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Interesting Historical Fact


New member
Jul 4, 2011
This will not have a happy ending. Heard they were the victim of the greatest mass murderer in history.
Not THE greatest mass murder but one of them. The Spanish conquistadors and the Portugese also decimated the Incas and Mayans as well as the Aztecs.


New member
Jul 4, 2011
The Aztecs believed in human sacrifice to their Gods. They killed 20,000 men, women and children a year. Then afterwards they eat their flesh and their hearts and wear the skin stripped off of the victims! Pretty barbaric and gruesome.
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New member
Jul 4, 2011
They're also saying that when Columbus landed in the new world, it was actually the Bahamas. I've never heard this before. In school I was always taught that it was Hispaniola where he first landed.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
They're also saying that when Columbus landed in the new world, it was actually the Bahamas. I've never heard this before. In school I was always taught that it was Hispaniola where he first landed.
Nope, the Bahamas probably Watling Island (San Salvador) or Samana Cay.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Not sure where I heard this. Probably the Net. But my offbeat historical fact is...

George Washington wore dentures and in that pre-prosthetic age, they were made of real teeth.... which were extracted from his slaves.

IIRC, the slaves were paid a gratuity of a few cents in return for their teeth.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Besides of course the Tartars who remain a major ethnic group. I was referencing the fact that almost all ethnic Great Russians have distant Tartar/Mongol ancestry.
Is this true? The Tartars put Russian under tribute and also slave-raided on a regular basis. (As the Russians were Christians, the Tartars were "entitled" to slaughter and enslave them as a form of Jihad). But they didn't colonize Russia or pillage it.

IIRC, many of the great Tsarist noble familes - i.e the Dolgurukies - were of Tartar origin. But that was because they switched sides and converted to Christianity in the 1500's when Ivan the Terrible over-ran the Tartar Khanates.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Watching History Television.........when the Mongol hordes invaded China led by Genghis Khan, he raped so many chinese women that it's estimated that 1 in every 200 people now, still carry his genes!
It's estimated he was personally responsible for killing 40 million people.
40,000 women committed suicide rather than be raped and turned into slaves.
Children were slaughtered without mercy.
The captives had holes carved in the palms of their hands and then rope was strung through all their hands so they could be led like a chain gang on forced marches.
To paraphrase W. C. Fields, anyone who slaughters children without mercy can't be all bad.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Is this true? The Tartars put Russian under tribute and also slave-raided on a regular basis. (As the Russians were Christians, the Tartars were "entitled" to slaughter and enslave them as a form of Jihad). But they didn't colonize Russia or pillage it.

IIRC, many of the great Tsarist noble familes - i.e the Dolgurukies - were of Tartar origin. But that was because they switched sides and converted to Christianity in the 1500's when Ivan the Terrible over-ran the Tartar Khanates.
I've read that it is. That the traditional "slavic" look comes from that fact.

There are things that I absolutely know to be the case - this, however, is not one of them.


Apr 24, 2005
Whew, that was a close one. When Constantinople fell to the Islamists, Christianity was on the brink of extinction.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Long before Ghengis Khan, there was Attila the Hun. There are several theories of what his origins were. Some say the Huns originated from Northern China. So there could have been many invasions by peoples of oriental origins into Western Europe
No one really knows the ethnic origin of the Huns, but they used tactics typical of dwellers of the Eurasian Steppe. That could make them Mongol, Turkic or even Germanic, as the German barbarian tribes roamed Ukraine in those days. Or they could have been some extinct ethno-linguistic group. No fragment of their language or culture has survived, aside from their bizarre practice of binding the skulls of their children into distorted, elongated shapes.

The name "Atilla" means "little father" in ancient Visigothic, but that was simply the title that the Romans referred to him and does not imply he was a German.

The Magyars who terrorized Europe in the 900's and conquered Hungary were ethnically Turkic and came from the Turkic homeland in central Asia.


New member
Jan 19, 2006

The Magyars who terrorized Europe in the 900's and conquered Hungary were ethnically Turkic and came from the Turkic homeland in central Asia.
But the Magyar (Hungarian) language is Urgo-Finnic related to Finnish, Estonian and then the small Urgo-Finnic languages of the upper middle Volga Basin: Mari, Udmurt, Erzya, Moksha etc. . . :confused:


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
But the Magyar (Hungarian) language is Urgo-Finnic related to Finnish, Estonian and then the small Urgo-Finnic languages of the upper middle Volga Basin: Mari, Udmurt, Erzya, Moksha etc. . . :confused:
I always understood that those were Turkic. But you're absolutely right. Here's what Wiki says.

Mainstream linguistics[who?] has demonstrated that Hungarian is part of the Uralic family of languages, related ultimately to languages such as Finnish and Estonian, although it is particularly close to Khanty and Mansi languages located near the Ural Mountains.

For many years (from 1869), it was a matter of dispute whether Hungarian was a Finno-Ugric/Uralic language, or was more closely related to the Turkic languages, a controversy known as the "Ugric-Turkish war"[citation needed], or whether indeed both the Uralic and the Turkic families formed part of a superfamily of "Ural–Altaic languages". Hungarians did absorb some Turkic influences during several centuries of co-habitation. For example, it appears that the Hungarians learned animal breeding techniques from the Turkic Chuvash, as a high proportion of words specific to agriculture and livestock are of Chuvash origin. There was also a strong Chuvash influence in burial customs. Furthermore, all Ugric languages, not just Hungarian, have Turkic loanwords related to horse riding.
A fringe theory is that the Hungarian language is a descendant of Sumerian. Some linguists and historians (like Ida Bobula, Ferenc Badiny Jós, dr Tibor Baráth and others) have published this theory.[25] Mainstream linguists reject the Sumerian theory as pseudoscience.[citation needed]
Hungarian has often been claimed to be related to Hunnish, since Hungarian legends and histories show close ties between the two peoples; also, the name Hunor is preserved in legends and (along with a few Hunnic-origin names, such as Attila) is used as a given name in Hungary. Many people share the belief that the Székelys, a Hungarian ethnic group living in Romania, are descended from the Huns. However, the link with Hunnish has no linguistic foundation since most linguists consider the Hunnic language to be part of the Turkic language family.

There have been attempts, dismissed by mainstream linguists, to show that Hungarian is related to other languages including Hebrew, Egyptian, Etruscan, Basque, Persian, Pelasgian, Greek, Chinese, Sanskrit, English, Tibetan, Magar, Quechua, Armenian, Japanese and at least 42 other languages.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Whew, that was a close one. When Constantinople fell to the Islamists, Christianity was on the brink of extinction.
Yes, aside from all of the rest of Europe, there were no Christians at all. Another insightful comment by Rockslinger.


New member
Oct 12, 2010
Yes, aside from all of the rest of Europe, there were no Christians at all. Another insightful comment by Rockslinger.
We were just waiting for them to get to Vienna so we could really kick their ass.
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