Umm, I have to disagree, and for disclaimer purposes, this is only my opinion.
First, I can't solely have back AND forth bullshit unless I am talking to myself.
Also, I think that this thread could have taken a very different turn with the insults that were starting to pile up for the mom/daughter team. We only slightly went of topic about their services, but people where jumping with personally addressed issues of abuse between the mother and daughter. First8guy and I took it to a non-personal level regarding the two of them. We also worked it out, which does not happen very often on TERB and could be used as a good example. Not every thread needs to be closed because it doesn't go the way you/others want.
Now if you are interested in the duo teams services, you are welcome to continue on with this thread about it, or start a new one. You could also contact the duo team directly to find out some info. I think if someone had a review of these two, it would have been mention well before the two of us got into OUR back and forth bullshit.
You can contact as mod as well for their opinion. I know I did and this thread as been monitored.
Do you even have any interest in the duo team?