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Mother/Daughter Duo!


Behind the camera
Jun 18, 2011
It just kills me how you dance around your countless contradictions and try to put it on me.
What exactly am I putting on you? Like seriously????? I just said I take ownership for my opinion of your opinion. You said what you said. I formed an opinion. I actually said that I don't want to make an assumption. You replied with

I don't believe anyone suffers from abuse when they are an adult and freely consent to an action. Legally or morally as long as they are mentally fit.
I disagree. Period. You believe what you believe. I believe differently. Why is that wrong? In all honestly if you really want to continue on, then PM me, Email me or even call me on phone and we can debated it the high heavens. I am not going to change my opinion, but this thread is getting ridiculous.


Jun 20, 2008
Actually, you never said you disagreed with that statement. You only gave examples that didn't fit within the confines of that statement. Hence my confusion for your debate. If it's as simple as you don't agree with that then by all means. I don't understand why but that certainly is your perogative


Behind the camera
Jun 18, 2011
Actually, you never said you disagreed with that statement. You only gave examples that didn't fit within the confines of that statement. Hence my confusion for your debate. If it's as simple as you don't agree with that then by all means. I don't understand why but that certainly is your perogative
I don't know how you missed all the parts where I clearly said "I disagree", "you have your opinion, i have mine", "we can agree to disagree", but thank you for finally allowing me to disagree.

Can we agree this is done now?


New member
Nov 15, 2012
They are both consenting adults.... let's get back to talking about how fun it would be! :)

Mr. Piggy

Jul 4, 2007
Another thread hijacked by back and forth bullshit Maybe a mod needs to close this one too. Sheesh.

Mr. Piggy

Jul 4, 2007

Piggy???? Did you see the part where we worked it all out???? We are not talking about hot sexual tension sex. You really want to close the thread on that?
It started as a thread about a mother and daughter duo but didn't continue that way because of your back and forth bullshit. So yes it should be closed.


Behind the camera
Jun 18, 2011
It started as a thread about a mother and daughter duo but didn't continue that way because of your back and forth bullshit. So yes it should be closed.
Umm, I have to disagree, and for disclaimer purposes, this is only my opinion.

First, I can't solely have back AND forth bullshit unless I am talking to myself.

Also, I think that this thread could have taken a very different turn with the insults that were starting to pile up for the mom/daughter team. We only slightly went of topic about their services, but people where jumping with personally addressed issues of abuse between the mother and daughter. First8guy and I took it to a non-personal level regarding the two of them. We also worked it out, which does not happen very often on TERB and could be used as a good example. Not every thread needs to be closed because it doesn't go the way you/others want.

Now if you are interested in the duo teams services, you are welcome to continue on with this thread about it, or start a new one. You could also contact the duo team directly to find out some info. I think if someone had a review of these two, it would have been mention well before the two of us got into OUR back and forth bullshit.

You can contact as mod as well for their opinion. I know I did and this thread as been monitored.

Do you even have any interest in the duo team?

Mr. Piggy

Jul 4, 2007
Umm, I have to disagree, and for disclaimer purposes, this is only my opinion.

First, I can't solely have back AND forth bullshit unless I am talking to myself.

Also, I think that this thread could have taken a very different turn with the insults that were starting to pile up for the mom/daughter team. We only slightly went of topic about their services, but people where jumping with personally addressed issues of abuse between the mother and daughter. First8guy and I took it to a non-personal level regarding the two of them. We also worked it out, which does not happen very often on TERB and could be used as a good example. Not every thread needs to be closed because it doesn't go the way you/others want.

Now if you are interested in the duo teams services, you are welcome to continue on with this thread about it, or start a new one. You could also contact the duo team directly to find out some info. I think if someone had a review of these two, it would have been mention well before the two of us got into OUR back and forth bullshit.

You can contact as mod as well for their opinion. I know I did and this thread as been monitored.

Do you even have any interest in the duo team?
What the fuck ever. :closed_2:


New member
Nov 15, 2012
Anybody out that way can test em out and report back? Gonna be a couple three weeks before I head east.


Master Roshis Apprentice!
Oct 19, 2001
I would love to but not my Cup of tea, Give me a pair of Spinners mom daughter and i would be In Deep! P:) or identical Twins... man those 2 would be fun.


50 Shades of AJ
Nov 28, 2008

I would love to but not my Cup of tea, Give me a pair of Spinners mom daughter and i would be In Deep! P:) or identical Twins... man those 2 would be fun.
+1 for twin spinners. :Eek:
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