Seduction Spa

The Ask-A-Hooker Thread


Active member
May 28, 2011
Wow, what an amazing thread!

Just got through it and one question I didn't see, but which I've always wondered about is:

When you are doing incalls in a hotel, do you:

(1) ask them for six sets of towels (and are they really OK with that?)
(2) bring a suitcase full of white towels with you
(3) dry off the original towels with a blow dryer between clients (hope not!), or
(3) something else that I haven't thought of?


Dec 16, 2009
Hi Gen

How do you feel about seeing older men (past sixty)? I have been doing the massage thing on and off for many years lately been wondering how the girls think of me. When should one give it up?

thanks for your input


New member
Apr 17, 2011
As others have said, the candid responses of the females in this thread is simply incredible.

I've only read the first 35 or so pages, before I thought I'd jump in with my own questions:

What term do you prefer for what you do? Escort, sex-worker, SP, etc.?
Are there some professions overly-represented in your clients?
Do your clients prefer to leave their glasses on or off when having sex?
Does your Family MD know you are an escort?
Do you prefer soft hands or rough hands?
What's the maximum number of times has a client come with you during sex?
Is an escort 'talking dirty' during sex for real or an act?

[ARGHGAGH....just noticed was 3 year old message thread:rolleyes:]



Feb 25, 2008
Downtown TO
Glad to see that this old thread is still keeping people interested.

Wow, what an amazing thread!

Just got through it and one question I didn't see, but which I've always wondered about is:

When you are doing incalls in a hotel, do you:

(1) ask them for six sets of towels (and are they really OK with that?)
(2) bring a suitcase full of white towels with you
(3) dry off the original towels with a blow dryer between clients (hope not!), or
(3) something else that I haven't thought of?
I rarely work from hotel anymore, but when I used to work for an agency out of a hotel, we would bring suitcases full of linen and towels.

Hi Gen

How do you feel about seeing older men (past sixty)? I have been doing the massage thing on and off for many years lately been wondering how the girls think of me. When should one give it up?

thanks for your input
I personally prefer to entertain gentlemen between 40-80 ish. But every woman is different. You should give it up when you're not having fun anymore.

As others have said, the candid responses of the females in this thread is simply incredible.

I've only read the first 35 or so pages, before I thought I'd jump in with my own questions:
What term do you prefer for what you do? Escort, sex-worker, SP, etc.? It depends on the context and the audience. With friends and fellow SPs, I usually say "hookers". In a political/activist context, I would use the term "sex-worker". On Terb or other review board, I use "SP" most of the time.
Are there some professions overly-represented in your clients? Professions that pay really well.
Do your clients prefer to leave their glasses on or off when having sex? Take them off like I do.
Does your Family MD know you are an escort? I don't have a family MD, but I do tell the doctors I see at the Free Hassle Clinic that I'm a sex worker (see, another instance where I would use "sex-worker" over any other term). If I have to go to a walk-in clinic and what I do is relevant to the reason I'm there, I'll let the doctor know as well. I figure I have to tell them all relevant information if I want them to be able to treat me and inform me properly.
Do you prefer soft hands or rough hands? Soft.
What's the maximum number of times has a client come with you during sex? I don't count.
Is an escort 'talking dirty' during sex for real or an act? I would assume both, depending on who's talking and with whom. I don't do dirty talking myself. Sex makes me strangely quiet.


50 Shades of AJ
Nov 28, 2008
How about Loki?
He/ she doesn't count as an SP... from what I understand "she" is the alter ego/ fictitious entity created by a lonely and supposedly wealthy man, but, if she was actually real, by "her" own admission, she allegedly only had one client...

I was hoping maybe some of the more prolific posting ladies like, Jessica, Malika, Heather, Freespirit, Effie, etc


B(.)(.)B Lover
Dec 5, 2001
Yes. Sometimes.

As I always say, whoring is my contribution toward the socialist revolution: redistributing wealth, one john at a time.
I like this quote and you contribution toward the socialist revolution. Edit: I just noticed this thread is an old revived one. I didn't read it the first time around.


Apr 24, 2005
Maybe some of the next generation of lounge posting ladies would be good enough to pick up the baton, and forge ahead?
Yes, we can hope. I did a quick scan of the posts in this thread circa 2009-10, it was interesting to see the names of the posters back then. TERB was a gentler, kinder and much more of a fun place back then.

P.S. Not so such in the "Ask a Hooker" thread, but several Mirage ladies were fairly regular contributors to The Lounge. Amanda, Summer, Brooklyn, Angela, Becky, YourMysteryGirl(don't want to reveal her professional name), Riley (always stirred things up), Cynthia (a major rant one time), Rihannon, etc. and Andy:cool: was also fairly active as well.
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Apr 24, 2005
The "Ask A Hooker" thread was also the catalyst for at least two other threads. One was "Ask A Dancer" and the other was "Ask an Angry Black Man" started by Backburner. Lord, those were hilarious in a nice way:p. The good old days. I notice many of the posters from circa 2009-2010 don't post or rarely post anymore.

P.S. The Sports and Techology Forums were also much more active and vibrant back then as well. There were always "go to" guys when one wanted sports and/or tech help.


Apr 24, 2005
Rock things change ... many people, both hobbyists and providers, aren't in this hobby for their entire lives, they come and they go
Jessica, wise words as usual. I think the environment has also changed. Many former members have migrated to competing boards for their own particular reasons so the membership is now scattered among at least 1 or more newer boards.
BTW: I also think that hockey was better back in the 1970's and 1980's as well, yet I still watch, and play a bit of hockey to-day. "Back in the good old days", a John Ferguson could play hockey and fight. Now, some guys are on the team strictly to fight. We will never see the likes of Gordie Howe and Bobby Orr again. Oh well, back to reality.

P.S. Just to be clear, there are still many high quality posters:thumb: to-day, just less than what I remembered from circa 2009. Ok, no more reminishing(sp).


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
Jessica, wise words as usual. I think the environment has also changed. Many former members have migrated to competing boards for their own particular reasons so the membership is now scattered among at least 1 or more newer boards.
BTW: I also think that hockey was better back in the 1970's and 1980's as well, yet I still watch, and play a bit of hockey to-day. "Back in the good old days", a John Ferguson could play hockey and fight. Now, some guys are on the team strictly to fight. We will never see the likes of Gordie Howe and Bobby Orr again. Oh well, back to reality.

It would be too easy to just attribute this "good old days of Gordie Howe" attitude to being an old fogey. But there are plenty of young people who lament change and imagine the land of milk and honey of the legendary "Good Old Days".

I was listening to a Charles Adler radio program in the car last night and he made a great point of why Conservatives are facing an even steeper uphill battle.

They always refer to "the good old days" and try to shame everyone who is wanting to move forward. They have no vision of the future, just pissed off that things are changing.

I don't like rap music but my parents didn't like the music of my teen years either. In your "Good Old Days" of Gordie Howe, Elvis Presley was widely considered almost Satanic in his sinful gyrations.

Things change Rocky. Embrace it or be ignored shaking your cane.

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