Ashley Madison

Norman Schwarzkopf died


Into Ties and Tail
Aug 13, 2009
Durham & Toronto
Again, you are not a good skater. And you fail to deflect. You did not answer the question from post #32, no matter how many times you say "yes I did".

Man up - tell us what you would have done. Or, run away like you want to.
It's a waste of time Capitalguy. Chimpanzee graduated from the Neville Chamberlain memorial school of "Peace in Our Time". Joseph Stalin had a blunt term for such folk.


Aug 17, 2001
On a lighter note, I once rode an elevator with Stormin Normin and his security detail at a resort hotel outside of Tampa around 18 years ago.
He was the motivational speaker at a conference happening at the hotel I was staying at. I'd imagine that he always had a group of bodyguards with him throughout his retirement.


Aug 6, 2006
On a lighter note, I once rode an elevator with Stormin Normin and his security detail at a resort hotel outside of Tampa around 18 years ago.
He was the motivational speaker at a conference happening at the hotel I was staying at. I'd imagine that he always had a group of bodyguards with him throughout his retirement.
That's one security flaw there. Never ride an elevator with strangers. Remember what diehard did in that movie, he shot those krauts inside the elevator.


Aug 6, 2006
ok, time to derail this thread.

mr. fuji, was norman blackhead a war criminal?



Apr 24, 2005
The good General was tasked with kicking Saddam out of Kuwait. That is exactly what he did. It's not complicated.


Into Ties and Tail
Aug 13, 2009
Durham & Toronto
Killing fleeing soldiers, very heroic!
You make it sound like mowing down basically defenceless men. Amongst other things, it was a retreat of an armoured column, by an enemy, in a country that the eneemy had invaded, in a war that was still fully engaged. Keep in mind that surrender was an option, and that war is not like a boxing match with a referee. Here are some details from the time:

The wreckage found on the highway consisted of at least 28 tanks and other armored vehicles with many more commandeered civilian cars and buses filled with stolen Kuwaiti property.

The death toll from the attack remains unknown and controversial. Some independent estimates go as high as 10,000 or more casualties, but this is a highly unlikely number. A 2003 study by the Project on Defense Alternatives (PDA) estimated fewer than 10,000 people rode in the cut-off main caravan; and most simply left their vehicles when the bombing started to escape through the desert or into the nearby swamps where nearly 500 were taken prisoner. The often repeated low estimate of the numbers killed in the attack is two- or three-hundred reported by Michael Kelly, but a minimum toll of at least five- or six-hundred dead seems more plausible.

An aerial view of a destroyed Iraqi column consisting of a T-72 tank, several BMP-1 and Type 63 armored vehicles, and trucks on Highway 8 in March 1991
Iraqi forces including the elite Iraqi Republican Guard's 1st Armored Division "Hammurabi" were trying to either redeploy or escape on and near Highway 8 east of Highway 80. They were engaged over a much larger area in smaller groups by U.S. ground forces consisting of nine artillery battalions and a battalion of AH-64 Apache helicopter gunships operating under the command of General Barry McCaffrey. Hundreds of predominantly military Iraqi vehicles grouped in defensive formations of approximately a dozen vehicles were then systematically destroyed along a 50-mile stretch of the highway and nearby desert.


Aug 6, 2006
You make it sound like mowing down basically defenceless men. Amongst other things, it was a retreat of an armoured column, by an enemy, in a country that the eneemy had invaded, in a war that was still fully engaged. Keep in mind that surrender was an option, and that war is not like a boxing match with a referee. Here are some details from the time:
If there isn't a boxing match referee, there are certainly rules of war. If the enemy doesn't follow the rules of war, then it's a war crime and they must be hanged and their cities nuked. If we don't follow the rules, then it's okay, we're the good guys and "Gott mit uns".

The same Wikipedia article that you quote also mentions the following:

The Iraqi forces were retreating from Kuwait in compliance with the UN Resolution 660 of August 2, 1990; and the column allegedly included Kuwaiti hostages[7] and civilian refugees.
But I agree with the post above: Schwarzy should have finished the job and rolled over Baghdad.


Into Ties and Tail
Aug 13, 2009
Durham & Toronto
If there isn't a boxing match referee, there are certainly rules of war. If the enemy doesn't follow the rules of war, then it's a war crime and they must be hanged and their cities nuked. If we don't follow the rules, then it's okay, we're the good guys and "Gott mit uns".
Please provide a link to the rule of war and law that is involved, but within the context that it was a war, and there was no declared surrender.

I have had the privilege of speaking to many men that have fought in various wars, some of them my uncles. As a teenager, I had a great talk with a man in his nineties who fought in the second Boer war (1899?). My grandfather and his friends who fought in WW1. Several men who fought in WW2 in Europe and Asia. Vietnam vets (including Canadians, Aussies and Brits). It is SO easy to sit in the comfort of our civilised society and decide what was appropriate, and not, in an armed conflict. The men that were there saw it as survival and a fight to the death (of the other guy). And that included the commanders. I spent some time with an uncle in his last weeks of life. In real terms, he spoke for the first time about fighting the Germans in France, and the Italians in Italy. He made a very telling comment that I will never forget when he said "If they were not surrendering, we killed them all". It is still an odd feeling knowing that he lived a life and did things that I can only relate to intellectually. Except for the tone in his voice and the look on his face when he talked about it.
Last edited:


Aug 6, 2006
Nope, rolling into Baghdad would have split the country and created major sectarian violence.
Unfortunately that happened after the 2003 invasion.

They're killing each other like dogs to this day, muzzie again muzzie, sunnis bombing the shit out of shias, shias striking back....


Into Ties and Tail
Aug 13, 2009
Durham & Toronto
Good. This fat fuck can spend the holidays in hell where he belongs.
You seem to be back from being banned, but under a new handle. Hopefully the Mod will see your posts today and send you back where you belong. Again.
Toronto Escorts