They appear to have been sucked in by a bullshit quote from a holocaust denier website. I defy you to find an original source for that quote. I did search for awhile, and I can't find any legitimate reference to it. Everywhere it is just given as "once quipped" or "once said", without a proper reference to where it was said, and certainly no context for it. Moreover, every single reference to it seems to come from some anti-semitic / holocaust denier website, blog, or other source. It's especially funny that it is only ever quoted in English and no Hebrew version of it is ever given.So Slate and the Guardian are now both 'holocaust-denial' sites?
Continue the squirming.
So I think it's bullshit. I am going to say I flat out don't believe Eban said that, and if he did say it, he certainly didn't put it into the context that anti-semites like you and Gryfin are.