to save the day!!!! .... the Mighty Mouse songWhat song is Andy Kaufman lip syncing to?
correctamundo!Here I come to save the day!!!! .... the Mighty Mouse song
special executive for counter-espionage, terrorism, revenge, and extortion
John Goodman is on the each member of the proposed incarnation of the Three Stooges shown below
nope..that was a publicity shot taken in the is another from that same shootJohn Goodman is on the left.
special executive for counter-espionage, terrorism, revenge, and extortion
NBC found out after the fact that ABC had destroyed the Batcave and rather than go to the expense of rebuildinng decided to cancel the contract.
NBC found out after the fact that ABC had destroyed the Batcave and rather than go to the expense of rebuildinng decided to cancel the contract.