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Addiction help


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
This is going to sound simplistic and crude, but make a rule for yourself. Tell yourself it is ok for you to see an SP but only if you still want to after jerking off.

At the very least that should significantly cut your spending.
Actually fuji already hit it on the head. This does work. I remember one time looking at porn and getting excited so I wanted to book an SP. As I was trying to figure out which SP to see, I started to jerk off and next thing I knew I no longer wanted to see an SP anymore :eyebrows:


New member
Sep 18, 2002
I am not a doctor but I would define something that I could not stop doing and felt guilty about or believed to be potentially harmful to me as an addiction. I would recommend you use your employer's EAP or maybe call CAMH as a start.


Active member
Aug 6, 2006

I'm not kidding. Pay $30 and find a porn site that has the type of porn that turns you on. Download as much as you can. Then when you feel the need to see an SP, watch that porn and jerk off. That should ease that urge to see an SP.
that is a sweet day if one can do that. I've finally been doing that. however, a hand sure doesn't beat having your dick in a wet, soft and warm mouth ;) that feeling is just priceless ;D my advice would be to seek sex without having to pay for it xP


Active member
Jun 7, 2007
In my personal experience... when someone reaches out for help, ussually it is because they feel they have a serious enough problem. I can understand why Libbey chose this forum, as he stated, he is asking is anyone shares his experience and can offer help. Which some of you did by sharing your own thoughts and ideas, which is all he asked for. As Libbey stated and understandibly so, this is not an easy subject to bring up to people close to you. I think it is the perfect place to start to ask for help because who better to help someone than one who is or has walked a similar path. Weather Libbey is a addict or not, isnt for me to judge, only that he is reaching out for help it is a start to understanding and better dealing with any problem. Good luck to you Libbey , you did receive some great advice ! Do what makes you happy without hurting your soul!!
Personally I attended S A.... briefly, but decided to become an SP !! heatherxo
I feel the same way as the OP
Thinking about attending SA
Anyone have any positive experiences in SA meetings?


Active member
Apr 20, 2005
T Dot
I am no counselor (nor do I play one on TV)lol

I found this site tho, it might help.....
From their web site....

Be honest, and ask yourself the following questions:

Are you concerned about some of your behavioral patterns?
Are you worried about your alcohol consumption, drug use, gambling, or sexual activities?
Do you use alcohol, drugs, sex, or gambling to help you feel better and relieve your stress?
Do you feel that you need substances to “help” you manage your everyday responsibilities?
Have you tried to stop any one of these behaviors, only to realize that you were unable to stop?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, you may have an addiction.

Good luck


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
Excercise is a good hobby as the endorphins give you a buzz. I'd say MMA might be good as it is also teaching you a skill plus it has a social component to it rather than sitting on a bike, in a pool or in front of weights by yourself.

And I agree jerk off when you get that urge.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
Here, I found this site.....
From their web site....

Be honest, and ask yourself the following questions:

Are you concerned about some of your behavioral patterns?
Are you worried about your alcohol consumption, drug use, gambling, or sexual activities?
Do you use alcohol, drugs, sex, or gambling to help you feel better and relieve your stress?
Do you feel that you need substances to “help” you manage your everyday responsibilities?
Have you tried to stop any one of these behaviors, only to realize that you were unable to stop?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, you may have an addiction.

Good luck
I see both sides but at the end of the day..... if the OP is having trouble controlling his habits and feeling bad about it there's a problem. Who cares whether it's labelled as an addiction or not...... this is more in response to the people who downplayed the OP's problem.
I think we all have SA and that includes SPs and clients - but I spend what I can afford and love to have sexxx. You only live once and getting fucked and sucked by beautiful young women who have low inhibitions is worth it to me...there are some regrets but I have had sex and cum a lot - just keep it under control...if I could meet a younger woman that loved sex as much as me I would not be in this hobby...I need sex a maybe I am oversexed I do not know..I love sex and I love sexy women is that bad?


Feb 16, 2012
The problem isn't that you are going to a SP and being "$160" poorer.

What would be the alternative? Being celibate? Doing nothing but masturbating? That is not healthy either. We need human contact, and we need healthy sexual release. You are far healthier emotionally seeing a SP twice a month than being alone and jerking off to internet porn.

Is the alternative a GF? A GF is not cheaper. Seriously, not if you only seeing a SP twice a month for $160 a pop. A GF is not for the purposes of saving money, she is for the purpose of loving someone, or having someone to show off to your friends as a trophy, or for the purposes of proving to your parents you aren't gay. These are all reasons why men have girlfriends, but you will never save money by having a GF.

I really, honestly, don't see the problem as being that you are seeing SPs. The problem is that you don't like who you are. That isn't something you solve with celibacy, internet porn, or a GF. It is something you need to be in therapy for. You will probably spend more on a therapist than you do on SPs, and you will still need physical human warmth and sexual release, but you will be moving forward instead of hating what you are doing.

Buick Mackane

Active member
Mar 1, 2012
I agree there are hundreds if not thousands of guys on terb in the same situation, not sex addicts but simply weak people with too little self control.
Take femme fatale's advice.

There's nothing wrong with masturbating, it shouldn't be seen as shameful or negative at all.
I agree there are hundreds if not thousands of guys on terb in the same situation, not sex addicts but simply weak people with too little self control.
Take femme fatale's advice.

There's nothing wrong with masturbating, it shouldn't be seen as shameful or negative at all.
true and also true that sex and human contact is hard-wired...we are made that is healthy sex is fun ...and no I am not George Michael LOL
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